[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.
Thanks for posting this man. But are there anyway you can take better pics? Use your flashlight on your phone. Set the vial on the light and take a pic like that. It’ll be easier for members to possibly tell what it may be.
Sas is saying it’s possibly crashing somewhat. Without better pics it’s hard to tell. If you do decide to heat it and it does dissolve let us know. Being that it’s Cyp it’s very possible that it may be crashing.
Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.
What does it appear to be in your opinion? I just can't tell from the picture. Not trying to make any assumptions because I know what I saw in mine but i was wondering if that was possibly a crystal where it might be crashing or is it definitely some type of particulate.
I had a bottle of cyp arrive like this back in May. Put in some warm water and it went away and didn’t happen again in hat vial.
I will be heating the vial up tomorrow and I am hoping it turned out to be crashed. I'll definitely post back to clear everything up with you guys as well. If it doesn't clear up then I'll try harder to get some clearer pictures, I just don't have a good light source and my phone doesn't want to focus too close up.
Hey man, I'm new here and curious what your positive experience was with SAS Tbol? Also, curious as to what daily dosage you are running? I am about to add TBol to my cycle and have never run it before so I got pretty perky when I saw your review and am curious to know what type of effects you experienced so I can get an idea of what to expect myself. I've been running 625mg Sustanon a week for almost 10 weeks and I am going to add EQ at 450mg per week for the final 14 weeks of the cycle (its a 24 week cycle) and TBol for the first 7 of those final 14 so I don't get too frustrated waiting for the first EQ shots to hit lol. Looking forward to hearing your experience...thanks!

Hey brother,
You definitely should be excited about running sas TBol (or any legit legit tbol for that matter). Although I'm not quite sure about the ramifications of running it mid cycle although as a kick starter for the EQ (which makes sense) - some more experienced heads are going to have to comment on that. I ran it quite high at 50mg sas TBol with 20mg of PPL international Tbol thrown in there. 70mg is definitely high side but to each his own! I ran it with the var as I said as a kickstarter for this blast of test e and deca. The tbol's most drastic effect for me is the strength increases. All of my maxes went up significantly within the kickstart and when I dropped the tbol, I kept most of the strength (but keep in mind this is when the oils long acting esther started to kick in). I 10000% recommend you run tbol with Tudca as it is hepatoxic and IMO TUDCA is the go to for liver protection. Tbol is very synergistic with other substances and I believe you are going to love it if you dose safely and train/diet right.

Can some of the older/experienced heads comment on a midcycle oral thrown in there?

Hey brother,
You definitely should be excited about running sas TBol (or any legit legit tbol for that matter). Although I'm not quite sure about the ramifications of running it mid cycle although as a kick starter for the EQ (which makes sense) - some more experienced heads are going to have to comment on that. I ran it quite high at 50mg sas TBol with 20mg of PPL international Tbol thrown in there. 70mg is definitely high side but to each his own! I ran it with the var as I said as a kickstarter for this blast of test e and deca. The tbol's most drastic effect for me is the strength increases. All of my maxes went up significantly within the kickstart and when I dropped the tbol, I kept most of the strength (but keep in mind this is when the oils long acting esther started to kick in). I 10000% recommend you run tbol with Tudca as it is hepatoxic and IMO TUDCA is the go to for liver protection. Tbol is very synergistic with other substances and I believe you are going to love it if you dose safely and train/diet right.

Can some of the older/experienced heads comment on a midcycle oral thrown in there?


Orals as kick starts don’t make sense unless in a short 8 week cycle.

Orals are best used towards the end. Myostatin is a bitch and on a long run you have to keep outpacing the bastard.

By either adding in a compound or upping dosages.
Asked this awhile ago. Kickstarting with orals isn't the most practical use of orals. Around week 8 when myostatin kicks in, that's when you can introduce orals for optimal results.

With the short ester Test P/PP + NPP you should feel it pretty soon anyway, so really no need in the beginning. Wait until you feel you hit a plateau in the cycle then end strong with 4-6 weeks.

Apparently dianabol is very synergistic with nandrolones
Asked this awhile ago. Kickstarting with orals isn't the most practical use of orals. Around week 8 when myostatin kicks in, that's when you can introduce orals for optimal results.

With the short ester Test P/PP + NPP you should feel it pretty soon anyway, so really no need in the beginning. Wait until you feel you hit a plateau in the cycle then end strong with 4-6 weeks.

Apparently dianabol is very synergistic with nandrolones
Thanks man I’ve got anadrol on hand but was thinking dbol or superdrol. Thanks for the feedback
@Roger rabbit so I will be starting short 8 week npp/tpp or test p cycle. Any suggestions on an oral kickstart?
No disrespect to rabbit but try var for three days then abombs for three days then var,then abombs,etc. I was running it with the help of rabbit for about two weeks and i was loving it. Had a slight hiccup and cut it short so didnt get to finish it out like planned.
Yeah man I figured why not. Will look in to what you said for sure. I tried r and r var and didn’t get much from it on 100mg per day
If you are running a 8 week cycle i say hit that shit at the first. Takes atleast two weeks for me to feel npp good.