[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Is your username in any way inspired by T-Bag from prison break or do you just like T-bagging people?

Im 100% serious, its been eating away at me for awhile
LOL, neither. The thought of teabagging people (women) was always hilarious. But due to the rarest of chances someone might recognize me, I won’t share its origins.
You cut your own throat months ago. Your fucked and you know it. Wish you all the best. Your need for acceptance clouded your thinking. I feel sorry for the good members you fuck over. o_O

*you're fucked

Who have a fucked over exactly and how? Please enlighten the good members and elaborate.
To be fair to @picholas his thread on crypto helped me put in my first order with the Sasquatch. Beforehand I only knew of MG & WU as payment methods.

If it weren't for that I would still be waiting 35 days for PC.
Anyone currently running Squach’s DHB or Primo E up to share updated review? Have both on hand, planned to run DHB this fall, so sorting my options. I know DHB’s rep for pip, hoping It proves more bark than bite at 100mg/ml.

After 20 weeks of Primo E at 900mg/week (different labs’) this spring, I got somewhat used to a few sore spots here and there. For most part it was just first few weeks anyway, so not as worried about pip as I am interested in good, solid, lean results.
Yeah I. Now go ahead and answer.
Oh please can both of you cunts spare us from 3 pages of bullshit back and forth. And that other pussy @IdenIzzar who wants me singing kumby-fucking-ya with half these fags needs to control his estrogen a little bitter. First off, dont assume anything about my character - anything I say on this board I'm 100% willing to back it up in person - yeah @Burn bright , I will call you a ring-wearing trumpet playing cuck right to your face so dont tempt me.

Let's get to the real issues here: when are the orals coming @Sasquatch Labs and what's the eta on test restock.
Let's get to the real issues here: when are the orals coming @Sasquatch Labs and what's the eta on test restock.

Hey guys,

So our official date for restock on orals is Tuesday. If you've been waiting on Orals, we'll have them tomorrow!

The test E is a different story, that's going to take about two weeks to get back into stock, but we'll probably be able to fulfill people's completed orders that were missing anything. Tren A is looking like around a week for that restock as well.

Email us if you have any questions

Thanks guys,
Oh please can both of you cunts spare us from 3 pages of bullshit back and forth. And that other pussy @IdenIzzar who wants me singing kumby-fucking-ya with half these fags needs to control his estrogen a little bitter. First off, dont assume anything about my character - anything I say on this board I'm 100% willing to back it up in person - yeah @Burn bright , I will call you a ring-wearing trumpet playing cuck right to your face so dont tempt me.

Let's get to the real issues here: when are the orals coming @Sasquatch Labs and what's the eta on test restock.

Being accused of fucking over members without any basis and asking that person to elaborate is hardly cunty.

And 3 pages, please give me more credit than that. I'm good for at least 5 pages of bullshit.
@EQ Kimball Ive been running the Prami for a week now no sides. That first two days I was a bit slow in the morning. I’m debating whether to go up to .5mg or just stay where I’m at though.
Anyone currently running Squach’s DHB or Primo E up to share updated review? Have both on hand, planned to run DHB this fall, so sorting my options. I know DHB’s rep for pip, hoping It proves more bark than bite at 100mg/ml.

After 20 weeks of Primo E at 900mg/week (different labs’) this spring, I got somewhat used to a few sore spots here and there. For most part it was just first few weeks anyway, so not as worried about pip as I am interested in good, solid, lean results.

Let me know about the DHB brother. I'm very curious as to how Sasquatch's brew is. Not many sources I trust that consistently offer it in stock and fair market price ($30-$35 100mg/ml).
Being accused of fucking over members without any basis and asking that person to elaborate is hardly cunty.

And 3 pages, please give me more credit than that. I'm good for at least 5 pages of bullshit.
99% of the cunt remark was directed towards old skool.
@EQ Kimball Ive been running the Prami for a week now no sides. That first two days I was a bit slow in the morning. I’m debating whether to go up to .5mg or just stay where I’m at though.
You lucky sunova bitch... In regards to upping the dose.. ask yourself do you feel the need or urgency to treat your pro levels with double the now tolerable dose of a very strong medication?

Are your motivations for .5 to be a walking jackhammer for the lady or to control your sides from the 19-nors? Is the addition of low dose therapeutic npp like you were running going to be made possible again via this proposed uptick in your prami dosage and if so.. is it worth it?

I dont have the answers but I would ask yourself these questions.
So I'm in a pickle. I just started my first cycle of test e 500mg a week, I have one vial of pharmacom 300mg ml gear that I just did my 3rd 250mg slam with.

I don't wanna pay those prices again, although the service and trust was well worth it. From what I understand finding good, cheap, sources of bulk isn't hard nor is brewing the shit some hidden art, i think the only real hurdle a UGL has to pass is trust and these guys clearly have that.

SO, my point is i'm pretty dedicated to ordering from them. Would there be a major problem switching from test e to c? I've been on drug boards for over a decade and remember old steroid dealers and I swore back in the day C was much more popular. Is bulk E just more prevalent? How about switching to sust?
So I'm in a pickle. I just started my first cycle of test e 500mg a week, I have one vial of pharmacom 300mg ml gear that I just did my 3rd 250mg slam with.

I don't wanna pay those prices again, although the service and trust was well worth it. From what I understand finding good, cheap, sources of bulk isn't hard nor is brewing the shit some hidden art, i think the only real hurdle a UGL has to pass is trust and these guys clearly have that.

SO, my point is i'm pretty dedicated to ordering from them. Would there be a major problem switching from test e to c? I've been on drug boards for over a decade and remember old steroid dealers and I swore back in the day C was much more popular. Is bulk E just more prevalent? How about switching to sust?

They are the exact same Coupound other than the half life. Cyp stays active for like a day or so longer.