It's just important to pick a respected/trustworthy sender is all.
I feel like a big DUH should go here. The same should be said of the members of the group as well. Hate to be rude about it but geez. This was all discussed on the first page. It’s common sense stuff. Trusted treasure, trusted sender, trusted group, etc
Have we ever seen a case here where a member intentionally sabotaged his hplc report to make a source look bad? Don’t believe I have. At least not brought to light. But now there’s talk of how it could happen to this group?
If you are referring to my previous posts about the possibility of tampering then you are dead wrong brother. I'm completely for testing and even willing to support it so not sure where your seed planting comment is coming from?
Members here want sources to be more active and accountable so that's what I'm trying to do.
You know how this works. Once you crossed that line in the sand to become a source you lost your seat and vote here. While your activeness and accountability are well noted and appreciated this thread isn’t really for sources unless they are here saying I’d like to support the cause with a contribution whatever way that maybe.
All sources should have nothing to fear. I mean they are testing raws and finished already. Or they are at least doing one or the other or they wouldn’t be on Meso. Also, others mentioned that there will be more of the batch out there if there’s a discrepancy.
Just hated seeing the conversation go this way. That’s all