[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

No disrespect to rabbit but try var for three days then abombs for three days then var,then abombs,etc. I was running it with the help of rabbit for about two weeks and i was loving it. Had a slight hiccup and cut it short so didnt get to finish it out like planned.

This too! Same principle[emoji106][emoji51][emoji106]

Var+ abombs or abombs + winny are great combos.
Hey brother,
You definitely should be excited about running sas TBol (or any legit legit tbol for that matter). Although I'm not quite sure about the ramifications of running it mid cycle although as a kick starter for the EQ (which makes sense) - some more experienced heads are going to have to comment on that. I ran it quite high at 50mg sas TBol with 20mg of PPL international Tbol thrown in there. 70mg is definitely high side but to each his own! I ran it with the var as I said as a kickstarter for this blast of test e and deca. The tbol's most drastic effect for me is the strength increases. All of my maxes went up significantly within the kickstart and when I dropped the tbol, I kept most of the strength (but keep in mind this is when the oils long acting esther started to kick in). I 10000% recommend you run tbol with Tudca as it is hepatoxic and IMO TUDCA is the go to for liver protection. Tbol is very synergistic with other substances and I believe you are going to love it if you dose safely and train/diet right.

Can some of the older/experienced heads comment on a midcycle oral thrown in there?

Thanks for the input, EQ and Roger!

Awesome, strength is exactly what I am hoping to gain from it most! I had read that real TBol would give a significant boost to muscular strength and endurance so I am glad to hear some anecdotal evidence.

I was thinking of starting with 37.5mg and then move to 50mg if all is well after 3 weeks or so...do you feel that is an adequate starting dose or would y’all recommend higher/lower to start?

Concerning the liver support, perhaps we could discuss that more in depth because I am not a believer in liver support products - this is something I am really curious to hear more about from people who have experience running oral cycles and whether they have found liver support products to be a vital cog or not.

My thinking on adding the TBol/EQ in the middle of the long cycle is kind’ve what you are saying Roger about trying to stay ahead of Myostatin and meanwhile I’m also trying to keep the dosages, number of compounds, and number of required injections reasonable...I figured 10 weeks of 625mg Sust (which is the highest Test I have ever run in a cycle) would start to lose its effect by the 10 week mark but if I just added in the EQ then I’d be waiting 3-4 weeks for a significant effect and 6-7 for max blood levels and my 7 week TBol “kick start” would sort of fill in that gap. I may be overthinking it and if so please tell me - I am a pretty new user with this being my 5th cycle after starting about 3 years ago; this is also my longest cycle (24 weeks), has the most i’ve run in a single cycle mg per mg, and it will also be my first oral.

Thanks all!

Thanks for the input, EQ and Roger!

Awesome, strength is exactly what I am hoping to gain from it most! I had read that real TBol would give a significant boost to muscular strength and endurance so I am glad to hear some anecdotal evidence.

I was thinking of starting with 37.5mg and then move to 50mg if all is well after 3 weeks or so...do you feel that is an adequate starting dose or would y’all recommend higher/lower to start?

Concerning the liver support, perhaps we could discuss that more in depth because I am not a believer in liver support products - this is something I am really curious to hear more about from people who have experience running oral cycles and whether they have found liver support products to be a vital cog or not.

My thinking on adding the TBol/EQ in the middle of the long cycle is kind’ve what you are saying Roger about trying to stay ahead of Myostatin and meanwhile I’m also trying to keep the dosages, number of compounds, and number of required injections reasonable...I figured 10 weeks of 625mg Sust (which is the highest Test I have ever run in a cycle) would start to lose its effect by the 10 week mark but if I just added in the EQ then I’d be waiting 3-4 weeks for a significant effect and 6-7 for max blood levels and my 7 week TBol “kick start” would sort of fill in that gap. I may be overthinking it and if so please tell me - I am a pretty new user with this being my 5th cycle after starting about 3 years ago; this is also my longest cycle (24 weeks), has the most i’ve run in a single cycle mg per mg, and it will also be my first oral.

Thanks all!

Hey Jack, do you mind making a cycle post over in the regular forum and tagging me/rabbit whoever in it? We would love to chat and hopefully give you some help over in your own thread bro!
Running 400-500mg Test C EOD
Free test was 1872

Bloods are taken 48 hours post last injection
I do take adx and letrozole as needed.

after running large amounts of tren and winny with the anti e my cholesterol is all fucked up so now gonna cruise back down repair the body and rego.


  • heavybloods1.png
    284.3 KB · Views: 47
Previously got some vials from R&R, saw they had contaminated vials, and left, so I haven't ran their shit. So I ordered from Sasquatch cause the thread looked good enough.

Got 25mg/ml test-c in. All vials looked good until I saw this floating around this one. I have no idea what it is. Two little pieces of something. I figured the community might want to see as well. Maybe I am wrong or right. I sent Sasquatch an email as well, hopefully I can get an answer on this soon enough.

I hope these images upload high enough res to zoom into it, my phone camera and light is trash.
What’s the verdict? Did you try heating it up to see if it disappeared?
Running 400-500mg Test C EOD
Free test was 1872

Bloods are taken 48 hours post last injection
I do take adx and letrozole as needed.

after running large amounts of tren and winny with the anti e my cholesterol is all fucked up so now gonna cruise back down repair the body and rego.
If you dont know or don’t care but is that your name on the sheet. Everything else is blacked out except for that. Just saying......
Placed an order Saturday got email confirmation that items where shipped Monday. Should Touchdown soon. I will keep you guys posted & also will be doing bloods. As far as email communication response time was anywhere from 4-12 hours, but answered all my emails.

Test E


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