[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I would just taper the sustenon down. The longest ester in most people blend of sustenon the undeconate test. Which has a very long half life, if you know your labs blend of sustenon that’s how I would figure that out.

So if the lab puts in say 100mg of test endeca in mg/ml in sustenon, I would run 100mg of testosterone e or c for 2 weeks after last injection of the sust, then go up to my normal dosage of 200mg or whatever your trt is thereafter.
So just go straight to the dose of Cyp I’m already using without overlapping the two.

@Sasquatch Labs whats sustanon esters and mg.
Yeah I. Now go ahead and answer.
I can tell you where you bought your last bottle of gear. Can you do the same to me?
Its not that i hate or even dislike you. In my opinion you shouldnt post your every move for the world to see.
Chill a little is all Im saying. :)
Being accused of fucking over members without any basis and asking that person to elaborate is hardly cunty.

And 3 pages, please give me more credit than that. I'm good for at least 5 pages of bullshit.
You ordered from two sources involved with le and you start a fucking bac water for sale thread. You think you are untouchable? Your the perfect dude for le to make an example of. Dont abuse what this place has to offer.
You ordered from two sources involved with le and you start a fucking bac water for sale thread. You think you are untouchable? Your the perfect dude for le to make an example of. Dont abuse what this place has to offer.
Is it illegal to sell Bac water? Serious question.
Let me help you...:)

On another note I started working in a rehab and I’ve got patients (clients) throwing steroid jabs at me everyday. Its been interesting to say the least.

how do you react to this? I get it from my coworkers and it pisses me off. its like they are trying to take away all my hard work by saying its the juice. and how the hell do they know what im on. there are natural competitors way bigger then me.
I tried to buy bac water from walgreens and you do need a prescription. but making and selling your own "prescription medication" I would have to guess is definitely illegal.
I tried to buy bac water from walgreens and you do need a prescription. but making and selling your own "prescription medication" I would have to guess is definitely illegal.
Thanks for saving me the call to Walmart. I have to wonder if that’s a Walgreen’s selective thing, like slin needles. You don’t NEED a prescription but they have taken it upon themselves to require one. Otherwise, places like MedLab Gear would get shut down
oh not illegal for medlab gear to sell i think it is a selective thing like you are saying. I though you were asking if it was illegal for you to sell it.
Sick pharmacom plug. The prices there are absurd. I can pay $25 a vial from SAS of test e that has pulled great bloods for a while or pay a shit ton for some fancy box and holographic label from some fake pharmacy. Plus international? I'm out.

I understand you find value in the perceived trust just don't put too much stock in trust in this game.

I know that, I've been buying shit online since 06. I originally went to DNM markets and was super disappointed at the steroid selection. I found this board but tbh it's been SO long since I bought from a forum source I was willing to pay the extra.

Why did you start a cycle of 500 mg/week of long ester Test, knowing you'll only get 6 weeks out of it?

Playing a little Russian roulette with your cycle aren't you? You crazy goof. Hope your cycle extension makes it in time. You're not too far in so you should be alright.

But yes, the ester switch is fine. C and E are basically interchangeable.

I had the bitcoin ready and just wanted to start. I'm on GPS tether right now so life is really boring so I've really dedicated myself 100% into working out and school. I'm just so tired of mediocrity...

I wonder how many people are TRULY ready to start a cycle. I think I have enough of an understanding. I'm not running tren, bringing prolactin issues, orals, etc or topics I'm not that educated on. Just plain Test E. I really want to see how my body does on test after all those years of heroin. I assume my test is naturally lower than average because of that.

I have SERM and AI on deck and clomid.

Thanks for all the advice though guys. I'm interested in switching to Test P because I don't mind injections. It seems like C would be an easy transition though, half lifes are a funny thing.
That’s good shit. One of the guys asked if steroids was a relapse. I just said I’m not sure. Couple of them have caught me off guard. I definitely won’t be fucking around with any women. I’m more than loyal to my woman. I’ve honestly got it in my mind that if things keep going the way they are I’ll be buying a ring around the turn of the year. I waited until I was 3 years into sobriety to get involved with anyone and its the most beautiful relationship, and she has twice the sobriety I do. I’ll have 4 years next month and she’ll have 8 in December. Some things are just worth waiting for.
Like what you had to say here! Also in recovery! Will have a year Oct. 12.
You ordered from two sources involved with le and you start a fucking bac water for sale thread. You think you are untouchable? Your the perfect dude for le to make an example of. Dont abuse what this place has to offer.

Again how many other people ordered from those sources? Buying from a source that went bad is what exactly.

DEA and Homeland is involved with PPL, why don't you go hunt down everyone who ordered from there too... :rolleyes:

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

Both fine with FDA, post something that SPECIFICALLY proves otherwise besides posting that code and saying it falls under that.

Not a USP or FDA approved manufacture either.
30 ML Bacteriostatic Water » Peptide Pros

And this simple label they slap on suffices:
Warnings: This product is not meant for human consumption or ingestion, it is meant to reconstitute chemicals for research purpose only.

You are just wrong. Just because it HAS been approved doesn't mean I have to sell and label it as such.

FDA sets standards for STERILE water used in a hospital setting on humans.

I AM SELLING WATER for research purposes.

Not sterile
Not for injections
Not "in medicine"
Not for anything else but research

You really are a daft slow child.

Read the CFR link I posted.


Subpart F--Flavoring Agents and Related Substances

Sec. 172.515 Synthetic flavoring substances and adjuvants.
Synthetic flavoring substances and adjuvants may be safely used in food in accordance with the following conditions.

(a) They are used in the minimum quantity required to produce their intended effect, and otherwise in accordance with all the principles of good manufacturing practice.

(b) They consist of one or more of the following, used alone or in combination with flavoring substances and adjuvants generally recognized as safe in food, prior-sanctioned for such use, or regulated by an appropriate section in this part.

Look what made the list:
Benzyl acetoacetate.
benzyl alcohol .
Benzyl benzoate.


Yeah, LE is knocking on my door cause of the totally LEGAL BAC water. In fact I am typing this on the run from my cave dwelling...

I've used TOR and VPN since I first joined here. We've been over this.

Distilled Water and Benzyl Alcohol are uncontrolled substances. Mixing them together and selling it does nothing to change that. There is no federal law prohibiting anything, and just like needles and BAC water how they are sold in stores can vary state to state.

I can tell you where you bought your last bottle of gear. Can you do the same to me?
Its not that i hate or even dislike you. In my opinion you shouldnt post your every move for the world to see.
Chill a little is all Im saying. :)

No you can't. You don't know what other sites I go to and what emails I send out. Curious why you would care though...

In my opinion you shouldn't care so much about what I do.

But opinions are just that, and we already discussed how we feel about each other's opinions.
Like what you had to say here! Also in recovery! Will have a year Oct. 12.
Congratulations! We do recover! That first one is for you and the following years are to show the newcomers that it works. Stay right sized and always stay humble. Remember recovery isn’t free and you always have to pay it back. Being of service is a way of life for me.
Good job!! I have 7.5 years in recovery, it's not always an easy road but it's definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made.
7.5 years! Great job! Been around recovery many years but this time doing it for myself not to please someone else! Definitely hit my bottom almost a year ago! Jails, intuitions , and death! All 3 have been checked! Working a solid program , sponsor, and great support! So grateful today! Very cool to see recovery on the boards!
7.5 years! Great job! Been around recovery many years but this time doing it for myself not to please someone else! Definitely hit my bottom almost a year ago! Jails, intuitions , and death! All 3 have been checked! Working a solid program , sponsor, and great support! So grateful today! Very cool to see recovery on the boards!
Congrats bro. Very nice work.