Source Testing Group (thoughts, ideas & opinions)

It's just important to pick a respected/trustworthy sender is all.

I feel like a big DUH should go here. The same should be said of the members of the group as well. Hate to be rude about it but geez. This was all discussed on the first page. It’s common sense stuff. Trusted treasure, trusted sender, trusted group, etc

Have we ever seen a case here where a member intentionally sabotaged his hplc report to make a source look bad? Don’t believe I have. At least not brought to light. But now there’s talk of how it could happen to this group?

If you are referring to my previous posts about the possibility of tampering then you are dead wrong brother. I'm completely for testing and even willing to support it so not sure where your seed planting comment is coming from?

Members here want sources to be more active and accountable so that's what I'm trying to do.

You know how this works. Once you crossed that line in the sand to become a source you lost your seat and vote here. While your activeness and accountability are well noted and appreciated this thread isn’t really for sources unless they are here saying I’d like to support the cause with a contribution whatever way that maybe.

All sources should have nothing to fear. I mean they are testing raws and finished already. Or they are at least doing one or the other or they wouldn’t be on Meso. Also, others mentioned that there will be more of the batch out there if there’s a discrepancy.

Just hated seeing the conversation go this way. That’s all
I feel like a big DUH should go here. The same should be said of the members of the group as well. Hate to be rude about it but geez. This was all discussed on the first page. It’s common sense stuff. Trusted treasure, trusted sender, trusted group, etc

Have we ever seen a case here where a member intentionally sabotaged his hplc report to make a source look bad? Don’t believe I have. At least not brought to light. But now there’s talk of how it could happen to this group?

You know how this works. Once you crossed that line in the sand to become a source you lost your seat and vote here. While your activeness and accountability are well noted and appreciated this thread isn’t really for sources unless they are here saying I’d like to support the cause with a contribution whatever way that maybe.

All sources should have nothing to fear. I mean they are testing raws and finished already. Or they are at least doing one or the other or they wouldn’t be on Meso. Also, others mentioned that there will be more of the batch out there if there’s a discrepancy.

Just hated seeing the conversation go this way. That’s all
Hate to be rude but let's do it anyway. There's a reason the post was deleted because it was all over the place.

Have members been caught faking reports Idk I'm not the oracle of meso. I've had my doubts about contamination claims by some but fuck it let's just make believe everyone's on the up and up. That should end well.
I feel like a big DUH should go here. The same should be said of the members of the group as well. Hate to be rude about it but geez. This was all discussed on the first page. It’s common sense stuff. Trusted treasure, trusted sender, trusted group, etc

Have we ever seen a case here where a member intentionally sabotaged his hplc report to make a source look bad? Don’t believe I have. At least not brought to light. But now there’s talk of how it could happen to this group?

You know how this works. Once you crossed that line in the sand to become a source you lost your seat and vote here. While your activeness and accountability are well noted and appreciated this thread isn’t really for sources unless they are here saying I’d like to support the cause with a contribution whatever way that maybe.

All sources should have nothing to fear. I mean they are testing raws and finished already. Or they are at least doing one or the other or they wouldn’t be on Meso. Also, others mentioned that there will be more of the batch out there if there’s a discrepancy.

Just hated seeing the conversation go this way. That’s all

It was my understanding that sources are allowed to post in the testing section, if not I'll head back then. I have nothing to fear and as I've already said I will support this, I just wanted to point out possible situations is all. I've said my piece and will retire to my thread now.

Thank you :)
Hate to be rude but let's do it anyway. There's a reason the post was deleted because it was all over the place.

Have members been caught faking reports Idk I'm not the oracle of meso. I've had my doubts about contamination claims by some but fuck it let's just make believe everyone's on the up and up. That should end well.

What post was deleted? You’ve had doubts about contamination? Are we still talking about the same things here? Hate to be rude but let’s do it anyway. See above questions and see how that makes no sense to what is at hand here. I asked if you could recall an instance where foul play was at hand with hplc reports and you come back with suspensions of possible contamination. Wtf. You also said, the sender must be trusted and I said, duh. Ok, that was rude but Duh lol

Anyway, this went sideways. Added an unnecessary fear that actually works in the source’s favor. God forbid that a poor test come out now as it’s probably that shady MFer that sent it ins fault. Oh brother.

It was my understanding that sources are allowed to post in the testing section, if not I'll head back then. I have nothing to fear and as I've already said I will support this, I just wanted to point out possible situations is all. I've said my piece and will retire to my thread now.

Thank you :)

Ha, I was like why he’s he being nice. Oh yeah, he’s a source now showing that professionalism. Seriously though, what you and some of the sources are suggesting as far as contributing are great! Was just saddened to get excited about this and come in and see a source spreading doubts on what this was/could become.
Was just saddened to get excited about this and come in and see a source spreading doubts on what this was/could become.

Again I was NOT attempting to spread doubts brother, I was simply pointing out possible outcomes is all.

If I suggest looking both ways before crossing the street it's not done out of negativity, but rather concern.
What post was deleted? You’ve had doubts about contamination? Are we still talking about the same things here? Hate to be rude but let’s do it anyway. See above questions and see how that makes no sense to what is at hand here. I asked if you could recall an instance where foul play was at hand with hplc reports and you come back with suspensions of possible contamination. Wtf. You also said, the sender must be trusted and I said, duh. Ok, that was rude but Duh lol

Anyway, this went sideways. Added an unnecessary fear that actually works in the source’s favor. God forbid that a poor test come out now as it’s probably that shady MFer that sent it ins fault. Oh brother.

Ha, I was like why he’s he being nice. Oh yeah, he’s a source now showing that professionalism. Seriously though, what you and some of the sources are suggesting as far as contributing are great! Was just saddened to get excited about this and come in and see a source spreading doubts on what this was/could become.
The post that was deleted was the trusted sender. So I'd guess you grabbed it prior to me deleting and posted after. The point about the contamination was to I thought to simply illustrate the fact that everyone's motives aren't pure whether it's faking an hplc test or claiming floaters.

No fear is added because who gives a damn what a source says?
Anyways I don't care to derail this thread any further.
Oh boy, here we go. Got sources in here not liking the idea because of fear of sabotage. Oh how the tables have turned. Are we still at Meso? Man, that Nap’s massive ban really changed things. Here members are wanting to set up a testing group and we have sources trying to debunk, discredit and plant the seed of sabotage. I mean I get it, it’s not out of the realm of something that could happen but the fact that this conversation is taking place means that the group aren’t/will not be a solid brotherhood that other testing groups have. Crazy, a few wanted to build something truly great for harm reduction and to see it take this turn.
Hold your horses, cowboy!

It's solely the canadian pitchin' a hissy fit, as in the cold wilderness up north this kind of sabotage runs more rampant than a rowdy texan bull on a wild summer's day.

That's all hat, no cattle for a US domestic group! If y'all are fixin' to make this happen come hell or high water, you'll have our full support!
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Hold your horses, cowboy!

It's solely the canadian pitchin' a hissy fit, as in the cold wilderness up north this kind of sabotage runs more rampant than a rowdy texan bull on a wild summer's day.

That's all hat, no cattle for a US domestic group! If y'all are fixin' to make this happen come hell or high water, you'll have our full support!
Now sources throwing other sources under the bus... This escalated quickly
And at that point it is obvious that somebody attempted that and that there is some agenda involved, which only leads to more suspicion towards such outliers, which leads to more testing and more data against it...

Manipulating results is, imo, not reliably possible with readily accessible, fast and blind testing. Obviously I am biased, but that's what I honestly believe.

The power is in the statistical sample, not singular results.
By themselves, such outliers are easily defensible against.
You have the benefit of this knowledge (large statistical sample) given the large number of samples that you analyze. Unfortunately, due to client privacy and confidentiality issues, you are unable to share this data with everyone else unless they have given you permission. Is there a way to incentivize clients to share and post the data? Or at least anonymized composite reports of products, brands, substances tested with results?

Obviously, I am biased but I had hoped would be a one-stop repository for lab reports.

At any rate, I am always happy to see more lab testing conducted, by forum members here, meso-france, and other forums. While I am glad to see them posted on the MESO forum, I really want to encourage cross-posting on the AnabolicLab forum too.
I feel like a big DUH should go here. The same should be said of the members of the group as well. Hate to be rude about it but geez. This was all discussed on the first page. It’s common sense stuff. Trusted treasure, trusted sender, trusted group, etc

Have we ever seen a case here where a member intentionally sabotaged his hplc report to make a source look bad? Don’t believe I have. At least not brought to light. But now there’s talk of how it could happen to this group?

You know how this works. Once you crossed that line in the sand to become a source you lost your seat and vote here. While your activeness and accountability are well noted and appreciated this thread isn’t really for sources unless they are here saying I’d like to support the cause with a contribution whatever way that maybe.

All sources should have nothing to fear. I mean they are testing raws and finished already. Or they are at least doing one or the other or they wouldn’t be on Meso. Also, others mentioned that there will be more of the batch out there if there’s a discrepancy.

Just hated seeing the conversation go this way. That’s all
My only concern with these type of questions is that it will discourage members from pursuing lab testing. No matter what you do, someone will look for some way to try and discredit any results that they do not like; proof is regrettably not needed to sow doubt especially if you are caught unprepared for such attacks.

I wouldn't dismiss any of these criticisms. At the same time, you are good to ask how likely and how problematic are these possibilities e.g. sabotage issues, etc.,
I am also here to answer any questions about my experience with AnabolicLab.

The AnabolicLab program is not dead. It's had some operational problems with finding enough trusted secret shoppers and the costs of testing but perhaps the biggest issue is with funding. I have not given up on it.

The program has had success by some measures and failures by others. Hopefully, there is something in here that can be useful to your project.
You have the benefit of this knowledge (large statistical sample) given the large number of samples that you analyze. Unfortunately, due to client privacy and confidentiality issues, you are unable to share this data with everyone else unless they have given you permission. Is there a way to incentivize clients to share and post the data? Or at least anonymized composite reports of products, brands, substances tested with results?

Obviously, I am biased but I had hoped would be a one-stop repository for lab reports.

At any rate, I am always happy to see more lab testing conducted, by forum members here, meso-france, and other forums. While I am glad to see them posted on the MESO forum, I really want to encourage cross-posting on the AnabolicLab forum too.
Not only I'm unable to share such data due to reasons you've mentioned, I myself don't have access to them past a limited time period anymore, in order to increase the security of my clients.

Historically, I used to have exactly what you describe on my website and reports were made public by default, unless clients expressed explicit wish for it to not be that way: Janoshik Analytical

However, about then I experienced brutal onslaught of breach attempts, people trying to abuse the system I had in place, discredit campaigns, threats and anonymous tips to the LE... There was actually a case being made, that by having reports with vendor emails publicly on my site I am being complicit with god knows what all.

The amount of pressure I faced from having a big public database (among other stuff) like that was something I just couldn't handle back then along with other stuff I had going on in my life.

At some point I might want to make it live in some form, as it was both wonderful and fully automatic project, but I will have to see about that. A few years later and a few hundreds of attorney workhours I'm rather more confident.

The great benefit was in that stuff being automatic - with all due respect, having all my public reports on AL forum would certainly not hurt my business, but with the traffic it has, manually uploading them and dealing with all stuff related I have deemed it to not be worth it, as my resources are limited. I'm sure you do understand that. I can only actively participate on so many platforms before I have to sacrifice my work or free time.
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You have the benefit of this knowledge (large statistical sample) given the large number of samples that you analyze. Unfortunately, due to client privacy and confidentiality issues, you are unable to share this data with everyone else unless they have given you permission. Is there a way to incentivize clients to share and post the data? Or at least anonymized composite reports of products, brands, substances tested with results?

Obviously, I am biased but I had hoped would be a one-stop repository for lab reports.

At any rate, I am always happy to see more lab testing conducted, by forum members here, meso-france, and other forums. While I am glad to see them posted on the MESO forum, I really want to encourage cross-posting on the AnabolicLab forum too.
Not only I'm unable to share such data due to reasons you've mentioned, I myself don't have access to them past a limited time period anymore, in order to increase the security of my clients.

Historically, I used to have exactly what you describe on my website and reports were made public by default, unless clients expressed explicit wish for it to not be that way: Janoshik Analytical

However, about then I experienced brutal onslaught of breach attempts, people trying to abuse the system I had in place, discredit campaigns, threats and anonymous tips to the LE... There was actually a case being made, that by having reports with vendor emails publicly on my site I am being complicit with god knows what all.

The amount of pressure I faced from having a big public database (among other stuff) like that was something I just couldn't handle back then along with other stuff I had going on in my life.

At some point I might want to make it live in some form, as it was both wonderful and fully automatic project, but I will have to see about that. A few years later and a few hundreds of attorney workhours I'm rather more confident.

The great benefit was in that stuff being automatic - with all due respect, having all my public reports on AL forum would certainly not hurt my business, but with the traffic it has, manually uploading them and dealing with all stuff related I have deemed it to not be worth it, as my resources are limited. I'm sure you do understand that. I can only actively participate on so many platforms before I have to sacrifice my work or free time.
So is it ok to post labs done by Jano on AL? I was under the impression it was only for labs done by Simec or AL. I still see people talk about Anabolic Lab on Eroids and other forums but if it’s updated with some fresh testing it’ll bring more eyes to it.
I am also here to answer any questions about my experience with AnabolicLab.

The AnabolicLab program is not dead. It's had some operational problems with finding enough trusted secret shoppers and the costs of testing but perhaps the biggest issue is with funding. I have not given up on it.

The program has had success by some measures and failures by others. Hopefully, there is something in here that can be useful to your project.
Thank you Millard, appreciate that, I’ll follow up with a couple questions hopefully today, just getting my morning mapped out now.
Hate to be rude but let's do it anyway. There's a reason the post was deleted because it was all over the place.

Have members been caught faking reports Idk I'm not the oracle of meso. I've had my doubts about contamination claims by some but fuck it let's just make believe everyone's on the up and up. That should end well.
Nothing had been deleted, this thread is the same from page one to page this.. it had been moved from where I posted it over to here.
So if this is a US based group, will it only be domestic sources? What about sources that are private that everyone may not have access to? How do you make it worth the purchase to test one product from a source?? I’m all down for it so count me in.