[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I just watched an interview Nick Trigili and Don Cardone did with Ameen Alai and he was talking about his experiences with SARMs as a tool he used to recover from injury and surgery - specifically with hernia surgery - and he talked about the anti-inflammatory and anti-catabolic effects he got while recovering. He specifically said Ostarine worked great for him and seemed to protect the injured area from atrophy. He also said that, in high doses, TB500 and BPC157 had great anti-inflammatory effects for him - now I know you aren't getting surgery but it seems like research in to these chemicals as @IdenIzzar suggested may be worth a shot to see if you think they could work on helping and healing your injury.

Here is the link to the interview:

He talks a bit about his experience with those SARMs around 4 minutes in but its worth it to listen the beginning to ensure you don't miss any context - at most you probably want to listen to the first 6 - 8 minutes.

Thanks man. Don't know much about Sarm and how to obtain it. I will definitely look into it. Thanks again.
Not trying to fuel the fire but I got email confirmation that my package has shipped Saturday. I’m sure it will land. I have my fingers crossed too. I sent him an email yesterday
We should be hearing from @Sasquatch Labs any day now. I doubt he would announce a restock and then bounce. It would make more sense to do the restock first and then leave us out to dry lol

You see, there's this thing with con-men and criminals in general.... you know, those weird people who for some reason can live with themselves doing the shit they do. They don't think like us.

And for some reason... you are expecting them to think like us...
As long as all you noob bitches keep covering for your drug dealers, the more RandR labs will come.

He ain't your kid. Don't make excuses for him. Where the fuck is he with everyone's money??????????

He logs in, can see everyone upset and still doesn't give 2 shits? C'mon kids. He ain't your bro.
He is not beating you guys. He does this shit constantly. Not excusing his actions but ignoring an email for a $1,400 order isnt the M.O of a scammer.
He is not beating you guys. He does this shit constantly. Not excusing his actions but ignoring an email for a $1,400 order isnt the M.O of a scammer.

7,000 posts in this thread and I followed along from the beginning. Shit like this happens. The hairy fuck has had supply issues from time to time and everyone flips the fuck out but it all ends up fine. Imagine all the panicky emails he’s gotta weed thru now because people didn’t get their pack in 3-5 days.

Breathe. Check that you sent your email to the right address. Breathe. Check your junk mail or spam folder. Breathe. Flipping out after a few extra days doesn’t speed it up any faster. Breathe.
Just an update about my shoulder pain for those who might care.
For the last three days, I've been pinning delt in my left shoulder were it hurts. I was getting ready to stop the cycle and transtion to TRT dose because of the shoulder pain.
To my surprise, the pain, clicking, and discomfort is gone and I've been training cautiously as always.
I used slin pin with 5/8 inch to pin 0.5 Npp.
This might sound like bro science and most likely it is or it might be just coincidence.
I start to take collagen powder four days ago so it might be that too.
Hopefully someone find this helpful.
7,000 posts in this thread and I followed along from the beginning. Shit like this happens. The hairy fuck has had supply issues from time to time and everyone flips the fuck out but it all ends up fine. Imagine all the panicky emails he’s gotta weed thru now because people didn’t get their pack in 3-5 days.

Breathe. Check that you sent your email to the right address. Breathe. Check your junk mail or spam folder. Breathe. Flipping out after a few extra days doesn’t speed it up any faster. Breathe.
You are right. We should all sit with our thumbs up our asses in complete silence while some guy we met on the internet holds our money and doesn't respond to our e-mails. Not letting anybody know that they could possibly be getting scammed if they give him their money would have also been the correct thing to do. In fact, now that I think about it, lets just shut down the whole website. I mean, we don't need this place if we all should just sit quietly like good Christian boys and bend over when the priest tells us to. We can do that as individuals.

ACTUALLY - wait - this forum is the ONLY reason why RnR didn't make off with more money than he did AND it has already saved thousands of dollars on people who are currently holding off on SAS orders because of the troubles. If you prefer to sit quietly and get raped go for it but I prefer to blow the rape whistle when I'm asked to bite the pillow. Its our only chance to sway the power our way - like that Thundercat sword or a fucking horcrux.
You are right. We should all sit with our thumbs up our asses in complete silence while some guy we met on the internet holds our money and doesn't respond to our e-mails. Not letting anybody know that they could possibly be getting scammed if they give him their money would have also been the correct thing to do. In fact, now that I think about it, lets just shut down the whole website. I mean, we don't need this place if we all should just sit quietly like good Christian boys and bend over when the priest tells us to. We can do that as individuals.

ACTUALLY - wait - this forum is the ONLY reason why RnR didn't make off with more money than he did AND it has already saved thousands of dollars on people who are currently holding off on SAS orders because of the troubles. If you prefer to sit quietly and get raped go for it but I prefer to blow the rape whistle when I'm asked to bite the pillow. Its our only chance to sway the power our way - like that Thundercat sword or a fucking horcrux.

That’s admirable but after the previous 1/2 dozen pages of “rape whistles” I think people have already gotten the point. Plus you might be prematurely blowing that “rape whistle” and the hairy fuck might not want to rape you. Maybe you’re not his type. What then? Shake the hairy fuck’s paw and move on and order again?

Scroll back a couple 1,000 or 2,000 posts (I think it was around May) and you’ll see T/A was about 3 weeks for a little while. The hairy fuck does a bad job with inventory and disappears. The rape whistles come out but then packs land and everyone forgets about all your drug rapist talk.

The hairy fuck disappears from time to time, but honestly, what would you expect from a drug dealer swole with cash.

I’m not saying it’s right. It totally sucks. But it’s consistent with the way Squatch has always run his establishment. Absolutely don’t order until packs start dropping again. But panicking and being a crybaby about it isn’t going to motivate the hairy fucker to work any quicker.
That’s admirable but after the previous 1/2 dozen pages of “rape whistles” I think people have already gotten the point. Plus you might be prematurely blowing that “rape whistle” and the hairy fuck might not want to rape you. Maybe you’re not his type. What then? Shake the hairy fuck’s paw and move on and order again?

Scroll back a couple 1,000 or 2,000 posts (I think it was around May) and you’ll see T/A was about 3 weeks for a little while. The hairy fuck does a bad job with inventory and disappears. The rape whistles come out but then packs land and everyone forgets about all your drug rapist talk.

The hairy fuck disappears from time to time, but honestly, what would you expect from a drug dealer swole with cash.

I’m not saying it’s right. It totally sucks. But it’s consistent with the way Squatch has always run his establishment. Absolutely don’t order until packs start dropping again. But panicking and being a crybaby about it isn’t going to motivate the hairy fucker to work any quicker.
I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope to hear back from him. He's proven himself trustworthy up to this point. Generally speaking the sasquatch is a kind hearted creature with no bad intentions. Like harry and the Hendersons for example. With that being said it would be awfully cordial of him to make a post on here @Sasquatch Labs considering he has been active. it's not polite to leave anyone on read
That’s admirable but after the previous 1/2 dozen pages of “rape whistles” I think people have already gotten the point. Plus you might be prematurely blowing that “rape whistle” and the hairy fuck might not want to rape you. Maybe you’re not his type. What then? Shake the hairy fuck’s paw and move on and order again?

Scroll back a couple 1,000 or 2,000 posts (I think it was around May) and you’ll see T/A was about 3 weeks for a little while. The hairy fuck does a bad job with inventory and disappears. The rape whistles come out but then packs land and everyone forgets about all your drug rapist talk.

The hairy fuck disappears from time to time, but honestly, what would you expect from a drug dealer swole with cash.

I’m not saying it’s right. It totally sucks. But it’s consistent with the way Squatch has always run his establishment. Absolutely don’t order until packs start dropping again. But panicking and being a crybaby about it isn’t going to motivate the hairy fucker to work any quicker.

Let me ask this. I’m not accusing or trying to start drama but when this happened before was sas saying that he sent the packs but really didn’t and was playing catch up and that’s why it took so long?
That’s admirable but after the previous 1/2 dozen pages of “rape whistles” I think people have already gotten the point. Plus you might be prematurely blowing that “rape whistle” and the hairy fuck might not want to rape you. Maybe you’re not his type. What then? Shake the hairy fuck’s paw and move on and order again?

Scroll back a couple 1,000 or 2,000 posts (I think it was around May) and you’ll see T/A was about 3 weeks for a little while. The hairy fuck does a bad job with inventory and disappears. The rape whistles come out but then packs land and everyone forgets about all your drug rapist talk.

The hairy fuck disappears from time to time, but honestly, what would you expect from a drug dealer swole with cash.

I’m not saying it’s right. It totally sucks. But it’s consistent with the way Squatch has always run his establishment. Absolutely don’t order until packs start dropping again. But panicking and being a crybaby about it isn’t going to motivate the hairy fucker to work any quicker.
Are you kidding me? You think this is about whining or losing a couple hundred dollars? This is about protecting ourselves as consumers and speaking up before things get out of hand for myself and for others. One thing you are correct about though is that it isn’t admirable at all - it’s just part of being a normal human being. That’s the entire point of this community...inform one another of the status of orders if they are late, incorrect, contaminated etc so we all know whether the source is maintaining a high level of service or not. If you are here to defend the supplier and not the consumer I think you are in the wrong place. The fact that you waited for 3 weeks before, the same thing is happening again, and your perspective on it is “aw shucks that’s just SAS” is insane. There are plenty of other sources who would not drop off the grid completely even if there was a delay. I came here cause it was without question solid gear for a significant period of time and I saw them make those mistakes and bounce back. I figured they had to have learned by now that staying in communication was always best but obviously they haven’t. Ultimately it’s there loss. If they want to sacrifice a lifetime of business for a couple hundred bucks now then that’s on them. But, as I have said several times, I am pretty confident I won’t end up beat because I did scroll back and see what happened prior. But, if I am in the process of getting robbed, I want the fewest amount of others to be on the Titanic with me.