[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Ive got some DHB from the hairy fuck still sitting in the vacuum sealed bag. I was gonna wait til next blast to run it but damn I am I itching to throw it in this run. Currently on 500 test, 600 Npp and 650 primo a week. Tomorrow starts week 8. Gonna go another 8.
Shyster—is the Primo Sasq’s? Liking it so far? Love me some good Primo.

I asked a couple pages back for any updated feedback on the DHB and received zilch. Granted it was quickly buried behind a bunch of back and forth dischord between folks.

I just started Sasq’s DHB, presently at 450mg a week and only 2-weeks in, so not much to report yet. Some PIP, not debilitating though, basically seems on par with what I experienced running 200mg/ml Primo E. Diluting with other gear and warming oils slightly makes it more than manageable—well so long as your not foolish enough to dilute with an equal amount of Primo E and hit new muscle, that shit hurt but was my own fault.
Shyster—is the Primo Sasq’s? Liking it so far? Love me some good Primo.

I asked a couple pages back for any updated feedback on the DHB and received zilch. Granted it was quickly buried behind a bunch of back and forth dischord between folks.

I just started Sasq’s DHB, presently at 450mg a week and only 2-weeks in, so not much to report yet. Some PIP, not debilitating though, basically seems on par with what I experienced running 200mg/ml Primo E. Diluting with other gear and warming oils slightly makes it more than manageable—well so long as your not foolish enough to dilute with an equal amount of Primo E and hit new muscle, that shit hurt but was my own fault.
No, not Sas's primo. But I definitely enjoy it. Running it with Sas's Npp. It seems to keep me a little drier and not so "wet" know what I mean? This week is where the magic should take off. Looking forward to seeing the results. 1st time with primo for me. Last time I ran DHB I used 650 for 16 weeks. Really enjoy that compound. I probably wait till next run to use it again. No need to use two DHT compounds at once. This is coming from my prostate:eek:.

Although I prolly could get some advice on milking the prostate from a couple dudes from this thread, cough cough @EQ Kimball:D
First I'll just leave this here for the blatant irony -- thought you'd be slick and scroll down past the post date...CREEP

I source BAC water....what do you think I shove it up a pigeon's asshole and they fly it over???

Holy shit bro, go give your wife some of this attention you're really acting like a big ol' faggot. Truly a pathetic sad little creature.

No you just like to post about me and dig through month old post -- but you don't care what I do. Right. ;)

Beware of @Oldschool he's a creepy old sack of shit
Funny how you do the exact same thing but its ok when you do it. You take the time to dig up posts then say im creepy?

Bottom line is you are dangerous to yourself and others here. So sorry you are missing it.

Best of luck to you.

And if we were to meet up for a sexual tryst it would be my cock to your brain. But then again Ive learned you arent worth fucking with. The bottom feeders need a guy like you.

LOL, anyone who uses the PO knows the cost of shipping. I don’t source and I know the rates of the boxes.
Knew you were a postal worker. Time will tell. Im not wrong about him. But im done with him. I got nothing to gain trying to help his ass out. Let him crash and burn.
Knew you were a postal worker. Time will tell. Im not wrong about him. But im done with him. I got nothing to gain trying to help his ass out. Let him crash and burn.
Far from a postal worker buddy. Even one trip to the PO one can walk in and see a plethora of prepaid shipping boxes.
Funny how you do the exact same thing but its ok when you do it. You take the time to dig up posts then say im creepy?

Bottom line is you are dangerous to yourself and others here. So sorry you are missing it.

Best of luck to you.

And if we were to meet up for a sexual tryst it would be my cock to your brain. But then again Ive learned you arent worth fucking with. The bottom feeders need a guy like you.


Dude you're five foot nothing, I shit bigger than you. Get over yourself.

Your opinion means shit, water isn't dangerous.

Instead of fantasizing about your cock in me go pay attention to your wife before she goes and blows another dude.

I'll give you some BAC water for free, open the vial, pour it on your head, and chill out.
No, not Sas's primo. But I definitely enjoy it. Running it with Sas's Npp. It seems to keep me a little drier and not so "wet" know what I mean? This week is where the magic should take off. Looking forward to seeing the results. 1st time with primo for me. Last time I ran DHB I used 650 for 16 weeks. Really enjoy that compound. I probably wait till next run to use it again. No need to use two DHT compounds at once. This is coming from my prostate:eek:.

Although I prolly could get some advice on milking the prostate from a couple dudes from this thread, cough cough @EQ Kimball:D
My gf loves shoving her finger up there. I ain't complaining.