[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Successful TD today on the orals since the restock. Haven't used SAS orals yet but so far good Communication and fast T/A which was 2 days.
Ordered two weeks ago when the Paste bin said he had the orals I wanted, order confirmed.
He posted the next day, confirming my orals were still in stock per his paste bin post.

T/D 2 days for inj. Orals were missing. Sent him an email, was told he was out of orals after my order was confirmed with payment, and they would be in the mail when he restocked.

Fast forward 1.5 weeks. No communication, just a blanket post saying some were sent. So I may or may not have a package on its way while I am not able to pick it up? Seems kind of wreckless and careless on shipping

Just my experience so far with the "new" SAS
Ordered two weeks ago when the Paste bin said he had the orals I wanted, order confirmed.
He posted the next day, confirming my orals were still in stock per his paste bin post.

T/D 2 days for inj. Orals were missing. Sent him an email, was told he was out of orals after my order was confirmed with payment, and they would be in the mail when he restocked.

Fast forward 1.5 weeks. No communication, just a blanket post saying some were sent. So I may or may not have a package on its way while I am not able to pick it up? Seems kind of wreckless and careless on shipping

Just my experience so far with the "new" SAS

New Sas is sounding like old Sas with that shit.

On the bright side, he's never screwed anyone (to my knowledge) and usually sends extras as an apology.

Nice if you don't need everything right away. Sucks if it was a planned out cycle and his reoccurring shenanigans with out of stocks blows your cycle start date.

C'mon Assquach, tighten that shit up and get it together.
New Sas is sounding like old Sas with that shit.

On the bright side, he's never screwed anyone (to my knowledge) and usually sends extras as an apology.

Nice if you don't need everything right away. Sucks if it was a planned out cycle and his reoccurring shenanigans with out of stocks blows your cycle start date.

C'mon Assquach, tighten that shit up and get it together.

Nice new nickname

So when Sasquatch does good, he’s a good natured “Hairy Fucker”, tongue flopping around hanging out of his mouth as he bounds through the meadow chasing butterflies and picking flowers. Sometimes we throw a ball to him.

But when he does bad, he’s the Assquatch, ears turned down, sitting against a tree in the heavy rain, alone, sighing, fur matted with his own shit. Sometimes we go out and smack him across the head with tree branches.
Nice new nickname

So when Sasquatch does good, he’s a good natured “Hairy Fucker”, tongue flopping around hanging out of his mouth as he bounds through the meadow chasing butterflies and picking flowers. Sometimes we throw a ball to him.

But when he does bad, he’s the Assquatch, ears turned down, sitting against a tree in the heavy rain, alone, sighing, fur matted with his own shit. Sometimes we go out and smack him across the head with tree branches.
this description is so visual fucking great!!!
Nice new nickname

So when Sasquatch does good, he’s a good natured “Hairy Fucker”, tongue flopping around hanging out of his mouth as he bounds through the meadow chasing butterflies and picking flowers. Sometimes we throw a ball to him.

But when he does bad, he’s the Assquatch, ears turned down, sitting against a tree in the heavy rain, alone, sighing, fur matted with his own shit. Sometimes we go out and smack him across the head with tree branches.
I haven’t laughed this fucking hard in a good while, ty
Hey guys,

That's my bad on the communication this week. I've been super busy compared to the weeks before with stuff other than the emails. But that should calm down in the coming weeks, and I'll be able to be online more. I'm a bit of an assquatch right now, but I'm still your hairy fucker always. Please, always let us know when we're fucking up, we'll get on it.

Thanks you guys,
Nice new nickname

So when Sasquatch does good, he’s a good natured “Hairy Fucker”, tongue flopping around hanging out of his mouth as he bounds through the meadow chasing butterflies and picking flowers. Sometimes we throw a ball to him.

But when he does bad, he’s the Assquatch, ears turned down, sitting against a tree in the heavy rain, alone, sighing, fur matted with his own shit. Sometimes we go out and smack him across the head with tree branches.
This is gold. Pure gold. You should start writing children's books about the beauty of using AAS.