[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Cool, thanks for the info guys. Sas can you check your spam folder? Haven't heard anything for a week after confirmation of payment received . No hard feelings,I get youre busy
What you are describing is just normal pip. If it’s getting red and hot to the touch and not improving after 4-5 days, you’ve got concern for infection.

Pin the muscle you’ll be working that same day. Helps to get the oils moving around and lessens pip.
Yeah I just went to the hospital. It’s only been like 2 1/2 days but I’ve experienced pip before and it never made my buttcheek swell. Looks like I’m getting cellulite and slowly moving towards my thigh. Doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as the other day. And that only felt like I got punched in the butt , nothing crippling. Just very discomforting. A hot bath and Advil helped. It’s not red or hot or itchy. No fever. Just bothered by the fact it’s swelling like this. Trying to be proactive in the rare case it could potentially be an infection. I did poke it with a needle earlier to see if puss would come out and nothing(besides pure blood) did thankfully but I still want to be sure. And as far as my injection routine I took a shower. Wiped the area twice, let it dry and went in the proper injection site. Let the needle sit for a second before removing then massaged it. Never had this issue with Test E, Test P is not my friend at all.
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Yeah I just went to the hospital. It’s only been like 2 1/2 days but I’ve experienced pip before and it never made my buttcheek swell. Looks like I’m getting cellulite and slowly moving towards my thigh. Doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as the other day. And that only felt like I got punched in the butt , nothing crippling. Just very discomforting. A hot bath and Advil helped. It’s not red or hot or itchy. No fever. Just bothered by the fact it’s swelling like this. Trying to be proactive in the rare case it could potentially be an infection. I did poke it with a needle earlier to see if puss would come out and nothing(besides pure blood) did thankfully but I still want to be sure. And as far as my injection routine I took a shower. Wiped the area twice, let it dry and went in the proper injection site. Let the needle sit for a second before removing then massaged it. Never had this issue with Test E, Test P is not my friend at all.
I hope you get it resolved bud.
It doesn't hurt to be proactive could save a big chunk of muscle in a worse case scenario.
I hope you get it resolved bud.
It doesn't hurt to be proactive could save a big chunk of muscle in a worse case scenario.
Yeah the nurse said I should get a TRT doctor if I was going to do this and gave me the I’m too young for this speech. But she said it’s definitely not infected just inflamed. She said either I injected too frequently in that area or I missed the muscle or got some oil leakage from a bad pin. Physically I’m fine, it was a mental thing for me tbh. Its like the swelling went up then down then up again then down again. Pain almost nonexistent rn. But idk if that’s the Advil. She just said if I’m going to continue at least stay away from that site. She said to ice it but I read that icing it was bad and to only use a heat pad
Yeah the nurse said I should get a TRT doctor if I was going to do this and gave me the I’m too young for this speech. But she said it’s definitely not infected just inflamed. She said either I injected too frequently in that area or I missed the muscle or got some oil leakage from a bad pin. Physically I’m fine, it was a mental thing for me tbh. Its like the swelling went up then down then up again then down again. Pain almost nonexistent rn. But idk if that’s the Advil. She just said if I’m going to continue at least stay away from that site. She said to ice it but I read that icing it was bad and to only use a heat pad

You need to start rotating sites. Glutes, delts, quads and VG. They’re all pretty easy. It’s just getting past the mental block the first time you pin it.
Yeah I just went to the hospital. It’s only been like 2 1/2 days but I’ve experienced pip before and it never made my buttcheek swell. Looks like I’m getting cellulite and slowly moving towards my thigh. Doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as the other day. And that only felt like I got punched in the butt , nothing crippling. Just very discomforting. A hot bath and Advil helped. It’s not red or hot or itchy. No fever. Just bothered by the fact it’s swelling like this. Trying to be proactive in the rare case it could potentially be an infection. I did poke it with a needle earlier to see if puss would come out and nothing(besides pure blood) did thankfully but I still want to be sure. And as far as my injection routine I took a shower. Wiped the area twice, let it dry and went in the proper injection site. Let the needle sit for a second before removing then massaged it. Never had this issue with Test E, Test P is not my friend at all.
Glad you got it checked and its nothing. Get into site rotation its worth it. Especially if you ever pin more frequently or higher volume. Its just good practice.
I don't wanna give advice as I am simply sharing my experience. I did an "experiment" where I'd pin and rub the area slightly with my alcohol pads, pip was more intense than when I pinned and rub it for a minute, somewhat rough until my skin warmed up. No pip then. It helped dissipate the oil, if it accumulates it will hurt more for longer. (My opinion/experience). Take it easy on me Lol
Yeah I just went to the hospital. It’s only been like 2 1/2 days but I’ve experienced pip before and it never made my buttcheek swell. Looks like I’m getting cellulite and slowly moving towards my thigh. Doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as the other day. And that only felt like I got punched in the butt , nothing crippling. Just very discomforting. A hot bath and Advil helped. It’s not red or hot or itchy. No fever. Just bothered by the fact it’s swelling like this. Trying to be proactive in the rare case it could potentially be an infection. I did poke it with a needle earlier to see if puss would come out and nothing(besides pure blood) did thankfully but I still want to be sure. And as far as my injection routine I took a shower. Wiped the area twice, let it dry and went in the proper injection site. Let the needle sit for a second before removing then massaged it. Never had this issue with Test E, Test P is not my friend at all.

I’ve had your exact symptoms before a few times and all resolved themselves in 4-5 days. The one time I had cellulitis was a quad pin and by day 4 it starting getting cherry red and hot to the touch. By day 6 the redness and heat had overtaken my entire thigh and was creeping down my leg. Antibiotics knocked it out in a few days time.

Glad to hear yours is nothing serious.
I’ve had your exact symptoms before a few times and all resolved themselves in 4-5 days. The one time I had cellulitis was a quad pin and by day 4 it starting getting cherry red and hot to the touch. By day 6 the redness and heat had overtaken my entire thigh and was creeping down my leg. Antibiotics knocked it out in a few days time.

Glad to hear yours is nothing serious.

Which antibiotic exactly did you run?
Yeah I just went to the hospital. It’s only been like 2 1/2 days but I’ve experienced pip before and it never made my buttcheek swell. Looks like I’m getting cellulite and slowly moving towards my thigh. Doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as the other day. And that only felt like I got punched in the butt , nothing crippling. Just very discomforting. A hot bath and Advil helped. It’s not red or hot or itchy. No fever. Just bothered by the fact it’s swelling like this. Trying to be proactive in the rare case it could potentially be an infection. I did poke it with a needle earlier to see if puss would come out and nothing(besides pure blood) did thankfully but I still want to be sure. And as far as my injection routine I took a shower. Wiped the area twice, let it dry and went in the proper injection site. Let the needle sit for a second before removing then massaged it. Never had this issue with Test E, Test P is not my friend at all.
So my buddy is struggling with test p and have never had an issue with it as long I don’t do over 2ml. Same brand and site but he limping like a wounded vet. If you add a compound to it is it better for you? Wondering what he could..


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