[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I fucking HATE Prami. Ran that shit on my last tren cycle when I couldn't find any caber. Made me feel like complete shit, I got nauseous every single time and threw up for a week straight before I finally just dropped that shit and the tren smh.

More time I spent on the forums, the more I found out I wasn't the only one who reacted badly to it. Just a heads up in case you experience anything like this.
Yea that prami doesnt like me either. Fuck that shit.
Hey guys,

After more consideration and reading how unhappy that has made the community I've decided to not go forth with selling to a third party. Sorry guys, I acted out of desperation but we've reconsidered.

Instead I'll be posting a promo to boost sales! You'll see this in our updated pastebin below!

Besides this, have you guys been satisfied with the improvements made at Sas? We really appreciate the amount of feedback you guys give us, especially when we do something that might bring us away from our goal of delivering quality gear.

Hey guys,

After more consideration and reading how unhappy that has made the community I've decided to not go forth with selling to a third party. Sorry guys, I acted out of desperation but we've reconsidered.

Instead I'll be posting a promo to boost sales! You'll see this in our updated pastebin below!

Besides this, have you guys been satisfied with the improvements made at Sas? We really appreciate the amount of feedback you guys give us, especially when we do something that might bring us away from our goal of delivering quality gear.


If you really want to boost sales, find another method of payment other than crypto. You’d have my business in a heartbeat and I’m sure many others who either can’t or won’t figure out this crypto bullshit.
Regardless of all details, there is NOTHING more valuable on this planet than giving yourself 5-10 minutes of stepping outside yourself and giving time for reflection from all angles. Then moving forward from their once back in your vessel....

What the fuck does this even mean? Are you high?
Hey guys,

After more consideration and reading how unhappy that has made the community I've decided to not go forth with selling to a third party. Sorry guys, I acted out of desperation but we've reconsidered.

Instead I'll be posting a promo to boost sales! You'll see this in our updated pastebin below!

Besides this, have you guys been satisfied with the improvements made at Sas? We really appreciate the amount of feedback you guys give us, especially when we do something that might bring us away from our goal of delivering quality gear.


The improvements have been dope SAS, but it's the consistency we want to see, keep it up. I'm glad to see you listening to your base. I have a feeling once your Stock is full (orals) and now with an adjustment to your prices you'll be pleasantly surprised with the demand.

The improvements have been dope SAS, but it's the consistency we want to see, keep it up. I'm glad to see you listening to your base. I have a feeling once your Stock is full (orals) and now with an adjustment to your prices you'll be pleasantly surprised with the demand.

This was said perfectly, put up a few months of steady consistent service with items in stock and you’ll be busy. No need to make another deal with that 3rd party devil.
Hey guys,

After more consideration and reading how unhappy that has made the community I've decided to not go forth with selling to a third party. Sorry guys, I acted out of desperation but we've reconsidered.

Instead I'll be posting a promo to boost sales! You'll see this in our updated pastebin below!

Besides this, have you guys been satisfied with the improvements made at Sas? We really appreciate the amount of feedback you guys give us, especially when we do something that might bring us away from our goal of delivering quality gear.


I have been satisfied, you have always done right by me!
What the fuck does this even mean? Are you high?
If you can't understand this following the previous comments regarding the hairy fucker. Then you're just failing to comprehend, and I don't think anyone cares for me to explain nor would I want to further. Pretty simple, I'm so fucking sober these days....
I use paxful, so how can that me traced?
I’m not even going to pretend I know about crypto, but being that it’s digital, I’m sure there’s some sort of footprint. Can it be bought with a Visa gift card or anything not traceable? What about wallets? Do they all make you verify who you are? Blockchain didn’t seem to be too nosy in verifying me, but I’m sure it can still be traced back to me.
I have an idea that alot of sources for anything are selling the BC they get from sales back to the buyers for even more profit. Via paxful
If a source such as SAS that has already displayed some credibility added an alternate payment method sales would definitely be on the increase. I will attest to the fact that most of us are not at all comfortable with crypto and the ties it has to our personal accounts and information. There is absolutely no information secure in a digital world.

In addition to payment options if your communication remained consistent throughout the process from order to t/d you’d certainly have more customers. I’m sure countless memebers decline to order when we’re all bitching about communication, disappearances, and t/a time. Address these issues and make customer service a priority and buyers will jump on board. Your thread is basically a consumer rating for your ups and downs.
Just recently placed an order for the first time and would have never guessed there was communication issues In the past. I got replies almost instantly and have been updated on the tracking.
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