[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Not sure if I have gyno or not. Nips have never been sensitive, had is liquid come out, and no lumps or anything but as I’ve leaned out I swear they are getting bigger. When I pinch them they feel empty almost. For the 2 years that’s I’ve been in TRT, estrogen has never been high. I check every three months. Anything I can do?
Not sure if I have gyno or not. Nips have never been sensitive, had is liquid come out, and no lumps or anything but as I’ve leaned out I swear they are getting bigger. When I pinch them they feel empty almost. For the 2 years that’s I’ve been in TRT, estrogen has never been high. I check every three months. Anything I can do?

Stop playing with your nips. Seriously.
If you're concerned, Nolva to the rescue.
So going back to an old thread/source - it’s very possible that TSL’s gear was on point?

Yes for sure.

If you look up deepwater he had an amazing log comparing blood work from
Ugl vs pharma.

He actually took a blood test every day for a week on pharma and every day for a week on ugl.

Prettt incredible results were discovered in both peaks and valleys and how fast the test actually was utilized
Yes for sure.

If you look up deepwater he had an amazing log comparing blood work from
Ugl vs pharma.

He actually took a blood test every day for a week on pharma and every day for a week on ugl.

Prettt incredible results were discovered in both peaks and valleys and how fast the test actually was utilized
Damn.. daily???
Damn.. daily???

Yup! Went everyday for a week using tsl.
He used for like 6 weeks and I believe was test c then got bloods drawn everyday.

The. He switched to pharma and got bloods drawn on like 7th week

He did one injection per week of I believe 750mg on a Saturday.
Yup! Went everyday for a week using tsl.
He used for like 6 weeks and I believe was test c then got bloods drawn everyday.

The. He switched to pharma and got bloods drawn on like 7th week

He did one injection per week of I believe 750mg on a Saturday.
That's awesome. A little crazy and expensive. But if one can do it, it's an awesome contribution.
Hey guys, to answer some questions, Deca is back in stock, and Dbol and Tbol will likely be back in stock after the weekend!

Maybe somebody with more experience can give some advice, my first time cycling, running just 400mg test e/weekly from sas, im on week 5, just got bloods no results yet, my nipples were little puffy at bout week 2-3 so took 12.5mg of sas's aromasin once, felt like shit next two days, been taking 6.25mg twice week ever since and felt fine. Last week my nipples are hard as hell about all day long, a little sensitive especially the right, so up to 6.25 every other day and felt like shit again, tired, low sex drive ect...but nipples still same even the little bumpy area around nipple on right is hard sometimes....sorry so long. Thanks
Maybe somebody with more experience can give some advice, my first time cycling, running just 400mg test e/weekly from sas, im on week 5, just got bloods no results yet, my nipples were little puffy at bout week 2-3 so took 12.5mg of sas's aromasin once, felt like shit next two days, been taking 6.25mg twice week ever since and felt fine. Last week my nipples are hard as hell about all day long, a little sensitive especially the right, so up to 6.25 every other day and felt like shit again, tired, low sex drive ect...but nipples still same even the little bumpy area around nipple on right is hard sometimes....sorry so long. Thanks

Aromasin will sometimes make my nips rock hard. Doesn't happen all the time though. Not sure why it's hit or miss.

If Aromasin is making you feel ill, have you thought about switching to Arimidex?
Have no previous experience with any of this stuff, first go round, so no, I do have some letro and nolva on hand


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