[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

So you have failed in reverse scamming sas for the 3rd time and your attempts at scamming the members with your hulkpowerugl and US domestic hgh threads have both failed in disgrace. Come on buck charkley/brew kit lasted longer.
Don't forget, @nathandrake06 also went on about how @cronus
So you have failed in reverse scamming sas for the 3rd time and your attempts at scamming the members with your hulkpowerugl and US domestic hgh threads have both failed in disgrace. Come on buck charkley/brew kit lasted longer.
Don't forget, @nathandrake06 also went on about how lucky he was to find Cronus Labs and that lab was a scam.
So you have failed in reverse scamming sas for the 3rd time and your attempts at scamming the members with your hulkpowerugl and US domestic hgh threads have both failed in disgrace. Come on buck charkley/brew kit lasted longer.

This extremely long run on sentence is full of things that I have no clue about.
I refuse to believe someone is this stupid, it has to be a troll..

I refuse to believe someone is this stupid, it has to be a troll..

At the time of typing the comment, I didn't scroll up to see what the poster was referring to. I don't think the Earth is flat, don't worry.
Hey guys,

New stock updates! Check out the new pastebin to see if we have what you want to order in stock. However, we should be back in stock with most orals after the weekend, and I'll be keeping you guys posted!

Anyone can chim in on SAS prop Vs PC prop or SAS test in general Vs PC? Is it still you get get what you pay for ?
It’s never you get what you pay for. Price has no indication of a quality product especially when dealing with ugl’s. I post blood work a few pages back that you can check out for yourself.
Thought you were on just meso? What happen?
Hey guys,

We've always been on 2 boards. For a while we were also with a 3rd party, but due to logistical reasons we had to stop working with them. But now that everything is straightened out, we'll be able to start working with our 3rd party again as well.

Hey guys,

We've always been on 2 boards. For a while we were also with a 3rd party, but due to logistical reasons we had to stop working with them. But now that everything is straightened out, we'll be able to start working with our 3rd party again as well.


Of course!

I had a third party reselling my products, overtime I decided it was in my best interest to dedicate my resources and time to the forums that helped me get to where I am now.

Now you guys should experience the fastest T/A from me yet and longer periods of stock being available!


Hey guys,

We've always been on 2 boards. For a while we were also with a 3rd party, but due to logistical reasons we had to stop working with them. But now that everything is straightened out, we'll be able to start working with our 3rd party again as well.


Why not just run it smoothly for a little bit rather than the up and down shit show rollercoaster.
You’ve got to be kidding? Going with the 3rd party again? You’ve already stated you couldn’t keep up with the quantity which nearly ruined your customer service, smh some people never learn!
Hey guys,

We've always been on 2 boards. For a while we were also with a 3rd party, but due to logistical reasons we had to stop working with them. But now that everything is straightened out, we'll be able to start working with our 3rd party again as well.


And here we go......

When will labs just figure out to keep it small and consistent will be better than large and roller coaster ?

FFS you didn’t learn from the past mistake... so this time will be different.....

Doing the same things and expecting different results is insanity.


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