[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Infection will spread pretty quick. First sign is redness, fever in the area, and increasing tenderness. As things progress cellulitis will start to present itself. In my most recent case I noticed my entire thigh swelled up bad on day 3. For me the pain went from a pip to fucking crippling within 4 days. And I don't mean that pain you can push through. Worst pain I've ever experienced and if you need comparisons I can tell you about all my surgeries and wrecks. Worst pain ever. Every one is different and progression can be different.

I will tell you to make sure you are rotating sites if pinning frequently.View attachment 93904 View attachment 93905 View attachment 93906 View attachment 93907
Thanks , that just called me down a bit. Im just tender in the area, not limping or anything. I Probably just messed up going in or went in the same spot too soon. I’ll give it 3 more days to see if it gets better or worse before I get it checked. Hows the recovery going btw?
Infection will spread pretty quick. First sign is redness, fever in the area, and increasing tenderness. As things progress cellulitis will start to present itself. In my most recent case I noticed my entire thigh swelled up bad on day 3. For me the pain went from a pip to fucking crippling within 4 days. And I don't mean that pain you can push through. Worst pain I've ever experienced and if you need comparisons I can tell you about all my surgeries and wrecks. Worst pain ever. Every one is different and progression can be different.

I will tell you to make sure you are rotating sites if pinning frequently.View attachment 93904 View attachment 93905 View attachment 93906 View attachment 93907
Whos gear were you running I that shot when that happened? It could of been a dirty syringe or dirty area of injection. I've only tried to pin in my thigh once and I remember that I had to use a few alcohol pads to get it clean even though I had showered earlier that day (I think it was sweat from cardio). Now I only due glutes right after I shower, I even shave in that area so it's cleaner.
Thanks , that just called me down a bit. Im just tender in the area, not limping or anything. I Probably just messed up going in or went in the same spot too soon. I’ll give it 3 more days to see if it gets better or worse before I get it checked. Hows the recovery going btw?
Its getting better. Still have some pain. Walking with crutches. Progressing as expected.
Whos gear were you running I that shot when that happened? It could of been a dirty syringe or dirty area of injection. I've only tried to pin in my thigh once and I remember that I had to use a few alcohol pads to get it clean even though I had showered earlier that day (I think it was sweat from cardio). Now I only due glutes right after I shower, I even shave in that area so it's cleaner.
It had nothing to do with sterilization. What it was pinning TNE that was crashing at high temps. It crashed in depot. It created sterile abscesses. There was no fungi or bacilli present on my cultures.

I'm very thorough when it comes to being sterile and rotating sites. Things like pinning an area that isn't dry after a sterile wip can cause problems. So can pinning the same spot repeatedly if using shorter esters.
So 3 days after payment the communication ended. Not sure what’s so tough to say “got it” so I know. I could give a fuck over a couple hundred bucks. I would be cool with, I spent your money on hookers and blow and ripped you off. I am in a crunch and had to do a double order from another source. It’s the principle of it. Quick to respond with a quote and accept my money, then flat line.
So 3 days after payment the communication ended. Not sure what’s so tough to say “got it” so I know. I could give a fuck over a couple hundred bucks. I would be cool with, I spent your money on hookers and blow and ripped you off. I am in a crunch and had to do a double order from another source. It’s the principle of it. Quick to respond with a quote and accept my money, then flat line.
Just chill your pack will probably touchdown by Monday knowing how SAS does things. Send that money and forget that shit. There is over 300 pages here and never has a pack not made it.

The communication has been up and down with these guys. Hopefully right now its lacking because they are working do a restock. And I'm 100% they're sourcing on another board as well.
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How can you tell the difference between pip and infection. I know it isn’t the gear because it’s my 5th flute pin. It’s not crippling , its just tender and a small lump. No fever rash or redness. I can still walk deadlift and squat but I feel it the most if I squeeze my cheeks like at the top of a deadlift. Just wondering how long do I wait before I should see a doctor. I’m thinking it was a bad pin and I maybe moved the needle or some oil leaked out into the SubQ area. It’s only been 24hrs. Not really worried just trying to be proactive

What you are describing is just normal pip. If it’s getting red and hot to the touch and not improving after 4-5 days, you’ve got concern for infection.

Pin the muscle you’ll be working that same day. Helps to get the oils moving around and lessens pip.
So 3 days after payment the communication ended. Not sure what’s so tough to say “got it” so I know. I could give a fuck over a couple hundred bucks. I would be cool with, I spent your money on hookers and blow and ripped you off. I am in a crunch and had to do a double order from another source. It’s the principle of it. Quick to respond with a quote and accept my money, then flat line.
Communication shouldnt be spotty but the trend seems to be before a restock they go quiet. Probably because they're brewing. Be patient but also not condoning the behavior.
It had nothing to do with sterilization. What it was pinning TNE that was crashing at high temps. It crashed in depot. It created sterile abscesses. There was no fungi or bacilli present on my cultures.

I'm very thorough when it comes to being sterile and rotating sites. Things like pinning an area that isn't dry after a sterile wip can cause problems. So can pinning the same spot repeatedly if using shorter esters.
Damn bro glad you are getting better!! We try to minimize the risk but cannot eliminate completely. Thanks for letting the community know the journey man.
Damn bro glad you are getting better!! We try to minimize the risk but cannot eliminate completely. Thanks for letting the community know the journey man.
Thank you. Its definitely been a trip. The most important thing is to share my experience and hopefully it'll inform others of what to look out for, or not to do. This definitely isn't for the weak or faint. I decided to just stop my cycle about 3 weeks short and absolutely fell short of my goals but the take away is I'm helping myself heal properly. This isn't a race.

I'm going to cruise for probably the next 12 weeks on my TRT and then run a bulk. To be honest the next cycle might be my last full cycle. I got involved with a long time friend and she is a nurse. She is fine with my prescribed Test and probably fine with me running it high, but in all likelihood isn't going to be alright with the rest. Especially after this experience we just had. She'd probably kill me going through this again. I think the woman is worth more than cycling. I think we should all have a line in the sand.
Thank you. Its definitely been a trip. The most important thing is to share my experience and hopefully it'll inform others of what to look out for, or not to do. This definitely isn't for the weak or faint. I decided to just stop my cycle about 3 weeks short and absolutely fell short of my goals but the take away is I'm helping myself heal properly. This isn't a race.

I'm going to cruise for probably the next 12 weeks on my TRT and then run a bulk. To be honest the next cycle might be my last full cycle. I got involved with a long time friend and she is a nurse. She is fine with my prescribed Test and probably fine with me running it high, but in all likelihood isn't going to be alright with the rest. Especially after this experience we just had. She'd probably kill me going through this again. I think the woman is worth more than cycling. I think we should all have a line in the sand.
Yeah I totally agree. My girl is getting to that point. I would quit myself if she wanted me to. Sometimes there are bigger things in life

Pussys...Should be Pussies. Drop the y and add ie big dog. Lol.

Just fucking with you. Nah, gains ARE important. But not as important as a good girl by your side. Be that a wife or girlfriend you love. But gains are a close second!
Thank you. Its definitely been a trip. The most important thing is to share my experience and hopefully it'll inform others of what to look out for, or not to do. This definitely isn't for the weak or faint. I decided to just stop my cycle about 3 weeks short and absolutely fell short of my goals but the take away is I'm helping myself heal properly. This isn't a race.

I'm going to cruise for probably the next 12 weeks on my TRT and then run a bulk. To be honest the next cycle might be my last full cycle. I got involved with a long time friend and she is a nurse. She is fine with my prescribed Test and probably fine with me running it high, but in all likelihood isn't going to be alright with the rest. Especially after this experience we just had. She'd probably kill me going through this again. I think the woman is worth more than cycling. I think we should all have a line in the sand.

So what you're saying is test + orals for 4-6 weeks is fine lol
Pussys...Should be Pussies. Drop the y and add ie big dog. Lol.

Just fucking with you. Nah, gains ARE important. But not as important as a good girl by your side. Be that a wife or girlfriend you love. But gains are a close second!
I think someone of us stroll through our entire life waiting for the day when were done with the Miss. Right Nows. Well I think that may have happened and ill go back to natty gains to protect this. To see her in the hospital with me. The worry and the fear. Not even worth it. If you love it protect it.