[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Yeah that shit is scary. I was running high deca last blast and swear the vitamin B saved me from having to take prami. I still have a stock pile of 3 packs of prami because it just fucking blows so bad I cant even stomach it.

Are you showing visible shoulder striations at your current fat %? I guess I'm being ridiculous but I could never do 30% fats on a cut I try to stay under 50 grams.
@kendallkmw High doses of b6 for a week 600/700mg, then 300mg till the problem subsides. Seemed to help me. Funny thing is my shit started getting sensitive and leaking a little without using any nandros. Still not sure of the cause because estro had been in check.
@kendallkmw High doses of b6 for a week 600/700mg, then 300mg till the problem subsides. Seemed to help me. Funny thing is my shit started getting sensitive and leaking a little without using any nandros. Still not sure of the cause because estro had been in check.

Were you sure through bloodwork?

I had a similar situation... bloodwork verified my E was actually crashed. Not sure the exact cause of the leaking in the end... I didn't get Prolactin checked, although I probably should have. But I was taking Caber as well at the time so I was never able to figure out the cause, other than the crashed E I had verified through bloodwork.
@kendallkmw High doses of b6 for a week 600/700mg, then 300mg till the problem subsides. Seemed to help me. Funny thing is my shit started getting sensitive and leaking a little without using any nandros. Still not sure of the cause because estro had been in check.
Never had issues except on prohormones. No sensitivity whatsoever. Going to run some prami at minimal dose and see how I like that probably will like the MRP in the bedroom.
Yeah that shit is scary. I was running high deca last blast and swear the vitamin B saved me from having to take prami. I still have a stock pile of 3 packs of prami because it just fucking blows so bad I cant even stomach it.

Are you showing visible shoulder striations at your current fat %? I guess I'm being ridiculous but I could never do 30% fats on a cut I try to stay under 50 grams.
My body is extremely cut up I’m just not happy with my bf. I guarantee I’m not a bit more than 10% but every ounce I have is right over my abs. Most people don’t understand what I’m talking about but it bothers me.
Were you sure through bloodwork?

I had a similar situation... bloodwork verified my E was actually crashed. Not sure the exact cause of the leaking in the end... I didn't get Prolactin checked, although I probably should have. But I was taking Caber as well at the time so I was never able to figure out the cause, other than the crashed E I had verified through bloodwork.
Actually I did have bloodwork done, a couple of weeks prior to getting labs, my left nipple started feeling real sensitive, usually an indication of high e, so I thought. Started on examastane at 12.5 every 4th day. Bloodwork came back and estro was actually crashed as well. I think 6.6 or something like that. Shoulda said estro wasn’t high instead of in check. Never shoulda started on the AI, but still to this day not sure of the cause for the leaky sensitive nipple. The b6 has helped a lot, no more leaking, but minor sensitivity still. I’ll get bloods done in 2 weeks to see where I’m at
I’ve always heard keeping estro in range will keep the prolactin and progesterone in check as well. Could be wrong. I was only on cruise dose of sustanon at the time. Never needed an AI until pushing past 500 test. Was running 220 a week. Anybody got any ideas on what coulda been the issue, sure would like to know for next time
Never had issues except on prohormones. No sensitivity whatsoever. Going to run some prami at minimal dose and see how I like that probably will like the MRP in the bedroom.

My body is extremely cut up I’m just not happy with my bf. I guarantee I’m not a bit more than 10% but every ounce I have is right over my abs. Most people don’t understand what I’m talking about but it bothers me.
I think that’s the nature of this game bro, we will never be satisfied how we look. It’s always there in the back of my mind telling me to work harder and do more. Push the limits. Know what I mean
@EQ Kimball how do you run your Prami. I here it’s best to take at bedtime and slowly build up from .25mg. Also what you run your macros at in a cut. I feel like I’m starving all the time.
I’ve always heard keeping estro in range will keep the prolactin and progesterone in check as well. Could be wrong. I was only on cruise dose of sustanon at the time. Never needed an AI until pushing past 500 test. Was running 220 a week. Anybody got any ideas on what coulda been the issue, sure would like to know for next time
My last run I ran Test at 500 and adex at .5mg and had super low E. Its definitely not estrogen correlated. I’m not especially estrogen sensitive anyways. Its definitely the Nandrolone family. I’m not using it for anything more than the therapeutic values so I’m just gonna drop it. I am going to run the Prami at .25mg for a couple of weeks and maybe step up to a .5mg. From everything I understand about it the pros far outweigh the cons if you make it through the first few weeks. That is if you even have negative sides. We’re all different. Shit I might just run it year round if it suits me well since I’m a blast and cruise.
My last run I ran Test at 500 and adex at .5mg and had super low E. Its definitely not estrogen correlated. I’m not especially estrogen sensitive anyways. Its definitely the Nandrolone family. I’m not using it for anything more than the therapeutic values so I’m just gonna drop it. I am going to run the Prami at .25mg for a couple of weeks and maybe step up to a .5mg. From everything I understand about it the pros far outweigh the cons if you make it through the first few weeks. That is if you even have negative sides. We’re all different. Shit I might just run it year round if it suits me well since I’m a blast and cruise.
That’s just it tho, I haven’t ran any 19-Nors since mid may. The problem started about a month ago
That’s just it tho, I haven’t ran any 19-Nors since mid may. The problem started about a month ago
Well I started b6 and I’m going to start Prami. Like I said I’m going to go ahead and drop one of the 19-Nors. No sensitivity and no gyno. So I’ll update the situation. Everything I have right now is just anecdotal. I’ll run the Prami at .25mg two hours before bed and see if I have sides. Most sides I’ve read will subside after a few weeks if there are occurrences. If there isn’t any need to go up in dose I won’t.
Well I started b6 and I’m going to start Prami. Like I said I’m going to go ahead and drop one of the 19-Nors. No sensitivity and no gyno. So I’ll update the situation. Everything I have right now is just anecdotal. I’ll run the Prami at .25mg two hours before bed and see if I have sides. Most sides I’ve read will subside after a few weeks if there are occurrences. If there isn’t any need to go up in dose I won’t.
Sounds good bro, keep me posted for sure. I’ve never used prami, but weighing all options
@EQ Kimball how do you run your Prami. I here it’s best to take at bedtime and slowly build up from .25mg. Also what you run your macros at in a cut. I feel like I’m starving all the time.

I ran it at night time but jumped right to .25 - definitely try caber instead if need be PM me for a caber source. I am usually hungry the first 2-3 weeks of a heavy cut but I've noticed if I do IM Fasting for the first 2 weeks it gets my body used to a reduction in feeding. I run my macros not as strict as I limit my cals but always 50grams or less of fats. And about 30% more protein then carbs so about 260g proteins 200g carbs (I have trouble hitting my carb goal if I'm trying to cut fast).

Any tips dealing with tren sweats?
I ran it at night time but jumped right to .25 - definitely try caber instead if need be PM me for a caber source. I am usually hungry the first 2-3 weeks of a heavy cut but I've noticed if I do IM Fasting for the first 2 weeks it gets my body used to a reduction in feeding. I run my macros not as strict as I limit my cals but always 50grams or less of fats. And about 30% more protein then carbs so about 260g proteins 200g carbs (I have trouble hitting my carb goal if I'm trying to cut fast).

Any tips dealing with tren sweats?
The only time I sweat on Tren is in the heat. Don’t have a problem with night sweats. I hate the heat anyways so it’s even worse on Tren. I understand that tren is extremely thermogenic and there is nothing you can do about it. My Prami will be here any day so I’m going to give it a shot. I’m far more interested in the benefits of using it. I’ve read if you experience sides and you can just make the first 3 week stretch you’ll be in the clear.
The only time I sweat on Tren is in the heat. Don’t have a problem with night sweats. I hate the heat anyways so it’s even worse on Tren. I understand that tren is extremely thermogenic and there is nothing you can do about it. My Prami will be here any day so I’m going to give it a shot. I’m far more interested in the benefits of using it. I’ve read if you experience sides and you can just make the first 3 week stretch you’ll be in the clear.

I fucking HATE Prami. Ran that shit on my last tren cycle when I couldn't find any caber. Made me feel like complete shit, I got nauseous every single time and threw up for a week straight before I finally just dropped that shit and the tren smh.

More time I spent on the forums, the more I found out I wasn't the only one who reacted badly to it. Just a heads up in case you experience anything like this.
I fucking HATE Prami. Ran that shit on my last tren cycle when I couldn't find any caber. Made me feel like complete shit, I got nauseous every single time and threw up for a week straight before I finally just dropped that shit and the tren smh.

More time I spent on the forums, the more I found out I wasn't the only one who reacted badly to it. Just a heads up in case you experience anything like this.
Can’t u use dostinex?
I fucking HATE Prami. Ran that shit on my last tren cycle when I couldn't find any caber. Made me feel like complete shit, I got nauseous every single time and threw up for a week straight before I finally just dropped that shit and the tren smh.

More time I spent on the forums, the more I found out I wasn't the only one who reacted badly to it. Just a heads up in case you experience anything like this.

Use vitamin b-6 next time.... much safer and effective without all the sides.

Be careful with caber... it directly affects the left ventricle of heart.
Use vitamin b-6 next time.... much safer and effective without all the sides.

Be careful with caber... it directly affects the left ventricle of heart.

Plus I don’t think anything good can come of fuckin with your dopamine, unsure if it’ll cause the same level of problems with dopamine as recreational drugs do but can’t be positive.
This study I just found should help answer your questions, in that study 3 people developed mild issues and the study was longer than 3 weeks. Still I think it would be wise to avoid using it.

Long-term cardiac (valvulopathy) safety of cabergoline in prolactinoma

It’s crazy too, people like “dr.tony huge” will preach caber in every 19nor cycle and say to run the duration of the cycle.

These young kids running 20 week cycle and using cAber for all 20 weeks .... [emoji30] then they wash rinse and repeat 10 weeks later.

And we wonder why steroids and heart problem exists lol.

My thing is, if you know you are allergic to penicillin you don’t take another drug to counter the reaction so you can continue to take penicillin ...... so why do guys know they are progesterone prone keep taking 19nor? Then stacking 1or 2 drugs on top to keep sides away.

If you are “allergic” to 19nor don’t take it.
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