[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.
Damn. That is a shame, ripped filter maybe?
Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.
How long ago did you get them. @kendallkmw , look familiar?
Isn't this the SECOND time this has happened with this lab now?

Didn't they say that they were already going to upgrade their filtering system?

If they did so like they said... then how is this happening a SECOND time again???
Isn't this the SECOND time this has happened with this lab now?

Didn't they say that they were already going to upgrade their filtering system?

If they did so like they said... then how is this happening a SECOND time again???
How tf they live to do this shit twice?
I ran sas var @ 50mgs a day with 50 migs of left over PPL international var.

Although I think the raws came from the same place - I liked SAS's gear enough to just order 10 more packs - at 100mgs be prepared for random pumps throughout the day that could range from annoying to intense. I had headaches for the first week as my body adjusted but all in all loved it.

Ran it with TBol and Test E. Sas TBol is also fire.
Hey man, I'm new here and curious what your positive experience was with SAS Tbol? Also, curious as to what daily dosage you are running? I am about to add TBol to my cycle and have never run it before so I got pretty perky when I saw your review and am curious to know what type of effects you experienced so I can get an idea of what to expect myself. I've been running 625mg Sustanon a week for almost 10 weeks and I am going to add EQ at 450mg per week for the final 14 weeks of the cycle (its a 24 week cycle) and TBol for the first 7 of those final 14 so I don't get too frustrated waiting for the first EQ shots to hit lol. Looking forward to hearing your experience...thanks!
Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.
Fuck, that's depressing; I just ordered some gear too. This is why it's smart to re filter all UGL gear.
Amen!!!! I'm bout to start brewing my own shit. I don't like what has been happening around here. God forbid a trustworthy domestic ugl show up and stick around.
I Agree. Unfuckingreal how easy it is for them to check their shit just like we “have” to now...it’d at least prevent it from getting shipped but nooooo. Like “fuck someone’s health, I don’t want to refilter this shit”..
I Agree. Unfuckingreal how easy it is for them to check their shit just like we “have” to now...it’d at least prevent it from getting shipped but nooooo. Like “fuck someone’s health, I don’t want to refilter this shit”..

Scary shit. The almighty dollar has been the downfall of many. They may get that quick buck but greed will always fuck you. More times than not. Slow and steady always wins the race.
Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.

Try heating it up. Test C looks like that when it crashes, which it does so much more easily than Test E at 250 mg/mL. This is why pharmaceutical companies tend to make it at 200mg/mL.

Let us know if that fixes your issue.

Actually Test C generally gets an overall hazy look to it when it starts to crash, then followed by the "snowglobe" effect.

Really need better pics of the vials in full lighting, but those appear to be floaters...
If I wanted to filter my gear I’d brew it myself. We’re paying the UGL to do the work.
I agree with you 100% but we don't live in a perfect world and you can't trust UGL's. Even if you can't see any contaminates how can you trust that none are present especially after situations like this. I'm okay with paying another $10 to filter and rebottle my ugl gear even if it's for a piece of mind.
Actually Test C generally gets an overall hazy look to it when it starts to crash, then followed by the "snowglobe" effect.

Really need better pics of the vials in full lighting, but those appear to be floaters...

It's good to stay cautious especially when health/safety is on the line.
IME though, that's what it looks like. Little slivers of precipitate with the rest of the oil looking normal. I would expect us to catch something of that size before shipping, but you never know.

The melting point of Test C is around 100C so if we could get that vial heated to that temperature for about 20 minutes then we'll know for sure.

It's good to stay cautious especially when health/safety is on the line.
IME though, that's what it looks like. Little slivers of precipitate with the rest of the oil looking normal. I would expect us to catch something of that size before shipping, but you never know.

The melting point of Test C is around 100C so if we could get that vial heated to that temperature for about 20 minutes then we'll know for sure.


That's usually true with Test P or E. Cyp tends to haze over first before showing a clump, but a lot of factors do come into play, especially how long it takes for a sizeable temp change. The quicker the temp drops, the more likely it is to see hormone crystalize in clear oil rather than haze up as if there were moisture present.

I still say we really need to see better pictures, but I also gotta ask why would Test be crashing at a dose not considered a high concentration in the month of July? Unless it is being stored in a fucking a/c vent, 250mg/mL should hold without issue...
That's usually true with Test P or E. Cyp tends to haze over first before showing a clump, but a lot of factors do come into play, especially how long it takes for a sizeable temp change. The quicker the temp drops, the more likely it is to see hormone crystalize in clear oil rather than haze up as if there were moisture present.

I still say we really need to see better pictures, but I also gotta ask why would Test be crashing at a dose not considered a high concentration in the month of July? Unless it is being stored in a fucking a/c vent, 250mg/mL should hold without issue...

Quite a few of our vials crash at room temperature using a recipe of 1/20. It's melting point is ~100C while Test E's is only ~34C.
We've decided that our next batch is going to be made at 200mg/mL and priced at $25 each. Comes about to about the same price per gram.

Quite a few of our vials crash at room temperature using a recipe of 1/20. It's melting point is ~100C while Test E's is only ~34C.
We've decided that our next batch is going to be made at 200mg/mL and priced at $25 each. Comes about to about the same price per gram.

I've made probably close to a thousand (maybe more) vials of Cyp at 250 and never had an issue using 2/18-2/20. The melting point is no longer applicable at those temps when adding the variable of a solvent, as you can go well below those temps and the gear will hold due to the presence of BB (and to a lesser extent, BA) which changes the temp that gear will solidify or melt.

I wouldn't rush to drop the concentration to 200mg if this ends up being a crashing concern rather than contaminant, but look into changing ratios instead. The crashing issues with Cyp are way overblown on the web. 2/20 is more than enough to hold 250mg/mL at most any reasonable temp if the raws are legit and the brewing process is correct.

I still would like better pics, for all we know that shit is a piece of fucking whatman floating around waiting to be injected in someone's ass....