[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Yes. Of courseI do and so do nurses.

Was that an attempt to discredit nurses and myself? Lmao

It was an attempt to discredit your bullshit. I’ve never had a nurse inject my quad but if they did I’d imagine they could use perfect technique because they aren’t me doing it. At 5”10 250 I’m lucky not to cramp. But I’ll continue to write my bro science based on my experience. I’ll be hostile at times because I actually take a whole bunch of gear— none at 90 degree angle.

Go educate your baby troll on running deca only from shit you’ve read about. Build a little troll army where you can be king troll and lecture your followers on the dangers of toxic name calling.
Right, but that also doesn't make sense with what I've gone through. How is it possible I went through a full vial, and the minute I switch over to the new one, I get sick. Fine, you may think this is a coincidence. I then got discharged from the hospital, and used the 3rd vial. The full vial: nothing. The minute I go back to the original vial that made me sick, coughing fit, and I'm sick again.

This is the only thing that makes me think it is not coincidental, rather a trend.

Also, how do I send this off for testing?

You will have to find a third party to test for contamination. There are very limited choices to choose from lately, but can be found.

If you do find someone to send off too, please share the results here.

Are you using anything besides deca? Or are you running a deca only cycle?
It was an attempt to discredit your bullshit. I’ve never had a nurse inject my quad but if they did I’d imagine they could use perfect technique because they aren’t me doing it. At 5”10 250 I’m lucky not to cramp. But I’ll continue to write my bro science based on my experience. I’ll be hostile at times because I actually take a whole bunch of gear— none at 90 degree angle.

Go educate your baby troll on running deca only from shit you’ve read about. Build a little troll army where you can be king troll and lecture your followers on the dangers of toxic name calling.

Cool story tough guy. Lmfao. Go educate myself[emoji23] thanks for the suggestion... that shit made me laugh at best.

If you can’t use perfect technique on your own quad you have some issues, which is obvious from your chest pounding, keyboard warrior attitude.

Sounds like the snowflake got butt hurt when called out,and what does 250lbs at 5”10 have to do with cramping while injecting into your quad.... you are sitting down when injecting into the quad and your short stature would bring your arms closer to the quad unless you have umpa-lumpa arms.....
Cool story tough guy. Lmfao. Go educate myself[emoji23] thanks for the suggestion... that shit made me laugh at best.

If you can’t use perfect technique on your own quad you have some issues, which is obvious from your chest pounding, keyboard warrior attitude.

Sounds like the snowflake got butt hurt when called out,and what does 250lbs at 5”10 have to do with cramping while injecting into your quad.... you are sitting down when injecting into the quad and your short stature would bring your arms closer to the quad unless you have umpa-lumpa arms.....

Toxic Bro— you just hurt my feelings. But seriously you lost me at TRT. And I doubt you even take trt. If you do it’s probably a fucking patch. It’s a steroid forum bro— grow some balls and take some. Then lecture me with your personal experience and not some fucking article you’ve read.
Toxic Bro— you just hurt my feelings. But seriously you lost me at TRT. And I doubt you even take trt. If you do it’s probably a fucking patch. It’s a steroid forum bro— grow some balls and take some. Then lecture me with your personal experience and not some fucking article you’ve read.

I enjoy all your hypotheticals and how you consistently keep contradicting yourself, then when you run out of ammo after being called out, you resort to the old adage “ not some article you read” that is the same as “this isn’t amazon”
The more you talk, the more people can really see the troll.

As entertaining as engaging with umpa-lumpa has been, I must retire from this conversation as it has proven to go no where... unless I get some everlasting gob stoppers then I might reconsider.
You will have to find a third party to test for contamination. There are very limited choices to choose from lately, but can be found.

If you do find someone to send off too, please share the results here.

Are you using anything besides deca? Or are you running a deca only cycle?
Thank you, I'll try to find someone, and of course will share the results here.

And I'm running deca-only, yeah.
I enjoy all your hypotheticals and how you consistently keep contradicting yourself, then when you run out of ammo after being called out, you resort to the old adage “ not some article you read” that is the same as “this isn’t amazon”
The more you talk, the more people can really see the troll.

As entertaining as engaging with umpa-lumpa has been, I must retire from this conversation as it has proven to go no where... unless I get some everlasting gob stoppers then I might reconsider.

I’m in a source thread that I buy gear from. I follow this source because I buy and use their gear. The question is— what the fuck do you do here? You post in this thread as much as anyone. Do you even buy their gear? Do you even run gear? Jehovah Witnesses were full?
I’m in a source thread that I buy gear from. I follow this source because I buy and use their gear. The question is— what the fuck do you do here? You post in this thread as much as anyone. Do you even buy their gear? Do you even run gear? Jehovah Witnesses were full?

Again, stop sidetracking already, you are really looking desperate.
Where did you get the idea deca only was going to work out?
I think our little buddy is clearly uneducated on what he is doing. I don't know that force feeding him anymore facts will do anything beneficial for him. It sounds like he has some hard lessons to learn. Possibly even dangerous and life threatening. A lot of us want something for nothing when we stick our toes in the water with this lifestyle. I think a large percentage of us have learned some hard lessons, but our experience is only valuable to us and those willing to listen.

My suggestion to our little buddy is to cruise over to the new members section and introduce himself and his cycle.
Your technique or injection site is incorrect if you are consistently “apirating” Into a vein and or you just added that to try to solidify your story, also you don’t cough it up.. your lungs get tight, you cough and feel like death from the reaction... but the oil... does not go from vein or capalary find it’s way into your lungs, then you cough it up like phlegm into the sink...
Brother, it’s funny that AA is responding to something similar in his thread, but found this very interesting in regards to this guy. Do I believe the Deca gave him pneumonia? Not at all... but in regards to oil going to the lungs, apparently it’s true.

Serious pulmonary oil microembolism (POME) reactions, involving cough, urge to cough, dyspnea, hyperhidrosis, throat tightening, chest pain, dizziness, and syncope, have been reported to occur during or immediately after the injection of intramuscular testosterone. POME is believed to be caused by tiny droplets of oil that have traveled to the lungs. Among 3,556 patients tested worldwide, 9 POME events occurred in 8 patients.
Where did you get the idea deca only was going to work out?
Combination of testosterone and nandrolone introduces the induction of 3b HSD subtype 1, which is involved in the conversion of E1 to E2, thereby testosterone synergizes the estrogenic potency of nandrolone.

And nandrolone itself has enough E1 that can be converted to E2 naturally by the body. I have not experienced ED on this cycle whatsoever.

Either way, I'd appreciate if we stayed on topic and avoid sidetracks. My concern here isn't for my cycle, so neither should yours.
I think our little buddy is clearly uneducated on what he is doing. I don't know that force feeding him anymore facts will do anything beneficial for him. It sounds like he has some hard lessons to learn. Possibly even dangerous and life threatening. A lot of us want something for nothing when we stick our toes in the water with this lifestyle. I think a large percentage of us have learned some hard lessons, but our experience is only valuable to us and those willing to listen.

My suggestion to our little buddy is to cruise over to the new members section and introduce himself and his cycle.
I don't think I'm uneducated at all about my cycle, and really, there's no need to even question it. That's not why I'm active in this thread.

And my little friend, you have never answered my question I have asked to you last time. What is your reasoning, for why this has happened to me?

Brother, it’s funny that AA is responding to something similar in his thread, but found this very interesting in regards to this guy. Do I believe the Deca gave him pneumonia? Not at all... but in regards to oil going to the lungs, apparently it’s true.

Serious pulmonary oil microembolism (POME) reactions, involving cough, urge to cough, dyspnea, hyperhidrosis, throat tightening, chest pain, dizziness, and syncope, have been reported to occur during or immediately after the injection of intramuscular testosterone. POME is believed to be caused by tiny droplets of oil that have traveled to the lungs. Among 3,556 patients tested worldwide, 9 POME events occurred in 8 patients.
This is quite interesting, but why would this occur with only one vial out of the three?
Combination of testosterone and nandrolone introduces the induction of 3b HSD subtype 1, which is involved in the conversion of E1 to E2, thereby testosterone synergizes the estrogenic potency of nandrolone.

And nandrolone itself has enough E1 that can be converted to E2 naturally by the body. I have not experienced ED on this cycle whatsoever.

Either way, I'd appreciate if we stayed on topic and avoid sidetracks. My concern here isn't for my cycle, so neither should yours.

I don't think I'm uneducated at all about my cycle, and really, there's no need to even question it. That's not why I'm active in this thread.

And my little friend, you have never answered my question I have asked to you last time. What is your reasoning, for why this has happened to me?

This is quite interesting, but why would this occur with only one vial out of the three?
I've told you twice in previous post. You either skimmed over the answer or weren't willing to except a plausible answer. And far as ed the vast majority won't experience it. Now why are you going to use a suppressive PED with out running at least a minimum TRT dose of test to maintain natural levels. Yeh this cycle your running is popular but I think if you look for objective information you'll find its not recommended. Recovery can become harder and long term irreversible damage could be done. Do as you choose but I think you should look at both sides of it.
This is quite interesting, but why would this occur with only one vial out of the three?
Only way to get close to an answer is to do what others have said - get that specific vial tested. To blame it on the gear *seems* quite absurd. I’ve not run SAS’ gear so I don’t even know if they put batch numbers on their labels (and even if they do, they could be there just for S&G). Once you get it tested, you’ll know 100% if you got pneumonia from the gear or not.