[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Maybe somebody with more experience can give some advice, my first time cycling, running just 400mg test e/weekly from sas, im on week 5, just got bloods no results yet, my nipples were little puffy at bout week 2-3 so took 12.5mg of sas's aromasin once, felt like shit next two days, been taking 6.25mg twice week ever since and felt fine. Last week my nipples are hard as hell about all day long, a little sensitive especially the right, so up to 6.25 every other day and felt like shit again, tired, low sex drive ect...but nipples still same even the little bumpy area around nipple on right is hard sometimes....sorry so long. Thanks
Never heard of Aromasin making anyone ill. Have you used Aromasin from another source before and felt ok?
Never heard of Aromasin making anyone ill. Have you used Aromasin from another source before and felt ok?
No i was saying it probly puts my estro levels too low, a noticable difference in energy ect. after I take it, but at the same time I'm getting hard sometimes sensitive nipples about all day long which would indicate high estro levels I would imagine.....waiting on blood results few days
No i was saying it probly puts my estro levels too low, a noticable difference in energy ect. after I take it, but at the same time I'm getting hard sometimes sensitive nipples about all day long which would indicate high estro levels I would imagine.....waiting on blood results few days

Low estrogen can cause the exact same effects as high estrogen.
View attachment 97903 Perfect as expected. You csn't do any better than the lady's and gentleman as Sas!
This motherfucker is really starting to piss me off. 2nd time trying to scam a source which has been very generous to a lot of us regarding store credit and has honored his commitment to giving credit for bloods... when someone comes on here and trys to exploit a system which benefits the majority of us who profit from a system of credit which will only exist if jerk offs are banned/blocked/etc for doing this nonsence... he is in fact fucking with our wallets.

I dont know about you guys, but I dont tolerate people fucking with my wallet or potentially spreading false information which could be detrimental to those of us who use sas's gear.
For all of you calling me an idiot and saying I was posting fake labs to reverse scam, who are the dummies now??


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Quit trying to reverse scam you broke pos. What a joke.. do you think because Jay left that this would go unnoticed? You tried to post the same bullshit a few months ago. Pathetic

What am i missing? Who is this guy with the homemade test results? i'm requesting a spoon feeding of info here. :)