[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

@Sasquatch Labs
Will you ever make Test Cyp in 100 or 200ml/mg?

Also, why you go with 250 ml/mg in the first place
Isn't the pharmaceutical grade 200ml/mg.
Why UGL choose 250ml/mg?
Can anyone explain.
My understanding is most UGL's pack as much active ingredient in as possible per ML because they know their products are being used as performance enhancing AAS and not TRT.

Pharmaceutical companies want a stable, well performing and reasonable product on the market for legitimate use.

This is the best explanation I could provide given I am about to pass the fuck out.
(US Domestic)


I am Jay from Sasquatch Labs. Dino and Becca will be helping me in the lab and with customer service.
I have been creating protein supplements for 4+ years.
We are here to offer the highest quality product at competitive pricing and with exceptional customer service.
We will be operating with complete transparency. Emails are currently being answered all day. Our current T/A is 2-5 days.
We are expanding as quickly as possible and will be offering new products to soon be your next one stop shop.


All glassware is washed in liquinox and rinsed twice with deionized water.
We wear hazmat suits and work on a sanitized nonporous surface.
We use a custom-made laminar flow hood with a HEPA grade filter.
Oils are prefiltered through a .45 micron filter and then through a .2 micron filter.
All materials are washed and sterilized with our dry heat sterilizer.
Products are labelled.




Every order over $60 will receive:

- Free shipping
- 1 free test propionate
- 1 free oral of your choice


Product | Price | Concentration
Test E | $20 | 250mg/mL
Test P | $20 | 100mg/mL
Test P | $20 | 100mg/mL
(with EO)
Mast E | $40 | 250mg/mL
Mast P | $30 | 100mg/mL
Tren E | $40 | 200mg/mL
Tren A | $30 | 100mg/mL
DHB* | $30 | 100mg/mL
Deca | $30 | 250mg/mL
EQ | $35 | 300mg/mL

Carrier Oil: MCT
We use silicone stoppers and flip tops.
All vials are 10-11mL.

*NOTE: DHB is known to cause PIP. Use at your own risk.
If you have an adverse reaction, it is because of the nature of the compound.


Product | Price | Dosage | Quantity
Dbol | $20 | 25mg | 30ct
M Tren | $20 | 500μg | 30ct
Anadrol | $20 | 25mg | 30ct
Anadrol | $15 | 12.5mg | 60ct
Anavar | $25 | 25mg | 30ct

Capsule size: #4
Filler: Baking Soda


Minimum Order: None
Shipping: $10 (Free if you spend $60)
Payment: BTC
Email: sasquatchsst@tutanota.com
Current T/A: 2-5 days

We ship US domestic only.
Please use a Tutanota or Protonmail email address.
Tutanota is preferred.

Thank you.

Im trying to email you guys but don’t really get the email it want go threw!
@Sasquatch Labs
Will you ever make Test Cyp in 100 or 200ml/mg?

Also, why you go with 250 ml/mg in the first place
Isn't the pharmaceutical grade 200ml/mg.
Why UGL choose 250ml/mg?
Can anyone explain.
When people are shooting 500+, they want to minimize volume. Can you imagine shooting 5ml just to get 500mg? God forbid someone is on 750....

If you want to shoot 100, you measure out .4 ml@250. Syringes are clearly marked.
@Sasquatch Labs
Will you ever make Test Cyp in 100 or 200ml/mg?

Also, why you go with 250 ml/mg in the first place
Isn't the pharmaceutical grade 200ml/mg.
Why UGL choose 250ml/mg?
Can anyone explain.

Compounding pharmacy’s make 250mg/ml from trt clinics.

It’s a myth that only legal test is 200mg/ml

Every legal pharmacy/ lab / company can choose what they have their mg/ml at. But most choose 200mg due to the fact that is typically what most doctors prescribe a patient for trt dosage.
Hey guys!
I won't be Johnny on the spot with emails for the next few days, I'll be busy in the lab working on a restock!

All emails will get responded to just not in 15 minutes like you're used to!

Big Hairy Fuck
Got my blood results back today. Test was taken 48 hours since last pin. Currently on Sas Test E 500mg/week. Just started to throw in Winny since I’m going on 8 weeks. My est is a little high so I will start taking sas a-dex and monitor. So far cycle has been good. Gained about 17 lbs of lean muscle. If there is anything that jumps out from my bloods please let me know. Thanks.


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Got my blood results back today. Test was taken 48 hours since last pin. Currently on Sas Test E 500mg/week. Just started to throw in Winny since I’m going on 8 weeks. My est is a little high so I will start taking sas a-dex and monitor. So far cycle has been good. Gained about 17 lbs of lean muscle. If there is anything that jumps out from my bloods please let me know. Thanks.
What was your pinning schedule? 2x a week?
Got my blood results back today. Test was taken 48 hours since last pin. Currently on Sas Test E 500mg/week. Just started to throw in Winny since I’m going on 8 weeks. My est is a little high so I will start taking sas a-dex and monitor. So far cycle has been good. Gained about 17 lbs of lean muscle. If there is anything that jumps out from my bloods please let me know. Thanks.

Why do you feel e2 is high? Because the paper says so? ( not being mean just sounds like I am in text words)

Understand your test has raised and e2 follows. It should be higher than when you are not on cycle. This helps with gains.
Why do you feel e2 is high? Because the paper says so? ( not being mean just sounds like I am in text words)

Understand your test has raised and e2 follows. It should be higher than when you are not on cycle. This helps with gains.
Not taken as mean at all bro. I take bloods three times during cycle. First bloods I had my emwas about 115 took a dex eod .5 until I got it under control. I’m one of the weird ones that when my e is higher, so is my libido.

More rambling than anything... lol sorry... to answer your question simply. Yes. I think e should be lower to achieve dryer gains
As long as Test to estrogen is roughly 25-30:1 you are fine . You need estrogen to get maximum results you are at 62:1 test to estrogen lol.

Also side note I see your eGFR is below 60 which is kidneys that seems a little low , anyone else see that in test ? I think below 60 means kidneys could be at risk , how have last tests been for gfr
As long as Test to estrogen is roughly 25-30:1 you are fine . You need estrogen to get maximum results you are at 62:1 test to estrogen lol.

Also side not I see your eGFR is below 60 which is kidneys that seems a little low , anyone else see that in test ?
That is helpful. Thanks man.

Any input about my eGFR is more than welcomed!