[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I'm just messing with you brother. Do right by the people who love you and are deserving of your love. The rest will fall into place. Glad you found happiness.
Don't need that at 200mg a week. You got me though. SMH.
You know I'm just joking man. I totally get what you're saying. Been with my girl for 4 years. She's stuck with me through some shit, she stuck around at my worst and now gets me at my best. If she was distraught and in a similiar situation as you're lady I would be saying the same thing.

Don't need that at 200mg a week. You got me though. SMH.

You’ve been thru a lot recently but that was only from running a bad batch of gear. When squatch was selling it discounted I almost grabbed a whole bunch but at the last second thought “this is too good to be true”. Just do a better job of running good gear and the chances of any other problems like the shitty one you’re recovering from will be minimal.

I thought for sure my wife would have a problem with me blasting but I was completely blown away when she supported my decision. A good girl will accept you for who you are. Run your cruise, get healthy and you’ll be back in the game. This is a setback and it’s discouraging so you’re thinking negative about it. Your next blast might be 100% positive and you’ll enjoy it. Wait til then before tucking your balls between your legs and saying you’re done!
You’ve been thru a lot recently but that was only from running a bad batch of gear. When squatch was selling it discounted I almost grabbed a whole bunch but at the last second thought “this is too good to be true”. Just do a better job of running good gear and the chances of any other problems like the shitty one you’re recovering from will be minimal.

I thought for sure my wife would have a problem with me blasting but I was completely blown away when she supported my decision. A good girl will accept you for who you are. Run your cruise, get healthy and you’ll be back in the game. This is a setback and it’s discouraging so you’re thinking negative about it. Your next blast might be 100% positive and you’ll enjoy it. Wait til then before tucking your balls between your legs and saying you’re done!
Here's the only kicker to running gear with this woman. Because I'd never stop if it were just up to me. We are both recovering alcoholics among other things we did as well. She has no clue about me and PED's. Don't even know if I could ever mention it directly to her without setting off a chain reaction. So I just don't know if its worth continuing.

I've probably got a good solid four cycle multi-compound stash. I can run one hell of a cycle and get away with it, but I'm pushing going past that. That and I honestly don't feel right having secrets. That isn't how this works. Time will tell but it certainly isn't the time to talk about it right now. The Test I know she is ok with. Hell she does my injections. Its all the other compounds that put me in the gray area.
Here's the only kicker to running gear with this woman. Because I'd never stop if it were just up to me. We are both recovering alcoholics among other things we did as well. She has no clue about me and PED's. Don't even know if I could ever mention it directly to her without setting off a chain reaction. So I just don't know if its worth continuing.

I've probably got a good solid four cycle multi-compound stash. I can run one hell of a cycle and get away with it, but I'm pushing going past that. That and I honestly don't feel right having secrets. That isn't how this works. Time will tell but it certainly isn't the time to talk about it right now. The Test I know she is ok with. Hell she does my injections. Its all the other compounds that put me in the gray area.
No need to explain you being a real man and taking care of your business. Be you and get healed up. Do your thing and keep your peeps happy.
Here's one for the Squatch. I have followed this thread from the start in hopes to find a solid domestic source. Naturally I was drawn to the name of the lab. To my suprise Sas was able to answer all of you meso-bro's questions, jump through some hoops, prove himself solid while remaining cool calm and collective through all the source initiation. I have noticed meso has higher standard then most shit forums. Bullshit bro science gets called out here and I have learned alot just from lurking in the shadows and reading. But anyways I finally decided to order last Saturday after I figured out my coinbase app and litcoin. I ordered small because stock was low and I'm not going to run a cycle until fall when the weather cools off. However they have responded to all emails timely, and answered any questions. He emailed me when pack went out Monday. I had been on the road this week until I came home from work today and found my squatch pack in the mailbox. I ordered some test prop, mast enth and some AIs. I plan on adding the masteron to my test cruise and maybe up the test a bit because I wanna piss my ex off, get stupid ripped and bang her friends. Anyways I just wanted to say the pack came thru in a few days, Squatch rocks and I'm stoked for him to restock. I also wanted to thank all the meso bros for all of the valuable information and keeping it real.
Thanks for posting man!
