[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

So my buddy is struggling with test p and have never had an issue with it as long I don’t do over 2ml. Same brand and site but he limping like a wounded vet. If you add a compound to it is it better for you? Wondering what he could..

Well is he currently running anything besides Test? A lot of people use EQ to cut harsher compounds but I wouldn't recommend adding such a long ester compound to a cycle just for that reason.
Well is he currently running anything besides Test? A lot of people use EQ to cut harsher compounds but I wouldn't recommend adding such a long ester compound to a cycle just for that reason.
Yeah he wanted a test only cycle because he had a bad recovery last cycle. So I told him a 10 week test p cycle is what I would do. He is struggling with pip and I never thought test p had a bite. Guess my body just doesn’t hate it. He wants to stay away from long esters. Maybe adding some gso?
Isn't penicillin normally the "go to" antibiotic as long as you're not allergic?

Honestly I don’t know much about antibiotics except to avoid them unless their use absolutely necessary.

I remember getting 2 antibiotic shots and pills for the cellulitis, the nurse pinned em in my ventroglutes, which was great because I was blasting high test and npp at the time and was worried he’d pin over my gluteal pin spot from earlier that day.
Which antibiotic exactly did you run?
Yeah he wanted a test only cycle because he had a bad recovery last cycle. So I told him a 10 week test p cycle is what I would do. He is struggling with pip and I never thought test p had a bite. Guess my body just doesn’t hate it. He wants to stay away from long esters. Maybe adding some gso?

IMO/IME the less volume the better, obviously without going crazy high in mg per ml.
Swelling is finally going down. Definitely staying away from that cheek. Can’t blame the gear because I pinned another area shortly before I went to the hospital it’s fine , minimal pip. Probably overreacted a little since I’m still fairly new, google images just scared me a bit when I searched steroid infections. My next question is can you pin through tattoos? I heard it’s not a good idea because the ink can possibly get inside your injection
Swelling is finally going down. Definitely staying away from that cheek. Can’t blame the gear because I pinned another area shortly before I went to the hospital it’s fine , minimal pip. Probably overreacted a little since I’m still fairly new, google images just scared me a bit when I searched steroid infections. My next question is can you pin through tattoos? I heard it’s not a good idea because the ink can possibly get inside your injection

Pin my trt all the time through tats.
No issues.

Not sure how the ink would get into injection unless it was brand new.
Swelling is finally going down. Definitely staying away from that cheek. Can’t blame the gear because I pinned another area shortly before I went to the hospital it’s fine , minimal pip. Probably overreacted a little since I’m still fairly new, google images just scared me a bit when I searched steroid infections. My next question is can you pin through tattoos? I heard it’s not a good idea because the ink can possibly get inside your injection

Nonsense. When I pin delts, my tats are great for markers so I can hit different spots in the same small area.
Isn't penicillin normally the "go to" antibiotic as long as you're not allergic?
I'm not allergic to penicillin and I've never met been prescribed it, I'm usually prescribed amoxicillin. I've never had an infection from IM or IV though.

I think penicillin is an older anti biotic.