[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I’m not trying to bash you, but 17lbs of lean mass is not possible. You’re holding water and your nitrogen/glycogen retention are both up. That’s great because you’re staying lean and looking vascular because you still have abs which means you’re not getting sloppy. You sound like a newer gear user so I’d be happy with 5-8lbs of lean mass gained over the course of a cycle which can’t be measured until your levels have naturally normalized. Keep up the good work, just trying to help a brother out with info.
You’re right. I am newer. I guess I got
Too excited when I saw the scale jump up lol. I think the fact I increased calories way above my maintenance level is why Ingained so much. I would say 8 lbs of actual muscle sounds about right.

Now I’m just over here stressing the f out about my kidneys...
Oh I mis-understood then. I thought you had been on winstrol when you had the blood drawn.

I would agree with the other member then on the results being more than likely muscle breaking down, extra protein.. etc which affected your tests results.
Am I freaking out about
Nothing then?
You’re right. I am newer. I guess I got
Too excited when I saw the scale jump up lol. I think the fact I increased calories way above my maintenance level is why Ingained so much. I would say 8 lbs of actual muscle sounds about right.

Now I’m just over here stressing the f out about my kidneys...
I wouldn’t worry just don’t drink alcohol and keep your water consumption high. No worries on getting excited about the scale jump brother. That’s what it’s all about. I just want you to be realistic in your expectations. This is the best site for help so feel free to hit me up for advice here or in a PM.
Am I freaking out about
Nothing then?
BUN, creatinine among other things are always out of whack. My troponin was high indicating a MI last time I had blood work done but my doc knows I work out very hard and she wasn’t concerned. In the medical field they treat the patient, not the numbers.

The biggest concern for me is blood pressure and estrogen control. Worst thing for the heart and kidneys hands down.
Am I freaking out about
Nothing then?
Don't freak out but this is also not "nothing." Continue with your plan. Stay off the orals and in about 4 weeks get bloods run again after fasting for at least 8 hours (overnight basically) and don't work out or perform any strenuous activity before they draw the blood. Then, if everything returned to normal, you are likely healthy.
Yeah just about to place another order. Good thing I looked through the past few pages. Looks like they might have some issues again. What the fuck. Guess I’ll wait and see how this plays out
Yeah just about to place another order. Good thing I looked through the past few pages. Looks like they might have some issues again. What the fuck. Guess I’ll wait and see how this plays out
Right , we don’t need another possible “security breach” ... definitely holding off
Lol its an issue now - unless not being able to answer e-mails for 2 days straight is adequate in business nowadays lol.
Yeah. I mean give a legit timeframe so we don’t start rioting and getting out pitchforks out. I’m in no hurry but moved money to my wallet so ready to stock up.
Yeah. I mean give a legit timeframe so we don’t start rioting and getting out pitchforks out. I’m in no hurry but moved money to my wallet so ready to stock up.
The funniest post I ever saw on this forum was @hookairs when people were witch hunting padawan and daylight driller on the RnR forum - somebody called out daylight and hookairs just said:

::grabs pitchfork with one hand lantern with the other and joins angry mob::

That shit had me rolling for 10 minutes straight and days later any time I thought of it. Classic shit.
Damn.. I placed mines after that and already received it. Have you heard anything yet ?

Still haven’t heard back from @Sasquatch Labs and we’re at day 10, I guess we are in international t/a now. In the past orders they’d reply with payment confirmation & send shipping confirmation within 48 hours, not this time tho. I’m not too happy with this experience.