[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

If you're hard pressed for an antibiotic, google

"azithromycin fish antibiotic"

You can buy it online.

Yup! And any other antibiotic you need.

Fun fact, fish antibiotics have the same marking numbers as prescription antibiotics if you get the usp kind.

Funny how both are made in same factory but one costs an arm and leg and the other doesn’t require the arm and leg.. funny how the pharmaceutical industry works[emoji30][emoji35][emoji30]
Excuse my ignorance, what is the usp kind?

USP stands for the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, which is an organization that bridges the gap between lack of government scrutiny of dietary supplements and the consumer's need for safe vitamins. ... The USP independently evaluates supplements for quality, purity and potency.

This was a copy and paste as I could not remember the exacts of it lol.
Funny as
USP stands for the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, which is an organization that bridges the gap between lack of government scrutiny of dietary supplements and the consumer's need for safe vitamins. ... The USP independently evaluates supplements for quality, purity and potency.

This was a copy and paste as I could not remember the exacts of it lol.

Better than saying, "They're the ones who make sure the shit you're taking is good."
I have to get mine ordered this week , like to take them this week actually. Can someone tag me in a post with the correct test/site. I havent had alot of time lately and don't normally need spoon fed but. . Life is busy help a guy out haha
Has anyone ran SAS Anavar at 100mgs a day? Experiences would be much appreciated.
I ran sas var @ 50mgs a day with 50 migs of left over PPL international var.

Although I think the raws came from the same place - I liked SAS's gear enough to just order 10 more packs - at 100mgs be prepared for random pumps throughout the day that could range from annoying to intense. I had headaches for the first week as my body adjusted but all in all loved it.

Ran it with TBol and Test E. Sas TBol is also fire.
I ran sas var @ 50mgs a day with 50 migs of left over PPL international var.

Although I think the raws came from the same place - I liked SAS's gear enough to just order 10 more packs - at 100mgs be prepared for random pumps throughout the day that could range from annoying to intense. I had headaches for the first week as my body adjusted but all in all loved it.

Ran it with TBol and Test E. Sas TBol is also fire.

I appreciate the input, the highest I have run Anavar is 60mgs of Pharmacom gear and it went very well alongside 750 mg Test E.

I hear 100 mgs of var a day is where the real magic happens (diet and training on point of course). When SAS adds Var on wednesday Ill put in a fat order.
I appreciate the input, the highest I have run Anavar is 60mgs of Pharmacom gear and it went very well alongside 750 mg Test E.

I hear 100 mgs of var a day is where the real magic happens (diet and training on point of course). When SAS adds Var on wednesday Ill put in a fat order.

The magic happens for me at 75mgs. Sufficient enough IMO but some others swear by 100mgs.
Yeah, honestly I would run tren but I want to give my body a break from the heavy hitters for awhile so the high dose var will be replacing that.

I think I'll start at 75mgs, and up the dose later if needed.

Life is so much simpler sticking to test/tren cycles.
Yup! And any other antibiotic you need.

Fun fact, fish antibiotics have the same marking numbers as prescription antibiotics if you get the usp kind.

Funny how both are made in same factory but one costs an arm and leg and the other doesn’t require the arm and leg.. funny how the pharmaceutical industry works[emoji30][emoji35][emoji30]
If u remember people were able to get fish antibiotics by stating that their fish's teeth were really hurting and most decent human beans dont want anyone's teeth hurting... even your fish!

