[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey bro he said they were going to be super busy in the lab working on product that was going to be a little slower for a bit. Don't trip
Really? I work in a lab sometimes. I don’t get to not answer my emails because I’m in the lab. You also don’t live in a lab so unless they are in Biosphere 2 that’s probably the worst excuse I’ve ever heard for not answering emails.
Really? I work in a lab sometimes. I don’t get to not answer my emails because I’m in the lab. You also don’t live in a lab so unless they are in Biosphere 2 that’s probably the worst excuse I’ve ever heard for not answering emails.
All I'm saying is they gave a heads up. So slow replies are expected
All I'm saying is they gave a heads up. So slow replies are expected

A heads up and a don't trip arent the same thing.. We are supposed to be looking out for each other, 10 days for a package to arrive and no answers given, I think it's fair to question.
All I'm saying is they gave a heads up. So slow replies are expected
They didn't give a heads up - they reacted to the growing dis-ease. They waited until multiple people were here looking for an answer on why they weren't getting a response and then came here and gave a BS one instead of simply e-mailing the few people back and saying "it went out yesterday" or "it didn't go out yet." We are acting as if responding to e-mails is a long, difficult process that takes an enormous amount of time and there could be no way anybody could do something else and still answer e-mails - am I in the fucking twilight zone here?
I think it’s safe to say everyone is just a bit more cautious and on edge due to the recent unfortunate events with R&R. Sucks that other labs have to suffer for what they did but that’s just human nature. You learn from past mistakes which was getting too comfortable and too trusting. I see an alleged snitch floating around. I see email issues. And I see delayed shipments. I’m not trying to cause a panic but I’ll be damned if I take another loss. SAS just might be busy in the lab getting eveything ready , carefully inspecting vials to make sure they’re of high quality... but my mind is telling me “this feels like DeJavu...wait 2 more weeks just to see what happens next”
Still haven’t heard back from @Sasquatch Labs and we’re at day 10, I guess we are in international t/a now. In the past orders they’d reply with payment confirmation & send shipping confirmation within 48 hours, not this time tho. I’m not too happy with this experience.

Did you ever get payment/shipping confirmation and are just waiting on the pack now?
Did you ever get payment/shipping confirmation and are just waiting on the pack now?

I got a “we’ll send it out ASAP” after I sent payment, no shipping conformation, a week later and after a couple emails I got “I’ll check with my re-shipper and get back to you ASAP.” That was 3 days ago and last I heard.

In short yes on payment confirmation no on shipping confirmation, waiting on pack
They didn't give a heads up - they reacted to the growing dis-ease. They waited until multiple people were here looking for an answer on why they weren't getting a response and then came here and gave a BS one instead of simply e-mailing the few people back and saying "it went out yesterday" or "it didn't go out yet." We are acting as if responding to e-mails is a long, difficult process that takes an enormous amount of time and there could be no way anybody could do something else and still answer e-mails - am I in the fucking twilight zone here?
Thanks for catching me up. What a bummer.
If they at least said “sorry we messed up and forgot to ship your package but we’re going to immediately” I’d understand but the silence is frustrating
If they at least said “sorry we messed up and forgot to ship your package but we’re going to immediately” I’d understand but the silence is frustrating
Exactly - I couldn't care less if they made some sort of mistake as long as I was in the loop. If they just stayed up with comms I would immediately back off and shut my mouth; in fact, I never would've opened it in the first place. But now, I am stuck in my own head and that, my friends, is a dangerous place to be lol.
I think it’s safe to say everyone is just a bit more cautious and on edge due to the recent unfortunate events with R&R. Sucks that other labs have to suffer for what they did but that’s just human nature. You learn from past mistakes which was getting too comfortable and too trusting. I see an alleged snitch floating around. I see email issues. And I see delayed shipments. I’m not trying to cause a panic but I’ll be damned if I take another loss. SAS just might be busy in the lab getting eveything ready , carefully inspecting vials to make sure they’re of high quality... but my mind is telling me “this feels like DeJavu...wait 2 more weeks just to see what happens next”

Snitch floating around? Who might that be? LMFAO
If you know you know, if you don’t you don’t. But I was always told a hit dog is going to holler sooo take what you want from that. I wasn’t talking about you but now you making me nervous too

Dude, I'm 100% positive who you are talking about. I was fucking around. I didn't expect you to answer. I already know. And don't let me make you nervous. I'm a nobody. Seriously.
Dude, I'm 100% positive who you are talking about. I was fucking around. I didn't expect you to answer. I already know. And don't let me make you nervous. I'm a nobody. Seriously.
It’s hard to tell if things are a joke or a jab through text sometimes. My bad. Can’t really hear the tone behind the text and I just assume the worst
I’m gonna assume that the guys who are waiting a long time for their packs are do to Sas not actually having it in stock. This has happened multiple times in this thread.
Either way anything over a week for domestic is ridiculous.
But this also isn’t the first time that communication has been lacking.
One more thing is that seems to repeat itself in this thread is guys freakin out every time history repeats itself.
(After the R&R bullshit I can’t say I blame ya though.)
Sas did post that communication would be slow in emails. So it’s not like they didn’t give somewhat of a heads up.
I am not defending this lab whatsoever. Just pointing out how things have went in the past.
Poor quality and poor communication with any lab shouldn’t be tolerated. So I’m glad members are complaining how things are going right now.
Any good operation would listen to these complaints and fix the issues @Sasquatch Labs
This is nothing new. Packs will start landing and the hysteria will die down.

In a few weeks everyone will grab their torches and pitchforks again when communication gets slow.

Not saying I support this practice but it's really nothing new here.

Fwiw I'm waiting on a pack as well.