[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

So I'm in a pickle. I just started my first cycle of test e 500mg a week, I have one vial of pharmacom 300mg ml gear that I just did my 3rd 250mg slam with.

I don't wanna pay those prices again, although the service and trust was well worth it. From what I understand finding good, cheap, sources of bulk isn't hard nor is brewing the shit some hidden art, i think the only real hurdle a UGL has to pass is trust and these guys clearly have that.

SO, my point is i'm pretty dedicated to ordering from them. Would there be a major problem switching from test e to c? I've been on drug boards for over a decade and remember old steroid dealers and I swore back in the day C was much more popular. Is bulk E just more prevalent? How about switching to sust?
Sick pharmacom plug. The prices there are absurd. I can pay $25 a vial from SAS of test e that has pulled great bloods for a while or pay a shit ton for some fancy box and holographic label from some fake pharmacy. Plus international? I'm out.

I understand you find value in the perceived trust just don't put too much stock in trust in this game.
So I'm in a pickle. I just started my first cycle of test e 500mg a week, I have one vial of pharmacom 300mg ml gear that I just did my 3rd 250mg slam with.

I don't wanna pay those prices again, although the service and trust was well worth it. From what I understand finding good, cheap, sources of bulk isn't hard nor is brewing the shit some hidden art, i think the only real hurdle a UGL has to pass is trust and these guys clearly have that.

SO, my point is i'm pretty dedicated to ordering from them. Would there be a major problem switching from test e to c? I've been on drug boards for over a decade and remember old steroid dealers and I swore back in the day C was much more popular. Is bulk E just more prevalent? How about switching to sust?

Some believe switching esters during a cycle actually help gains by cross jumping.

If you look at some of the cycles pros use they will use test e at the start, then switch to test c mid and vice versa. This is another reason some say that sustenon is superior and some anecdotal evidence can support that on some people.

The best thing you could is try a few different things and see what works for you.
Some believe switching esters during a cycle actually help gains by cross jumping.

If you look at some of the cycles pros use they will use test e at the start, then switch to test c mid and vice versa. This is another reason some say that sustenon is superior and some anecdotal evidence can support that on some people.

The best thing you could is try a few different things and see what works for you.
Never heard of this before, interesting. Test e to c switch same dosage 6 weeks into a cycle?
So I'm in a pickle. I just started my first cycle of test e 500mg a week, I have one vial of pharmacom 300mg ml gear that I just did my 3rd 250mg slam with.

I don't wanna pay those prices again, although the service and trust was well worth it. From what I understand finding good, cheap, sources of bulk isn't hard nor is brewing the shit some hidden art, i think the only real hurdle a UGL has to pass is trust and these guys clearly have that.

SO, my point is i'm pretty dedicated to ordering from them. Would there be a major problem switching from test e to c? I've been on drug boards for over a decade and remember old steroid dealers and I swore back in the day C was much more popular. Is bulk E just more prevalent? How about switching to sust?

Why did you start a cycle of 500 mg/week of long ester Test, knowing you'll only get 6 weeks out of it?

Playing a little Russian roulette with your cycle aren't you? You crazy goof. Hope your cycle extension makes it in time. You're not too far in so you should be alright.

But yes, the ester switch is fine. C and E are basically interchangeable.
99% of the cunt remark was directed towards old skool.

You lucky sunova bitch... In regards to upping the dose.. ask yourself do you feel the need or urgency to treat your pro levels with double the now tolerable dose of a very strong medication?

Are your motivations for .5 to be a walking jackhammer for the lady or to control your sides from the 19-nors? Is the addition of low dose therapeutic npp like you were running going to be made possible again via this proposed uptick in your prami dosage and if so.. is it worth it?

I dont have the answers but I would ask yourself these questions.
Walking jack hammer is damn near right. Unfortunately the lady and I have little to no personal time lately and don’t see that changing much. I stopped the NPP until I got the Prami and then picked it back up. Ultimately I’ll probably keep the dose where it’s in a known tolerable zone.

On another note I started working in a rehab and I’ve got clients throwing steroid jabs at me everyday. Its been interesting to say the least.
Would that work with tren e to tren a? What’s your thought?

Personally think it will work for any compund using different esters Since they break down differently.

So like with tren if you wanted to switch esters I would start out on tren e, for x amount of weeks then switch to tren a for the last weeks.

It’s the exact reason why I will switch from multiple injection days to one injection days during a cycle.
Walking jack hammer is damn near right. Unfortunately the lady and I have little to no personal time lately and don’t see that changing much. I stopped the NPP until I got the Prami and then picked it back up. Ultimately I’ll probably keep the dose where it’s in a known tolerable zone.

On another note I started working in a rehab and I’ve got clients throwing steroid jabs at me everyday. Its been interesting to say the least.
When I was in treatment my favorite tech was on "trt" , I would always fuck with him and tell him being on juice was equivalent to putting Christmas tree lights on a crack house - you'e still a fucking crack house bro. Little did I know how much increasing my test would help me maintain a great way of life. We would get an hour to go to the gym and this fucker was cheesin' thru reps of shoulder pressing 275..I would always introduce the new guys to him and say "in only tren months you could look like him too!" (It was mostly ball breaking cause the new kids were so spun they had no idea what the fuck I was talking about)

Wait until the fiends start getting their sex drive back after the subs wear off... you'll be popular with all those beautiful women. Like fishin' in the sewer.
Plus my ol' pal HIPPA stops them from pursuing child support after you bat an RBI and she poops out a little fiend baby.

(RBI = Raw Bust Inside)
When I was in treatment my favorite tech was on "trt" , I would always fuck with him and tell him being on juice was equivalent to putting Christmas tree lights on a crack house - you'e still a fucking crack house bro. Little did I know how much increasing my test would help me maintain a great way of life. We would get an hour to go to the gym and this fucker was cheesin' thru reps of shoulder pressing 275..I would always introduce the new guys to him and say "in only tren months you could look like him too!" (It was mostly ball breaking cause the new kids were so spun they had no idea what the fuck I was talking about)

Wait until the fiends start getting their sex drive back after the subs wear off... you'll be popular with all those beautiful women. Like fishin' in the sewer.
Plus my ol' pal HIPPA stops them from pursuing child support after you bat an RBI and she poops out a little fiend baby.

(RBI = Raw Bust Inside)
That’s good shit. One of the guys asked if steroids was a relapse. I just said I’m not sure. Couple of them have caught me off guard. I definitely won’t be fucking around with any women. I’m more than loyal to my woman. I’ve honestly got it in my mind that if things keep going the way they are I’ll be buying a ring around the turn of the year. I waited until I was 3 years into sobriety to get involved with anyone and its the most beautiful relationship, and she has twice the sobriety I do. I’ll have 4 years next month and she’ll have 8 in December. Some things are just worth waiting for.
Personally think it will work for any compund using different esters Since they break down differently.

So like with tren if you wanted to switch esters I would start out on tren e, for x amount of weeks then switch to tren a for the last weeks.

It’s the exact reason why I will switch from multiple injection days to one injection days during a cycle.
So if I wanted to switch to Sustanon mid cycle and go back to my TRT Cyp after how would one go about doing that. I just happen to have a couple bottles of Sust hanging around.
So if I wanted to switch to Sustanon mid cycle and go back to my TRT Cyp after how would one go about doing that. I just happen to have a couple bottles of Sust hanging around.

I would just taper the sustenon down. The longest ester in most people blend of sustenon the undeconate test. Which has a very long half life, if you know your labs blend of sustenon that’s how I would figure that out.

So if the lab puts in say 100mg of test endeca in mg/ml in sustenon, I would run 100mg of testosterone e or c for 2 weeks after last injection of the sust, then go up to my normal dosage of 200mg or whatever your trt is thereafter.
Let me help you...:)

On another note I started working in a rehab and I’ve got patients (clients) throwing steroid jabs at me everyday. Its been interesting to say the least.
That’s good shit. One of the guys asked if steroids was a relapse. I just said I’m not sure. Couple of them have caught me off guard. I definitely won’t be fucking around with any women. I’m more than loyal to my woman. I’ve honestly got it in my mind that if things keep going the way they are I’ll be buying a ring around the turn of the year. I waited until I was 3 years into sobriety to get involved with anyone and its the most beautiful relationship, and she has twice the sobriety I do. I’ll have 4 years next month and she’ll have 8 in December. Some things are just worth waiting for.

I'm obviously joking about the rehab poon. Damn, Kendall any excuse you get to talk about the great qualities of your girl you jump on it - even to internet strangers - that's the sign of a man in love enough to put a ring on it. When will my God children be born? Uncle EQ's got a big ol' shot of tren a for your first born son when it's time to put some hair on his chest.
I know its my first post but I came to this forum because of Sasquatch. Heres my TD. Happy with the shipping and communication. Look forward to using the products!20181001_194908.jpeg
Let me help you...:)

On another note I started working in a rehab and I’ve got patients (clients) throwing steroid jabs at me everyday. Its been interesting to say the least.
I manage two chem free homes and I’m a Treatment Operations Security Supervisor and they’re considered medical clients at both places. They aren’t patients. I’m not a medical professional and neither facility facilitates medical necessity so they’re not patients.
I'm obviously joking about the rehab poon. Damn, Kendall any excuse you get to talk about the great qualities of your girl you jump on it - even to internet strangers - that's the sign of a man in love enough to put a ring on it. When will my God children be born? Uncle EQ's got a big ol' shot of tren a for your first born son when it's time to put some hair on his chest.
Definitely a man in Love. No more strange or chasing what if’s. We’re both a little old to add another to the stable but neither of us deny the possibility. I think in time we may consider it. She definitely wants one more and I’m not opposed.