[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I have an idea that alot of sources for anything are selling the BC they get from sales back to the buyers for even more profit. Via paxful
Yep, and that’s why they only take it - they’re making a LOT more money than any other method... especially when the market rebounds.
Just recently placed an order for the first time and would have never guessed there was communication issues I’m the past. I got replies almost instantly and have been updated on the tracking.
Only problem with that is is that we have seen good behavior but not consistently. If good behavior was strung together for a lengthy period of time it’d benefit the entire community as well as the source.
Only problem with that is is that we have seen good behavior but not consistently. If good behavior was strung together for a lengthy period of time it’d benefit the entire community as well as the source.
Just giving insight of my current dealings with him, but I agree.
Regarding the crypto traceability, you guys arent sending the crypto from the same wallet you purchased it from are you? Like if you buy it from Coinbase you aren’t also sending it from coinbase I hope.

The efficiency in security from crypto comes from taking it out of the traceable wallet, to wallets that don’t require anything but email verification. Setup a throway email with a vpn and new wallets each and every time you purchase.
TD on a quite large order of oils.
4 days T/A and communication was on point.

Placing another large order this week with the new sale prices. Keep it up SAS.

Who's excited to see Dino dressed in a Sasquatch suit pull my name out of the raffle bin?
Regarding the crypto traceability, you guys arent sending the crypto from the same wallet you purchased it from are you? Like if you buy it from Coinbase you aren’t also sending it from coinbase I hope.

The efficiency in security from crypto comes from taking it out of the traceable wallet, to wallets that don’t require anything but email verification. Setup a throway email with a vpn and new wallets each and every time you purchase.

What’s a good wallet(s) you suggest? I’m digging how you explained it.
What’s a good wallet(s) you suggest? I’m digging how you explained it.

I would rather not say which I use, but I will tell you a google search will come up with at least a dozen which are email verification only.

And another thing you guys should be doing is looking at the wallet addresses your sources are providing you. If you are given the same wallet address twice, you should either steer clear of said source, or explain to them how they should be using new wallets, I would say weekly or bi-weekly, and request them give you a new wallet ID.
And lastly, what i would suggest is that whenever you send your crypto from the buying wallet to randomized wallet, i would send it to a third wallet before sending it to source. That way, even if source is compromised, there is no evidence your wallet sent anything to anyone, except to some random wallet in the vast expansion of the crypto world.
@Roger rabbit I’ve seen you mention liver support before. What is a good route to go while on Tren? My AST/ALT are slightly elevated and now would be a good time to counter that a little.

High dosage of vit.C per day.

Take around 8g per day split up through the day. Buffered vitamin c powder is the easiest way to go and just mix with juice or flavored water etc.
High dosage of vit.C per day.

Take around 8g per day split up through the day. Buffered vitamin c powder is the easiest way to go and just mix with juice or flavored water etc.
You should really start a thread with which supplements you should take with certain compounds to combat certain sides and so forth. Your knowledge is pretty vast especially with how to take a safe approach to the realm of AAS by not using more drugs to treat certain symptoms/sides. It would surely become a sticky. Lol
You should really start a thread with which supplements you should take with certain compounds to combat certain sides and so forth. Your knowledge is pretty vast especially with how to take a safe approach to the realm of AAS by not using more drugs to treat certain symptoms/sides. It would surely become a sticky. Lol

Do it Roger. You could really help people even more than you already do!
You should really start a thread with which supplements you should take with certain compounds to combat certain sides and so forth. Your knowledge is pretty vast especially with how to take a safe approach to the realm of AAS by not using more drugs to treat certain symptoms/sides. It would surely become a sticky. Lol
I agree with this 100%
Guys I had a little moment of reason. If I’m on TRT and my dose is 210mg I wouldn’t consider that to be part of my blast right. So I’ve been running 600mg but I didn’t subtract my TRT. To achieve 600mg in my blast I’d actually have to run 810mgs correct.
Guys I had a little moment of reason. If I’m on TRT and my dose is 210mg I wouldn’t consider that to be part of my blast right. So I’ve been running 600mg but I didn’t subtract my TRT. To achieve 600mg in my blast I’d actually have to run 810mgs correct.

I think you're looking at it wrong. My natural test is around ~700. I like to be around 3,000 in my cycle. I multiply about 6x. But it's not 3,000 + my base of 600. The exogenous test shuts down my own production. So you have to factor that in.

Your TRT dose of 210 is to function as your base score, your base to your target is all what matters, not so much the dosage you need to get there.

So what are you trying to get your test levels up to on a blast?
You should really start a thread with which supplements you should take with certain compounds to combat certain sides and so forth. Your knowledge is pretty vast especially with how to take a safe approach to the realm of AAS by not using more drugs to treat certain symptoms/sides. It would surely become a sticky. Lol

We can make it like Dear Abby. But we'll call it Dear Rogey.

Dear Rogey:

i've enclosed photographs of what appears to be a pimple or a boil. Can you be of any assistance in identifying it?

Sincerely yours: Feeling silly in Seattle.

Edit: i have identified the problem. It was neither a pimple nor a boil. It was a gummi bear.

See? Something like that. Dear Rogey. LOL.
We can make it like Dear Abby. But we'll call it Dear Rogey.

Dear Rogey:

i've enclosed photographs of what appears to be a pimple or a boil. Can you be of any assistance in identifying it?

Sincerely yours: Feeling silly in Seattle.

Edit: i have identified the problem. It was neither a pimple nor a boil. It was a gummi bear.

See? Something like that. Dear Rogey. LOL.
Dear Rogey,
I got milk shooting out my nips when I'm bench pressing.

No advice needed, just wanted to share.


P.S: My balls are shrinking.. I've sttatched photos for research purposes. Butthole included for scale.
I love how i went through about 40-60 pages of forum posts and 90% of the posts were off topic, how about just posting feedback on the source and gear quality rather than bullshit thats not related. It makes it difficult to see actual feedback and reviews regarding this lab. Fucking idiots.