[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey guys a new blood work was just added to the pastebin.

Test E 500mg/week->2856 (Drawn after 48 hours)


Third party?

First I heard of this... third party for what? Business partner or what? And if so... hope it was on good terms
Of course!

I had a third party reselling my products, overtime I decided it was in my best interest to dedicate my resources and time to the forums that helped me get to where I am now.

Now you guys should experience the fastest T/A from me yet and longer periods of stock being available!

Of course!

I had a third party reselling my products, overtime I decided it was in my best interest to dedicate my resources and time to the forums that helped me get to where I am now.

Now you guys should experience the fastest T/A from me yet and longer periods of stock being available!


Jay is still part of the team right?
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Of course!

I had a third party reselling my products, overtime I decided it was in my best interest to dedicate my resources and time to the forums that helped me get to where I am now.

Now you guys should experience the fastest T/A from me yet and longer periods of stock being available!


Good! Was not needed.
Since you mentioned sex drive and this thread is about as boring as fuck since SAS is hiding in the woods. I've not really noticed a sex drive increase on cycle or on TRT. That being said my girl can an excite me with just a look though. I've been back down to TRT for 5 weeks now. I've never in my life had multiple orgasms with a woman no matter the connection. Last week this happened and all I could say was HOLY SHIT as it was going down. Anyone else had this experience on TRT or on cycle.

I've done some reading and understand it might have a little to do with low E. When E is low the body produces less prolactin which is released after the orgasm which sends almost all men into the rebound state of needing rest and going flaccid. This is the recovery most men need before they can go again. I've never needed recovery time but never had multiple orgasms. I will say I have a connection with this woman like none other. I just can't figure out if it's the hormones, her, or both. What's you all's experience.

And its pretty interesting finding out how much of a role prolactin plays in a males sex life. Look up MRP or male refractory period.

And go.
Help me understand “multiple orgasms.” Like blowing back to back loads?
Here is the updated stock list:

I haven't finished the brew, I'm still waiting for some supplies to arrive, I'll keep you guys posted!

Ok so am I the only one that can’t seem to see the updated stock list? Lol
Brain isn’t working today or something, A little help here :oops: :)
3A1B6682-4DEE-41AF-BC88-306818FB07E8.jpeg 6949DCC2-62DE-4FCF-9001-C02B232C07C2.png Here's the bloodwork I had done last Monday. Been cruising Sasquatch sustanon around 220 a week. Pinning .3 M/W/F. Pleased with the test number, thought I was having high e2 symptoms so was taking an AI for a minute, completely botched that one. Yes cholesterol is shit, liver enzymes a little high, but that Iranian anadrol is the shit. Any feedback is much appreciated.

Last pin before bloods was Friday evening around 830pm. Pulled blood following Monday at 315pm.
View attachment 95854 View attachment 95855 Here's the bloodwork I had done last Monday. Been cruising Sasquatch sustanon around 220 a week. Pinning .3 M/W/F. Pleased with the test number, thought I was having high e2 symptoms so was taking an AI for a minute, completely botched that one. Yes cholesterol is shit, liver enzymes a little high, but that Iranian anadrol is the shit. Any feedback is much appreciated.

Last pin before bloods was Friday evening around 830pm. Pulled blood following Monday at 315pm.
Nice free test. Never seen free test of 4.77% thats high. When my free is high I feel the best. Were you taking a oral when this test was done? Cause I know a low dose of Anavar can get your free test up on TRT. Your thyroid looks a bit low. Got any symptoms?
If I crashed my prolactin with consecutive days of prami suffering - I too would be able to shoot a load and not even loose my chub. I would be able to bust twice within a session and still want more an hour later.

Now I'm excited to cruise in a week or so
WIth caber or b6?
Nice free test. Never seen free test of 4.77% thats high. When my free is high I feel the best. Were you taking a oral when this test was done? Cause I know a low dose of Anavar can get your free test up on TRT. Your thyroid looks a bit low. Got any symptoms?
Now that you mention it, I have been feeling a bit sluggish and down lately. Could be the reason I thought I was having e2 issues. As far as orals go I use anadrol a few times a week on workout days, just like the crazy pump I get from it. Any suggestions on what i should do with the thyroid issue@Iron Frenchie?