[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Guys, I really do understand your concerns. Which is why I made sure that me and my team was prepared and trained before I made any decisions. The last two months have been very slow almost enough to make me stop sourcing entirely.

And here we go......

When will labs just figure out to keep it small and consistent will be better than large and roller coaster ?

FFS you didn’t learn from the past mistake... so this time will be different.....

Doing the same things and expecting different results is insanity.
Doing the same thing and knowing the result is insanity!
Guys, I really do understand your concerns. Which is why I made sure that me and my team was prepared and trained before I made any decisions. The last two months have been very slow almost enough to make me stop sourcing entirely.


It’s been slow because you’re consistency hasn’t exactly been there. You tend to bow out and disappear for stretches. Then your potential new customers freak the fuck out and your base never grows.
It’s been slow because you’re consistency hasn’t exactly been there. You tend to bow out and disappear for stretches. Then your potential new customers freak the fuck out and your base never grows.

This is spot on right here.

There is a reason why most private sources have lots of consistent long term customers and more begging to get in....

The source is consistent with quality products and beyond great communication.

These things you are hit and mis on every single time. How many times have we seen people pop in and say “I’m watching before I order and see how they do”

Then sas goes missing or out of stock on shit etc. people can’t order and get tired of waiting for their order to be pieced together
It’s been slow because you’re consistency hasn’t exactly been there. You tend to bow out and disappear for stretches. Then your potential new customers freak the fuck out and your base never grows.

^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^

Guys treat UGL labs like women.

If the lab is flakey and only fun sometimes cause they are EVERYWHERE, then yea sure, I'll keep them around and bang them from time to time out of convenience, however, I will never be committed to them. On the other hand... if they do everything right and take care of ME and not EVERYONE I won't be looking elsewhere because I wouldn't need to! These kinds of labs are already out there and have a cult following of customers who REFUSE to get their gear elsewhere... for YEARS!

Quit being a slut SAS. Quality is greater than quantity. Your third party is a trainwreck waiting to happen all over again. They have a LONG history I wouldn't touch.
^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^

Guys treat UGL labs like women.

If the lab is flakey and only fun sometimes cause they are EVERYWHERE, then yea sure, I'll keep them around and bang them from time to time out of convenience, however, I will never be committed to them. On the other hand... if they do everything right and take care of ME and not EVERYONE I won't be looking elsewhere because I wouldn't need to! These kinds of labs are already out there and have a cult following of customers who REFUSE to get their gear elsewhere... for YEARS!

Quit being a slut SAS. Quality is greater than quantity. Your third party is a trainwreck waiting to happen all over again. They have a LONG history I wouldn't touch.
Are we not pretty enough SAS??
@Sasquatch Labs how are you going to mitigate the constant stock outs and handle an increased demand? Your customer base right now is highlighting the "why's" demand has decreased - firms pay a shit ton of money for that type of information - don't take it for granted.

I would presume "getting your team ready" would translate to building up a massive stock for the fags over on naps and with the constant issues in your logistics... a new reshipper. I fear neither have been done. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the correlation between the emergence of competitors coinciding with your decrease in Demand - out price them, out stock them, and out perform them - out advertising them won't do shit if you can't deliver.

The people who potentially suffer from this move are the only ones who have been keeping your demand alive. Us loyal to the hairy fuck.
Why are you worried about quality? Have you ordered from sas before?

Multiple times, I have a another pack set to land this week as well. I meant quality as in friends bitching at me if an order is delayed or takes longer to come in then promised.

I know SAS gear is tried and tested thus far.
I dunno, I think it's pretty cool that they destroy their records and emails.... are there any other labs that do that?

When you asked that question, did you really expect them to say anything other than "yes, we destroy records"?

Can't say if they do or don't, only they truly know, but no UGL is going to say they keep records, even if they do keep them. The shit storm would be endless.
When you asked that question, did you really expect them to say anything other than "yes, we destroy records"?

Can't say if they do or don't, only they truly know, but no UGL is going to say they keep records, even if they do keep them. The shit storm would be endless.
Right - it eventually comes out in the wash that they DON’T destroy them when unexpected packages show up or some other crap happened which proves they keep info.
Right - it eventually comes out in the wash that they DON’T destroy them when unexpected packages show up or some other crap happened which proves they keep info.

What?? You mean to tell me my illegal drug dealer might lie to me??

@worst_episode_ever you’re brand new here and that’s the question you ask several different ugls within a couple minutes of joining? Really? Like the good guys above said, of course the ugl isn’t going to say “I compile your email and address information for sale on the dark net” they’re going to say “I take appropriate measures to protect your information” because that’s what you want to hear.

Be smart and use common sense and security on your end and you don’t have to “trust” the ugl.
Money has a magic behind it that seduces and trances those in it's shadow. No amount of advice or sweetness or sourness for that matter will change things for the one ultimately responsible for the decision making. I'm sorry guys, but I think the reasons most these labs start up is to make money. They are not here to build some illegal reputation for being hormone replacement suppliers or personal trainer supplement providers, etc etc etc.

Regardless of all details, there is NOTHING more valuable on this planet than giving yourself 5-10 minutes of stepping outside yourself and giving time for reflection from all angles. Then moving forward from their once back in your vessel....
is bitcoin killing anybody else? i just got back of deployment no dl at the moment im a contractor.looking to find a source to load me up for next deployment after a test or trrial 3-4 weeks...my direct source is overseas.....seems like anyone western union or moneygram is stupid expensive.... plus i gott give my info for crypto bitcoin, how is that safe for me? u dont think they can track that really?on both sides...bit coin is less safe than western union..those would be the first purchases they look into
is bitcoin killing anybody else? i just got back of deployment no dl at the moment im a contractor.looking to find a source to load me up for next deployment after a test or trrial 3-4 weeks...my direct source is overseas.....seems like anyone western union or moneygram is stupid expensive.... plus i gott give my info for crypto bitcoin, how is that safe for me? u dont think they can track that really?on both sides...bit coin is less safe than western union..those would be the first purchases they look into
Check out Millard’s thoughts in his article on BTC/crypto and how it’s just a government tracking tool. I don’t like it one bit, but nearly every source is going to it.