[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Brother, it’s funny that AA is responding to something similar in his thread, but found this very interesting in regards to this guy. Do I believe the Deca gave him pneumonia? Not at all... but in regards to oil going to the lungs, apparently it’s true.

Serious pulmonary oil microembolism (POME) reactions, involving cough, urge to cough, dyspnea, hyperhidrosis, throat tightening, chest pain, dizziness, and syncope, have been reported to occur during or immediately after the injection of intramuscular testosterone. POME is believed to be caused by tiny droplets of oil that have traveled to the lungs. Among 3,556 patients tested worldwide, 9 POME events occurred in 8 patients.

Yes, correct. But you do not hack these droplets up like phlegm.

In my earlier post. You will see where I mentioned transdermal, different carriers especially acetate enable the drug to transfer through the small tissues, this is where the “tren” cough comes from, but can be caused from any compound.

The POME causes the cardiac likeissues/feeling.
I've told you twice in previous post. You either skimmed over the answer or weren't willing to except a plausible answer. And far as ed the vast majority won't experience it. Now why are you going to use a suppressive PED with out running at least a minimum TRT dose of test to maintain natural levels. Yeh this cycle your running is popular but I think if you look for objective information you'll find its not recommended. Recovery can become harder and long term irreversible damage could be done. Do as you choose but I think you should look at both sides of it.
Let's stay on topic, though I appreciate your concern.

What answer did you give me? Can you repeat it for me? I believe we left off on me asking you a question and you ignoring it.
Let's stay on topic, though I appreciate your concern.

What answer did you give me? Can you repeat it for me? I believe we left off on me asking you a question and you ignoring it.

Let’s stay on topic and go back to discussing Sasquatch and stop wasting time on stupid.
Sensitive savagery and twerking midgets...
The quality of human interaction on here is enough to silence an actual troll.....
All you guys that got turned on by that cute little person doing her damnedest to fit in.
Shame on you, the emotional handprint of your fantasizing is in God's archives. You are now on the naughty list and will not be recieving gifts from Santa or the Easter Bunny! :eek:
Sensitive savagery and twerking midgets...
The quality of human interaction on here is enough to silence an actual troll.....
All you guys that got turned on by that cute little person doing her damnedest to fit in.
Shame on you, the emotional handprint of your fantasizing is in God's archives. You are now on the naughty list and will not be recieving gifts from Santa or the Easter Bunny! :eek:

"He typed with one hand as he fondled himself with the other." - Narrated by Morgan Freeman
Dear Saskatoon,
Hey man, it would be nice if you guys could figure out how to whip up some frogger juice. That shit's incredible and I have even seen some unbelievable shit on the great pandas site. Drol, dbol, tne, and something else they threw in there. I'd never pin something of that nature as it's just asinine and seems novelty. Not to mention the amount of solvent to get that to hold.
Anyway, in your free time, when you're not shitting in the woods. Or grazing in the fields, or making wild skunk ape love rumpus with the mrs. Just brew some standard 50 or even 75mg/ml. As some lf us dont mind pinning 2mls just to get that sweet ass boost and power flowing through us like you naturally have. With your damn dirty ape man genetics...

You haven't explained why it is stupid.

I had a bowel movement approximately 1 hour after my last pin. Now you must explain to me how the injection caused me to take a shit.

Think about how stupid that sounds. That's what you sound like.
I had a bowel movement approximately 1 hour after my last pin. Now you must explain to me how the injection caused me to take a shit.

Think about how stupid that sounds. That's what you sound like.
You said something similar before to me and I responded, and you never responded back.

I ordered 3 vials of Deca, the first 1 was fine, and after finishing it, I went onto the 2nd. And the first injection I put into myself, severe coughing fit, diagnosed pneumonia. I discontinued use of the 2nd one, and used the 3rd one. Which was also fine, like the 1st one. I finished the 3rd one up. I said to myself, it must've just been a histamine reaction, or something similar. So I got the 2nd vial of and used it. Right after the injection, severe coughing fit. And right now I'm feeling the same symptoms, though I've not made way myself to the hospital, yet. Usually around day 2 is where it gets unbearable.

This is a consistent trend-like matter, only happening with one vial. It's not some coincidence.
You said something similar before to me and I responded, and you never responded back.

I ordered 3 vials of Deca, the first 1 was fine, and after finishing it, I went onto the 2nd. And the first injection I put into myself, severe coughing fit, diagnosed pneumonia. I discontinued use of the 2nd one, and used the 3rd one. Which was also fine, like the 1st one. I finished the 3rd one up. I said to myself, it must've just been a histamine reaction, or something similar. So I got the 2nd vial of and used it. Right after the injection, severe coughing fit. And right now I'm feeling the same symptoms, though I've not made way myself to the hospital, yet. Usually around day 2 is where it gets unbearable.

This is a consistent trend-like matter, only happening with one vial. It's not some coincidence.

Then test the fucking vial already. The fuck you want me to do, sorcery?

Quit being arrogant with everyone here when you have been given the answer already clown.
Then test the fucking vial already. The fuck you want me to do, sorcery?

Quit being arrogant with everyone here when you have been given the answer already clown.
I will test the vial, but you were the one claiming it was stupid in the first place.

What do you want me to do? Not answer you? If you don't want me to continue discourse in this thread, then shut your mouth and stop talking about me.
I will test the vial, but you were the one claiming it was stupid in the first place.

What do you want me to do? Not answer you? If you don't want me to continue discourse in this thread, then shut your mouth and stop talking about me.

You're an idiot. Just shut up. Literally everyone here hates you already and you just got here. You can take your passive aggressive bullshit elsewhere.