[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I have a few sus vials clear as water and a couple that look like grapeseed do y’all switch carrier oil ?
How's dost thou juiceth be flowing from the hairy fuckers chalice?!?
Know a couple little chimps that envy the Sass and are trying to build a similar stature.
But, you know, genetics and all that mess...
Loll nice username
True story..
Didn't take much really, I answered ONE question addressed to Dylan. Tried posting 3 times and all threads got deleted immediately. They weren't "bad" or regarding sources or anything illegal. They were concerns of SARMS and regarding effects of them. I assume they were thought provoking so you know, bad for business I guess...
I would get off Androl and check again. I know Tren lowers thyroid a lot. I don’t know if Androl messes with it. But look at all the symptoms. If you have a lot I would see a doctor. Thyroid is something I would leave to a doctor to figure out.
True story..
Didn't take much really, I answered ONE question addressed to Dylan. Tried posting 3 times and all threads got deleted immediately. They weren't "bad" or regarding sources or anything illegal. They were concerns of SARMS and regarding effects of them. I assume they were thought provoking so you know, bad for business I guess...
How dare you disrespect lord Dylan! Now I'm off to go do a 3 SARM stack, washed down with some HCGenerate and a healthy dose of some herbal AI
Super fast ta and finally broke the seal on using bitcoin. That shit is easy as hell with an atm. Can’t believe I waited so long to give it a shot.
True story..
Didn't take much really, I answered ONE question addressed to Dylan. Tried posting 3 times and all threads got deleted immediately. They weren't "bad" or regarding sources or anything illegal. They were concerns of SARMS and regarding effects of them. I assume they were thought provoking so you know, bad for business I guess...
You did everyone a service
Think he's building a cult following of people too scared of needles, mostly young guys and teens I assume. Filters through posts and weeds out all non followers, any free thinkers, and anyone as or above the intellectual level unless they join his club of robbing everyone of their money.

I mentioned something about the possibility of YK11 growing your heart used in conjunction with MK677 and had to repost the thread twice before I realized they weren't having that shit. Instead of addressing the question/suggestion it just got tore down. That's just one I can remember, I believe now though, from what I can recollect. It mostly works on skeletal muscle and not cardiomuscular tissues. But there has been no real studies I think. Just the Gemelli army of lab rats.

His videos were ok a couple years ago qhen I got back in the gym and looked into the SARM phenomenon more closely. Then the bitching, whining and complaining on every video got to me. It's ok to care about what others don't care about regarding their health and bad advice. But don't play the hero on camera just to totally dismiss that shit on your own forum.