[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Well I started b6 and I’m going to start Prami. Like I said I’m going to go ahead and drop one of the 19-Nors. No sensitivity and no gyno. So I’ll update the situation. Everything I have right now is just anecdotal. I’ll run the Prami at .25mg two hours before bed and see if I have sides. Most sides I’ve read will subside after a few weeks if there are occurrences. If there isn’t any need to go up in dose I won’t.

If you get past the first couple weeks, you’re gold. A lot of of nausea and this weird brain fog after you take it but after that, the only side effect i’ve noticed is sleepiness about 1-2 hours after taking it.
Disclaimer: It is pharma prami. Not sure about what can happen with these research chems if they’re under/overdosed.
Been on Test E (first IM cycle) since August 1st from a separate source. All going very well. Decided to go with SAS Masteron for the last 6 weeks of my cycle. Packs landed quickly and communication was great.

Having never done Mast E before I pinned 1/2 ml Saturday morning. Felt a bit of a rush but nothing major. Just a little lethargy. I did notice an odd taste and sensation in the upper back part of my mouth. Is this normal? Is it from high BA or BB? I don't get that with my Test E. Not ever.

That night before bed I loaded my usual Test E dose of 250mg and another 1/2ml of Mast E into the same barrel. Into glute, aspirated, and went in smooth as silk. Woke up and felt dizzy, nauseous, and like utter shit. Around 1PM I finally felt normal again.

This morning (Tuesday) I pinned 1ml of SAS Mast P (planning to run 500mg of Mast E and 100-200 Mast P per week to get blood levels up faster) and the aforementioned side effects of dizziness were more intense and accompanied by a tight feeling in my chest and throat. But no nausea. Thank God! I didn't feel like I was in anaphylactic shock or anything, LOL. Just noticeable and discomforting. Its getting better now a couple hours later. Just lethargic and still that weird taste and sensation in my mouth. Oh and a weird PIP that's not too harsh but could feel it all the way down the back of my leg. Weird! Lol.

Wondering if anyone else has ever felt this on his Mast, or anyone's Mast for that matter. And will these side effects subside as my body gets used to the new compound?

I read high BB content can cause chest discomfort and tightness in your throat. Any insight on this?

Other than that, I know his Mast is legit. Just ask my lady after lastnight!
Been on Test E (first IM cycle) since August 1st from a separate source. All going very well. Decided to go with SAS Masteron for the last 6 weeks of my cycle. Packs landed quickly and communication was great.

Having never done Mast E before I pinned 1/2 ml Saturday morning. Felt a bit of a rush but nothing major. Just a little lethargy. I did notice an odd taste and sensation in the upper back part of my mouth. Is this normal? Is it from high BA or BB? I don't get that with my Test E. Not ever.

That night before bed I loaded my usual Test E dose of 250mg and another 1/2ml of Mast E into the same barrel. Into glute, aspirated, and went in smooth as silk. Woke up and felt dizzy, nauseous, and like utter shit. Around 1PM I finally felt normal again.

This morning (Tuesday) I pinned 1ml of SAS Mast P (planning to run 500mg of Mast E and 100-200 Mast P per week to get blood levels up faster) and the aforementioned side effects of dizziness were more intense and accompanied by a tight feeling in my chest and throat. But no nausea. Thank God! I didn't feel like I was in anaphylactic shock or anything, LOL. Just noticeable and discomforting. Its getting better now a couple hours later. Just lethargic and still that weird taste and sensation in my mouth. Oh and a weird PIP that's not too harsh but could feel it all the way down the back of my leg. Weird! Lol.

Wondering if anyone else has ever felt this on his Mast, or anyone's Mast for that matter. And will these side effects subside as my body gets used to the new compound?

I read high BB content can cause chest discomfort and tightness in your throat. Any insight on this?

Other than that, I know his Mast is legit. Just ask my lady after lastnight!

How do you know his mast is legit?

You never did masterone before so again, what makes it legit? From your experience?

Did you get it tested? If so please share the report.
Would running anadrol and accutane at the same time be too harsh for liver ??
That's dependent on too many factors to really give you an answer. What does your proposed cycle look like? How old are you? What are your AST and ALT levels? Do you drink heavily? etc, etc...

You need to do some research on your own. Look at oral cycles others have done and how they survived to write about it.
I’ve never dealt with this source personally so can’t speak for the service but used some left over test from a friends order. This was during my cruise of Test E 250mg/week split into .5cc mon/thu. Pulled roughly 48hr after pin.
First time getting bloods on 250mg so don’t have much else to compare too but I’m satisfied with the numbers that showed.
Not sure how much of a difference the testing method makes as you see it was “IA”, and it was a bit early than 48hr. Have to agree though. Higher than I expected.

And what were you expecting from having ZERO reference whatsoever?
U prob never run a real deal thing my friend ... almost 2000 on just 250 test E is way too high plus considering its underground stuff ;)

2k from 250 is 8x multiplier. Completely within reason of NORMAL dosing. Nothing looks abnormal WHATSOEVER.

I'm sorry friend... but I only run real deal gear. I don't think you really know what "real deal gear" actually is based on your response...

You on the other hand are not running "real deal gear." You are running untested shit made by some dude in a basement somewhere. So let's just get that straight from the start here.

Trying to infer product dosing from having zero baselines is laughable at best. Sure you can get an idea if the shit is bunk or not, but to declare it’s “higher than expected” and “slightly overdosed” is no different than a monkey throwing darts at a board. A wild guess is all it is.

Let’s stick with actual HPLC lab testing to declare product dosing. Bloodwork without baselines is great to support that the vendor is putting out vials with a decent amount of hormone in it. No telling the actual dosing, however.
U prob never run a real deal thing my friend ... almost 2000 on just 250 test E is way too high plus considering its underground stuff ;)

Way too high for who? You? This very well could be normal for him. You can't be making high or low calls when this dude has no comparison blood work.
Not gonna argue with noone but every time i had a chance to use Watson my numbers on 1cc were not higher then 1500 ... so if u think 2k on 1cc of underground stuff is normal then i just only happy for all of ya!
Not gonna argue with noone but every time i had a chance to use Watson my numbers on 1cc were not higher then 1500 ... so if u think 2k on 1cc of underground stuff is normal then i just only happy for all of ya!

So, the answer to my question was yes. Alright, we're done here. Let's return to our regularly scheduled program.
And what were you expecting from having ZERO reference whatsoever?
Wasn’t sure what to expect. Like I said no other bloods to compare too just more than happy with the number. I was hoping for at least 1,500.

I’ll add that I was agreeing to @Leksis comment about looking good. I’m not claiming anything’s overdosed.


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