[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

It’s funny because I decided to join Meso because I watched a lot of Dylan’s videos and read a comment that went something like “if you’re going to spend hundreds on a drug, you might as well go all the way in and buy steroids and not waste money on SARMS That’ll give you half of the effect” I just can’t all of what he says because he looks so small for someone who claims to have used all of ththe we compounds for years. He just looks like Botox and baby oil
Gotta say though, I don't think it works that way. Wouldn't inhibiting myostatin allow the growth of all muscles?
Read something about IGF1LR3 too that I believe said it didn't grow cardiomuscular tissue. Is cardiomuscular even a word? Or is this some boshit I picked up that some other random regurgitated?
It’s funny because I decided to join Meso because I watched a lot of Dylan’s videos and read a comment that went something like “if you’re going to spend hundreds on a drug, you might as well go all the way in and buy steroids and not waste money on SARMS That’ll give you half of the effect” I just can’t all of what he says because he looks so small for someone who claims to have used all of ththe we compounds for years. He just looks like Botox and baby oil

Botox and baby oil!
Funny you say that, I always noticed he did seem puffy faced or slightly bloated like his E wasn't in check or had too much collagen build up. I don't really crack on anyone but it was whack the way I was silently dismissed by their forum. Who knows, maybe it wasn't Dylan himself and maybe just one of his henchmen minions. It was like 4AM when I joined and started posting. Also, I noticed something was up with his right deltoid from what I recall. Looked like something went wrong there and some tissue was damaged and stopped growing. The other one was much more defined it seemed.
Gotta say though, YK11 does work well. I got some from Olympus labs after a cycle where I had unfortunately lost all my gear and PCT due to some whack ass circumstances. During the crash it picked me right back up in about a week and half and I was actually making gains on it from just pushups/pullups. The whole myostatin inhibition process intrigues me really. Never once heard about myostatin before researching YK11. Then I found out about the peptides claiming to do the same but most everyone says is bunk.
Recently thought of getting some IGF1LR3 and will be sitting on it until the time is right.
But I'm already straying from the topic of this discussion regarding quality of hairy sasquatch gear.
I believe I got an infected vial of Deca, by @Sasquatch Labs

After a shot of from this vial, right after I took the needle out, I had a severe cough that landed me in the hospital later that day, and long story short, I was diagnosed with an pneumonia. I figured it was coincidence, I did another shot, same reaction, and I'm getting these symptoms again.

I demand answers. Thank you.
Think he's building a cult following of people too scared of needles, mostly young guys and teens I assume. Filters through posts and weeds out all non followers, any free thinkers, and anyone as or above the intellectual level unless they join his club of robbing everyone of their money.

I mentioned something about the possibility of YK11 growing your heart used in conjunction with MK677 and had to repost the thread twice before I realized they weren't having that shit. Instead of addressing the question/suggestion it just got tore down. That's just one I can remember, I believe now though, from what I can recollect. It mostly works on skeletal muscle and not cardiomuscular tissues. But there has been no real studies I think. Just the Gemelli army of lab rats.

His videos were ok a couple years ago qhen I got back in the gym and looked into the SARM phenomenon more closely. Then the bitching, whining and complaining on every video got to me. It's ok to care about what others don't care about regarding their health and bad advice. But don't play the hero on camera just to totally dismiss that shit on your own forum.

The heart is made up of several tissues. This is how and why several things could do what you were thinking.
I believe I got an infected vial of Deca, by @Sasquatch Labs

After a shot of from this vial, right after I took the needle out, I had a severe cough that landed me in the hospital later that day, and long story short, I was diagnosed with an pneumonia. I figured it was coincidence, I did another shot, same reaction, and I'm getting these symptoms again.

I demand answers. Thank you.

[emoji23][emoji23] Nice first post! [emoji23][emoji23] This was great!
I believe I got an infected vial of Deca, by @Sasquatch Labs

After a shot of from this vial, right after I took the needle out, I had a severe cough that landed me in the hospital later that day, and long story short, I was diagnosed with an pneumonia. I figured it was coincidence, I did another shot, same reaction, and I'm getting these symptoms again.

I demand answers. Thank you.
Good luck little buddy. Maybe AAS isn't your thing. Why don't you have your coincidental bottle of Deca tested for pnuemonia? Do you even know what type of pneumonia you had? There are three different causes of pneumonia.

The most likely route of your problem is one of those three were already present in your body lying dormant. The outcome was it was probably triggered when something in the compound set off the reaction for your body to increase its white blood cell production to fight the pneumonia as it elevated the threat level to your immune system.

I suggest you learn the role of the immune system and what your putting in your body. You ain't going to get answers here the way your asking. Nor does anyone here including SAS have an exact medical answer for you. But I can give you a medically educated answer that you were probably already infected with it and had a lowered level of immune response until you introduced an underground drug into your body. Good luck to you friend. Hope that you get well soon.

Best advice I can give is to also tell your M.D. your using intramuscular steroids to enable them to give you the best line of care possible.
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Supposedly this is normal behavior according to his loyal customers
Fuck I don't think I've ever seen them OOS of this many items this long. I've been loyal and seen a ton of his bullshit. I put in an order over a week ago for an OOS item that was in stock on the previous pastebin, and he was going to accept the order. I don't care for that shit. Personally I'm done with cycling and back on my TRT, but I have store credit I want to use.
How long are these guys usually down for ? I’ve been referred by a guy who said they were the best and I haven’t got a email from them yet.
How long are these guys usually down for ? I’ve been referred by a guy who said they were the best and I haven’t got a email from them yet.
who knows man, seems like 4-6 days at a time every few months but it's becoming more and more frequent. Personnel changes and what not. Sometimes they are on fire and sometimes not so much, I think anyone has yet to get screwed. There has been some long waits and lack of responses out of them until members jumped their shit.
I believe I got an infected vial of Deca, by @Sasquatch Labs

After a shot of from this vial, right after I took the needle out, I had a severe cough that landed me in the hospital later that day, and long story short, I was diagnosed with an pneumonia. I figured it was coincidence, I did another shot, same reaction, and I'm getting these symptoms again.

I demand answers. Thank you.

The shirt answer is you’re retarded. What you are describing at first is you injecting into a vein. The pneumonia part is nonsense and could only come about from your ignorance combined with going to the hospital, getting an incompetent doctor and lying your ass off— if it happened at all.
who knows man, seems like 4-6 days at a time every few months but it's becoming more and more frequent. Personnel changes and what not. Sometimes they are on fire and sometimes not so much, I think anyone has yet to get screwed. There has been some long waits and lack of responses out of them until members jumped their shit.
The majority of his injectable products have been low stock or OOS since at least Aug 1st. The most recent paste bin reflects the majority of injectables being OOS.