[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Have no previous experience with any of this stuff, first go round, so no, I do have some letro and nolva on hand

Shelve the Letro for now. If the Aromasin is affecting quality of life to the point where you dread using it, i would suggest starting Nolva.

While it won't lower estrogen, it will block it's unwanted effects on breast tissue.

Some people have complained of floaters in their eyes after using Nolva. You should be aware of that and take that into consideration before switching over.
Shelve the Letro for now. If the Aromasin is affecting quality of life to the point where you dread using it, i would suggest starting Nolva.

While it won't lower estrogen, it will block it's unwanted effects on breast tissue.

Some people have complained of floaters in their eyes after using Nolva. You should be aware of that and take that into consideration before switching over.
Shelve the Letro for now. If the Aromasin is affecting quality of life to the point where you dread using it, i would suggest starting Nolva.

While it won't lower estrogen, it will block it's unwanted effects on breast tissue.

Some people have complained of floaters in their eyes after using Nolva. You should be aware of that and take that into consideration before switching over.
Not good, I've already got floaters in one eye that bug the shit out of me, I was gonna use nolva for pct
Use vitamin b-6 next time.... much safer and effective without all the sides.

Be careful with caber... it directly affects the left ventricle of heart.

Damn. I have been reading along time and completely forgot about the effect of Caber on the heart. I believe that is why I went with Prami in the first place.

Thank you.

If you were running Tren E at 400mgs EW how would you run the Vitamin B-6?
Shelve the Letro for now. If the Aromasin is affecting quality of life to the point where you dread using it, i would suggest starting Nolva.

While it won't lower estrogen, it will block it's unwanted effects on breast tissue.

Some people have complained of floaters in their eyes after using Nolva. You should be aware of that and take that into consideration before switching over.

I think you mean Clomid causes the floaters. Nolva does cause some eye problems, however, Clomid is very commonly the one that causes “floaters.”
Damn. I have been reading along time and completely forgot about the effect of Caber on the heart. I believe that is why I went with Prami in the first place.

Thank you.

If you were running Tren E at 400mgs EW how would you run the Vitamin B-6?

300-600mg daily b-6 [emoji106]
View attachment 97903 Perfect as expected. You csn't do any better than the lady's and gentleman as Sas!

Lol I went back and looked. That shit is so bad it's comical.

Did you make that up on your computer? Because that's one hell of a shitty job.

Precion? Lol

2 samples but BA and BB only listed once....

Still can't spell Benzyl correctly either with his mystery lab that he can't reveal.

View attachment 97903 Perfect as expected. You csn't do any better than the lady's and gentleman as Sas!

Well once again that’s legit AF [emoji106]

I mean it was signed and everything. Real official! And the accuracy of the analysis is down to the 0.01 mg/ml level too. Amazing.

Yet with all the science they leave the “y” off of “benzl” - must be for savings.

SAS is so good that evidently he managed to get the same exact percentage of BA and BB for Mast Prop and Test Prop - that’s consistency we can all appreciate.

Thanks nathan drake this was well worth the 4 mins it took you to do it!
I had labs done just for estradiol and prolactin yesterday. My prolactin is low to normal with no Prami and my estradiol was almost 150. Never had an Estradiol issue but I’m doubling my Adex and hopefully will have it under control soon. I’ve also been running the B6 so I’m not sure if that had any positive effect.
I had labs done just for estradiol and prolactin yesterday. My prolactin is low to normal with no Prami and my estradiol was almost 150. Never had an Estradiol issue but I’m doubling my Adex and hopefully will have it under control soon. I’ve also been running the B6 so I’m not sure if that had any positive effect.
You running Tren?
I think you mean Clomid causes the floaters. Nolva does cause some eye problems, however, Clomid is very commonly the one that causes “floaters.”

According to the Mayo clinic:

"...in addition, tamoxifen has been reported to cause cataracts and other eye problems. Discuss these possible effects with your doctor."

Fuck. i'd rather have the floaters. Thanks for the correction.
300-600mg daily b-6
Is that a avarage daily dose of b-6 most are taking? I have 100mg tablets
I had labs done just for estradiol and prolactin yesterday. My prolactin is low to normal with no Prami and my estradiol was almost 150. Never had an Estradiol issue but I’m doubling my Adex and hopefully will have it under control soon. I’ve also been running the B6 so I’m not sure if that had any positive effect.
Oh wow, so your issue is estro related. I’m getting bloods done next week to see where I’m at as well. I’m gonna have to check my prolactin. My issue seems to be subsiding, but it’s still there. I used 700mg b6 for 4 days, and 300 for the last 10 days or so. Also using 20mg nolva ED. Thanks for the update, maybe @Roger rabbit can chime in on the b6. He’s the one that told me about it