[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

The shirt answer is you’re retarded. What you are describing at first is you injecting into a vein. The pneumonia part is nonsense and could only come about from your ignorance combined with going to the hospital, getting an incompetent doctor and lying your ass off— if it happened at all.

No ambiguity with that statement!
The shirt answer is you’re retarded. What you are describing at first is you injecting into a vein. The pneumonia part is nonsense and could only come about from your ignorance combined with going to the hospital, getting an incompetent doctor and lying your ass off— if it happened at all.
No need to be hostile, my friend. I got a chest xray when I went to the hospital, my first admittance, and they found inflammation of the lungs and took a CAT scan as well to confirm. I said I took a B12 injection. I was also treated by many doctors in the emergency room and while admitted. Not just one.

Good luck little buddy. Maybe AAS isn't your thing. Why don't you have your coincidental bottle of Deca tested for pnuemonia? Do you even know what type of pneumonia you had? There are three different causes of pneumonia.

The most likely route of your problem is one of those three were already present in your body lying dormant. The outcome was it was probably triggered when something in the compound set off the reaction for your body to increase its white blood cell production to fight the pneumonia as it elevated the threat level to your immune system.

I suggest you learn the role of the immune system and what your putting in your body. You ain't going to get answers here the way your asking. Nor does anyone here including SAS have an exact medical answer for you. But I can give you a medically educated answer that you were probably already infected with it and had a lowered level of immune response until you introduced an underground drug into your body. Good luck to you friend. Hope that you get well soon.

Best advice I can give is to also tell your M.D. your using intramuscular steroids to enable them to give you the best line of care possible.
Where can I go about testing my bottle? I would love to do that. And, yes while it wasn't confirmed by my hospital, I'm not sure if that's possible, I was treated for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or another bacterial pneumonia, as they said the antibiotics treatment was working. I spent a week in the hospital my first admittance.
With a BPM of around 130 resting, and my oxygen levels around 75, requiring an oxygen mask.

So, what you say about it being dormant in my body. This is what I myself also thought, after the first time. Here's the story: I ordered 3 vials of Deca, the first 1 was fine, and after finishing it, I went onto the 2nd. And the first injection I put into myself, severe coughing fit, diagnosed pneumonia. I discontinued use of the 2nd one, and used the 3rd one. Which was also fine, like the 1st one. I finished the 3rd one up. I said to myself, it must've just been a histamine reaction, or something similar. So I got the 2nd vial of and used it. Right after the injection, severe coughing fit. And right now I'm feeling the same symptoms, though I've not made way myself to the hospital, yet. Usually around day 2 is where it gets unbearable.

Thanks for the response.

[emoji23][emoji23] Nice first post! [emoji23][emoji23] This was great!
I can prove what I'm saying, and yeah I never used this forum before.
dang.... would really like to get ahold of these guys considering how cheap they are and my other source takes 15 days for delivery....
@Strydexter read back a few pages, the shipping times are all over.

Yeah I’ve been reading a bit through the pages soooo I’m really new to the AAS world and I asked this question on another forum and go absolute railed by harsh words. I just ordered from a new source and and I’d like to know if it’s good stuff or not and these guys said to get my bloods done. Well I know nothing about bloods or even what I’m looking for or how to get my bloods done since you can’t just walk into the clinic and ask lol.... my first cycle I got from a friend that was using the exact same stuff so I just assumed it was good because he’s been doing it for years but he was scraping money off the top of my order and paying himself.... so I guess what I’m asking help for is , how do I know if this stuff is good quality????
No need to be hostile, my friend. I got a chest xray when I went to the hospital, my first admittance, and they found inflammation of the lungs and took a CAT scan as well to confirm. I said I took a B12 injection. I was also treated by many doctors in the emergency room and while admitted. Not just one.

Where can I go about testing my bottle? I would love to do that. And, yes while it wasn't confirmed by my hospital, I'm not sure if that's possible, I was treated for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or another bacterial pneumonia, as they said the antibiotics treatment was working. I spent a week in the hospital my first admittance.
With a BPM of around 130 resting, and my oxygen levels around 75, requiring an oxygen mask.

So, what you say about it being dormant in my body. This is what I myself also thought, after the first time. Here's the story: I ordered 3 vials of Deca, the first 1 was fine, and after finishing it, I went onto the 2nd. And the first injection I put into myself, severe coughing fit, diagnosed pneumonia. I discontinued use of the 2nd one, and used the 3rd one. Which was also fine, like the 1st one. I finished the 3rd one up. I said to myself, it must've just been a histamine reaction, or something similar. So I got the 2nd vial of and used it. Right after the injection, severe coughing fit. And right now I'm feeling the same symptoms, though I've not made way myself to the hospital, yet. Usually around day 2 is where it gets unbearable.

Thanks for the response.

I can prove what I'm saying, and yeah I never used this forum before.
So where are you purchasing your SAS gear if not through MESO? Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is highly unlikely your contracting pneumonia from the gear. This isn't something that would show its face as soon as you injected. It can take days or weeks for pneumonia to come on. Most commonly people pick up the bacterial form in hospitals or institutions and it lies dormant in their body for a period until the immune system is at its most vulnerable and this is when symptoms occur.

What I'm suggesting is that their is something specifically in that bottle of Deca that's not a contaminant that is triggering your immune systems response. It could be the brand of carrier oil, the raws, or any number of things but it affects you bad. The definition of insanity is not doing the same thing expecting different results, but it is doing the same thing knowing the results. Stop injecting that shit.

I'd bet any amount of money it's nothing to do with the gear. Shit next time you get sick take the gear with you and say this is the cause. See what the approach from the doctor is.

Also let me tell you if you like playing God keep telling the doctors you injected B12. When you die because your lies their will be no one to blame. Stupidest shit ever. Have some testicular fortitude. Dumbest shit you can do is lie to the doctor trying to help you and you do the same shit. See where I'm going. Think I'm joking go back through this thread and find my post of medical emergencies from gear.

And its not a histamine reaction. That is on the onset of your body increasing its white blood count to fight to save your immune system from infection. Have a cbc done and you'll findd I'm telling you facts. I'd bet your white blood cell count is elevated right now if your feeling like shit.
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Yeah I’ve been reading a bit through the pages soooo I’m really new to the AAS world and I asked this question on another forum and go absolute railed by harsh words. I just ordered from a new source and and I’d like to know if it’s good stuff or not and these guys said to get my bloods done. Well I know nothing about bloods or even what I’m looking for or how to get my bloods done since you can’t just walk into the clinic and ask lol.... my first cycle I got from a friend that was using the exact same stuff so I just assumed it was good because he’s been doing it for years but he was scraping money off the top of my order and paying himself.... so I guess what I’m asking help for is , how do I know if this stuff is good quality????
No spoon feeding here. You made it to the underground so now you read young grasshopper.
So where are you purchasing your SAS gear if not through MESO? Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is highly unlikely your contracting pneumonia from the gear. This isn't something that would show its face as soon as you injected. It can take days or weeks for pneumonia to come on. Most commonly people pick up the bacterial form in hospitals or institutions and it lies dormant in their body for a period until the immune system is at its most vulnerable and this is when symptoms occur.

What I'm suggesting is that their is something specifically in that bottle of Deca that's not a contaminant that is triggering your immune systems response. It could be the brand of carrier oil, the raws, or any number of things but it affects you bad. The definition of insanity is not doing the same thing expecting different results, but it is doing the same thing knowing the results. Stop injecting that shit.

I'd bet any amount of money it's nothing to do with the gear. Shit next time you get sick take the gear with you and say this is the cause. See what the approach from the doctor is.

Also let me tell you if you like playing God keep telling the doctors you injected B12. When you die because your lies their will be no one to blame. Stupidest shit ever. Have some testicular fortitude. Dumbest shit you can do is lie to the doctor trying to help you and you do the same shit. See where I'm going. Think I'm joking go back through this thread and find my post of medical emergencies from gear.

And its not a histamine reaction. That is on the onset of your body increasing its white blood count to fight to save your immune system from infection. Have a cbc done and you'll findd I'm telling you facts. I'd bet your white blood cell count is elevated right now if your feeling like shit.
I purchased my SAS gear through MESO, though that doesn't mean I have to post or be active on the forum.

Also, that isn't necessarily true, bacterial pneumonia are actually known for having a sudden onset, regardless of when it came into my body.

I have a question for you, yeah? If I bought 3 of the same Deca vials from the same vendor, from the same batch, with the same carrier oil, why does this vial ONLY affect me?

Also, it isn't about testicular fortitude my friend. I don't know where you live, but here this will rise my medical insurance.
I purchased my SAS gear through MESO, though that doesn't mean I have to post or be active on the forum.

Also, that isn't necessarily true, bacterial pneumonia are actually known for having a sudden onset, regardless of when it came into my body.

I have a question for you, yeah? If I bought 3 of the same Deca vials from the same vendor, from the same batch, with the same carrier oil, why does this vial ONLY affect me?

Also, it isn't about testicular fortitude my friend. I don't know where you live, but here this will rise my medical insurance.
Mycoplasma pneumonia has a 1-4 week onset my man. If cheaper insurance is more important than your life keep doing what your doing. I've provided all the information I'm going to. There are some board certified doctors on this forum. If you want more info find them and let them eat a chunk out of your ass.
Mycoplasma pneumonia has a 1-4 week onset my man. If cheaper insurance is more important than your life keep doing what your doing. I've provided all the information I'm going to. There are some board certified doctors on this forum. If you want more info find them and let them eat a chunk out of your ass.
Thanks for your concern my friend. But I do still have this question. Also, it wasn't confirmed to be Mycoplasma. They never confirmed anything. They treated me as an pneumonia and I got better. That's it.

If I bought 3 of the same Deca vials from the same vendor, from the same batch, with the same carrier oil, why does this vial ONLY affect me?
Thanks for your concern my friend. But I do still have this question. Also, it wasn't confirmed to be Mycoplasma. They never confirmed anything. They treated me as an pneumonia and I got better. That's it.

If I bought 3 of the same Deca vials from the same vendor, from the same batch, with the same carrier oil, why does this vial ONLY affect me?

Cause you are fucking crazy and think you can get a pneumonia from a vial of deca.
Thanks for your concern my friend. But I do still have this question. Also, it wasn't confirmed to be Mycoplasma. They never confirmed anything. They treated me as an pneumonia and I got better. That's it.

If I bought 3 of the same Deca vials from the same vendor, from the same batch, with the same carrier oil, why does this vial ONLY affect me?

What’s in your lungs is Deca moron. Cough it up. It’s where your body dumps it when you inject into a vein
What’s in your lungs is Deca moron. Cough it up. It’s where your body dumps it when you inject into a vein

It was already explained to you...

Just because my girlfriend leaves me on injection day doesn’t mean the fuckin Deca cause it. LOL.
That's pretty different, I'd say. Have either of you read the full story?

I ordered 3 vials of Deca, the first 1 was fine, and after finishing it, I went onto the 2nd. And the first injection I put into myself, severe coughing fit, diagnosed pneumonia. I discontinued use of the 2nd one, and used the 3rd one. Which was also fine, like the 1st one. I finished the 3rd one up. I said to myself, it must've just been a histamine reaction, or something similar. So I got the 2nd vial of and used it. Right after the injection, severe coughing fit. And right now I'm feeling the same symptoms, though I've not made way myself to the hospital, yet. Usually around day 2 is where it gets unbearable.

This is a consistent trend-like matter, only happening with one vial. It's not some coincidence.