Source Testing Group (thoughts, ideas & opinions)

Telegram is good. You can have group chats or set it to delete everything every 24hours. It can also let you know if guys take screenshots if you don’t want info leaked.

I’m not familiar with it. Isn’t it sorta like Wickr? Be cool to have a site where you could create threads. Like instead of one big place with an endless amount of reports we could categorize by source, product, etc and also have a general discussion thread.
I feel like we’re crossing a line and disrespecting Millard here. There’s not any other board where this discussion would be acceptable.

Someone just build it and invite a few trusted guys and come together and go from there
@MisterSuperGod i would like to hear your input

unfortunately the most trusted members here in meso moved to UGBB. If Millard allows, I would like to collaborate with them since they were the real harm reduction heroes in meso. Im sure they can chime in and get a real game plan going, just my 2 cents
@MisterSuperGod i would like to hear your input

unfortunately the most trusted members here in meso moved to UGBB. If Millard allows, I would like to collaborate with them since they were the real harm reduction heroes in meso. Im sure they can chime in and get a real game plan going, just my 2 cents

No disposal income with this new job.
Maybe if this new place gives me a shot, but i won't know for a bit.

A question i have is who picks the source and what compound?
No disposal income with this new job.
Maybe if this new place gives me a shot, but i won't know for a bit.

A question i have is who picks the source and what compound?
In our group we test any kind of source and compound.
There is no restriction.
All member get a vote each.

Here is what I wrote earlier :
For infos.
All members of our group communicate their list of products they have in stock. Out of it we make a big list.
Then we vote in 2 steps.
First vote is to choose a source.
Second vote is to choose a product.
^ This seems more like boredom. These guy's are proposing something that could be very beneficial. Making sure that the label matches what's in the vial isn't for everyone i suppose.
Testing is great. I just cant tell if this is beneficial to the closed group or the whole community.
Testing is great. I just cant tell if this is beneficial to the closed group or the whole community.

If they go with the plan laid out by the French testers, not so much. The one thing about testing our sources is that they're ass.

Triple B promotes testing, but if everyone chips in, has something tested and posts the results, who knows what micro batch members will get when they order?

GoodLyfe is up in the air at the moment, but even if he returns to selling anabolics, he's done a ton of testing. He isn't going to ruin his name and his very profitable GH business by pulling a bait and switch with what he tests and what he ships. i will eat my phone if he does.

Then we have international sources. i'm sure i'm not the only one that doesn't want to gamble with customs, so again, many people will be left out in the cold with the results.

It might be more interesting if we had more choices, but right now the choices are shit IMO.
alright guys I’m going to start sending out PMs over the next few days to members that have posted here with interest in being part of the group. I think that discord or another chat platform would be beneficial to us, unless anyone can give me some reasons why not to, or another platform to communicate.. ideally like was mentioned by @Atlanta , we don’t really need to or want to have much cash in holdings, as soon as we have our 150 or 175 each time we choose a product and test it ( I imagine Jano can give us a receipt of some sort or a payment confirmation) we will vote on products to test, either stuff that one of us have, or products currently have or stuff that we selectively order from vendors.

Anyone else can post here or PM me, preferably post here even if you did PM, if you posted here showing interest and haven’t gotten a pm, I haven’t missed you, I just haven’t done it yet.

we will be appointing a “treasurer” if you will, someone to handle the group admission fees and to send payment off to Jano, our goal is testing products, and as so we shouldn’t be having to hold onto much money as when we reach the goal price per test we will be sending payment and voting a product. Everyone is equal in the group and products will be voted on by everyone with equal voting right.
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Testing is great. I just cant tell if this is beneficial to the closed group or the whole community.
Well I think I’m the case of dangerous, I.e tren that should be test, also if we know something is well underdosed I don’t know that it would be “against policy” to perhaps let people know that what they’re buying isn’t as it should be and encourage other members or even possibly in the process the seller to test, perhaps they are unaware as well (hopefully not, as they should be testing before brewing as well.)
I feel like we’re crossing a line and disrespecting Millard here. There’s not any other board where this discussion would be acceptable.

Someone just build it and invite a few trusted guys and come together and go from there
Millard is 100% okay with it, even in support of it, he posted above here somewhere yesterday, after your post a little.
You could also ask if Jano could generate a wallet solely for this, that way you wouldn't really need a 'treasurer'? Would be happy to donate to the cause to see more testing. Canada needs a @SkankHunt

My thoughts on this, I would be happy to reimburse a ‘group’ wallet with the costs of lab tests for any of my products to be blind tested.

This would have to be within reason, X amount of tests per month, something along those lines.


My thoughts on this, I would be happy to reimburse a ‘group’ wallet with the costs of lab tests for any of my products to be blind tested.

This would have to be within reason, X amount of tests per month, something along those lines.


Although this is great would you still be reimbursing the other members who privately send off for testing and do bloods? Because what you are offering here is to support private testing where the results won’t be shared with this community.
Although this is great would you still be reimbursing the other members who privately send off for testing and do bloods? Because what you are offering here is to support private testing where the results won’t be shared with this community.

Yes, i would support both. I have recently offered to reimburse some customers who wanted to do blind tests but didnt want store credit.

I fully support the testing of products, so whatever i can do to help I’m on board with.

Group testing like this doesn’t need store credit as the group isnt going to share my products between them with the credit, so it only seems correct to reimburse those costs.
Although this is great would you still be reimbursing the other members who privately send off for testing and do bloods? Because what you are offering here is to support private testing where the results won’t be shared with this community.
In my opinion, if a group test receives any reimboursement they should put the test lab public.
That is what we do.
Or else it is not fair with the community and does not help harm reduction for everyone.
On top of that it gives publicity to sources. Which will push others sources to join. At the end this cycle help everyone.
In my opinion, if a group test receives any reimboursement they should put the test lab public.
That is what we do.
Or else it is not fair with the community and does not help harm reduction for everyone.
On top of that it gives publicity to sources. Which will push others sources to join. At the end this cycle help everyone.
Yeah I was under the impression that's how it would be