[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey guys, all orders have gone out!
If your order was missing something you have been notified through email. All orders will arrive sometime this week!

Email response time is back to 2-5 hours
T/A is back to 3-4 business days

I am currently working on adding:
Inj. Winstrol
Inj. M-Tren

Sometime next month I will be raising the minimum by $50, I am doing this to control order volume and ultimately improve shipping time!

Updated Pastebin:

Hey guys, all orders have gone out!
If your order was missing something you have been notified through email. All orders will arrive sometime this week!

Email response time is back to 2-5 hours
T/A is back to 3-4 business days

I am currently working on adding:
Inj. Winstrol
Inj. M-Tren

Sometime next month I will be raising the minimum by $50, I am doing this to control order volume and ultimately improve shipping time!

Updated Pastebin:


I thought you were doing a huge restock. But you're out of Deca, Tren, Test C... What kind of restock you were doing?
I thought you were doing a huge restock. But you're out of Deca, Tren, Test C... What kind of restock you were doing?
Tren A, Test E, Dbol, Winstrol and Proviron are all now very high in quantity!

Items being restocked this weekend:
Test C
Primo E

Hey guys, all orders have gone out!
If your order was missing something you have been notified through email. All orders will arrive sometime this week!

Email response time is back to 2-5 hours
T/A is back to 3-4 business days

I am currently working on adding:
Inj. Winstrol
Inj. M-Tren

Sometime next month I will be raising the minimum by $50, I am doing this to control order volume and ultimately improve shipping time!

Updated Pastebin:


Sorry Dino... but I still think everyone needs to slow their roll and wait a few more days before placing any further orders. There’s still a lot of packs out there that need to land. You say that all orders have now been shipped, so by the end of the week everyone’s orders should have landed. This past week has been sketchy as fuck... Just sayin bro...
Hey guys, all orders have gone out!
If your order was missing something you have been notified through email. All orders will arrive sometime this week!

Email response time is back to 2-5 hours
T/A is back to 3-4 business days

I am currently working on adding:
Inj. Winstrol
Inj. M-Tren

Sometime next month I will be raising the minimum by $50, I am doing this to control order volume and ultimately improve shipping time!

Updated Pastebin:


Well holy shit. It was almost as if the guys who've been dealing with squatch for a while knew exactly how this was going to play out.
Hey guys, all orders have gone out!
If your order was missing something you have been notified through email. All orders will arrive sometime this week!

Email response time is back to 2-5 hours
T/A is back to 3-4 business days

I am currently working on adding:
Inj. Winstrol
Inj. M-Tren

Sometime next month I will be raising the minimum by $50, I am doing this to control order volume and ultimately improve shipping time!

Updated Pastebin:


all the orders went out on a sunday when the post office is closed???
friend placed order last weekend, and package arrived by this weekend. Communication was not as good as prior orders, but job well done none the less.
Serious question about Gyno. My nipples don’t hurt or feel different. But I’ve had puffy nipples since I was like 11, and it’s weird because at times my nipples will look normal and at other times they will look puffy. So if I were to run into Gyno how would I be able to tell the difference between puffy nipples and Gyno. I’m not fat or anything but I’m like short and stocky
Serious question about Gyno. My nipples don’t hurt or feel different. But I’ve had puffy nipples since I was like 11, and it’s weird because at times my nipples will look normal and at other times they will look puffy. So if I were to run into Gyno how would I be able to tell the difference between puffy nipples and Gyno. I’m not fat or anything but I’m like short and stocky

Sounds like prepubescent gyno but glandular tissue. If you stimulate the nipple (not that you should be doing this) or if it's cold does it look more normal then versus when you are really hot?
Serious question about Gyno. My nipples don’t hurt or feel different. But I’ve had puffy nipples since I was like 11, and it’s weird because at times my nipples will look normal and at other times they will look puffy. So if I were to run into Gyno how would I be able to tell the difference between puffy nipples and Gyno. I’m not fat or anything but I’m like short and stocky
One definite sign is you will feel a solid mass and not just puffy. Sensitivity as you mentioned as well
No solid mass or sensitive. And yeah it changes based on temperature I guess. Like rn they look normal. They never get pregnant puffy tho. Puffy or normal they feel always feel the same for the most part. Just was curious if I would feel Gyno first or would i see it first for future references
Previous order late spring went smoothly and fast TA. This last one was complete opposite. Ordered in late June. Email finally early July, Dino emailed saying it shipped. After nothing showed, reached out for status and Jay responded saying sorry for confusion, didn’t ship because missing 1x bottle of one item. We agreed to sub that one vial with another of my order and he gave me some store credit. Email next day saying it was going out. Skip ahead a couple weeks, still nothing. Reach out again—receive email again saying that it had shipped I should receive it x-day. Still nothing, and now get an email tonight with another apology now saying it still hasn’t shipped because they ended up missing 3x of the same product that was previously 1x short.

I travel and prefer to have a fair idea when shit is coming. I order based on my schedule. Never in sever need, but also don’t want random shit showing up when I’m not prepared.

I don’t even care about cost and minimum order or any of that bullshit. I simply want a solidly good product, dosed properly and clean, that arrives timely when I order it. I was spoiled with nothing but solid goods and service for too long. Then this summer had bloods come back with lower test from another source, then lost out several hundred bucks on good ol’ R&R, and now feeling dicked around by the big hairy hide&seek champ.

I’m not one to come in here and bitch and moan every time something is a 10-seconds late or the sky looks like it might fall—but for fucks sake, if you tell me your going to do something, do it. Mistakes happen, I’m cool with a little delay once and a while, but repeated emails saying something shipped when it didn’t isn’t a little mistake. It’s directly lying to me, again and again—and that is unforgivable.

If you run short handed, say so. Out of stock say so. Falling too far behind, stop orders for a few days till you catch up like other reputable sources. My bitch session concluded—but shape this shit up. Folks here deserve better.