Strive For Moreee

How much weight did you gain over the course? Youre going to cruise on test after?
I put on just about 18lbs. I will give exactly numbers Sunday for you guys. Post some final pics as well.

And yes. 200mg of test cyp for at least the next 6 months. I’ve also decided any blast from this point forward will be short esters and also 8-10 weeks. 16-20 is just too long for me. I feel I can still accomplish the same goal in a shorter amount of time and also in a bit healthier way not staying shut down for so long.
Pull Session #1

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
2 RP sets of 10-12 and 15-20

Chest Supported T Bar Row
4 sets of 6-12
70x12 — 90x11 — 115x7-6

HS High Row
4 sets of 6-12
180x12 — 230x8-7-7

Hyperextension Machine
3 sets of 15-20

Bent Over Rear Laterals
4 sets of 12-15
Rope Hammer Curls
4 sets of 12-15 reps
20x15/42.5x15 — 20x15/50x13
20x15/50x12 —20x15/42.5x12

Seated DB Curls
4 sets of 8-12
25’s x8–8 —— 20’s x8-8
Legs #1

Standing Hamstring Curls
sets of 12 each leg no rest pyramiding up in weight then back down
30x12 - 40x12 - 50x10 - 40x12 - 30x14

Smith Machine Squats
Pyramid up in sets of 6 to failure
135x12 — 185x6 — 225x6 — 275x6 — 315x4

Wide Stance Hack Squats
4 sets of 6-12
90x12 — 180x12 — 270x12
360x8 — 410x8

Pyramid up in sets of 8 to failure
85’s x8 — 95’s x8 — 110’s x8(strap broke)

Seated Calf Raises
4 sets of 10-15
Standing calf raises
4 sets of 12-20
I put on just about 18lbs. I will give exactly numbers Sunday for you guys. Post some final pics as well.

And yes. 200mg of test cyp for at least the next 6 months. I’ve also decided any blast from this point forward will be short esters and also 8-10 weeks. 16-20 is just too long for me. I feel I can still accomplish the same goal in a shorter amount of time and also in a bit healthier way not staying shut down for so long.
Hey props on those gains and a great log. Everything was very consistent and you look ripped brother.
Hey props on those gains and a great log. Everything was very consistent and you look ripped brother.
Thanks man I appreciate it. It’s been a struggling to really pack on some size. Been eating like a horse. Definitely made some decent changes. But it has been a lot harder than I suspected it would be.
Push #2
(shoulders and triceps focus)

Seated Smith Press
2 RP sets of 10-12 and 15-20

Weighted Dips
3 sets of 6-8
+70x7 — +70x6 — +70x6

Incline Machine Press
4 sets of 10-15

Flat Machine Press
3 sets of 10-15
Pec Deck or Cable Flys
3 sets of 10-15

Tricep Pushdowns
DB Side Laterals
3 rounds of 10-15 reps each

OH Extensions
3 sets of 10-15
60x15 — 80x15 — 80x15
Pull Session #2

Seated Cable Row
3 sets of 6-12
137.5x12 — 162.5x9 — 175x6

Neutral Grip Pulldowns
3 sets of 6-12
195x11 — 210x10 — 225x6

Standing TBar Row
3 sets of 6-12
115x10 — 135x7
145x5 drop 100x5 drop 55x6

Chest Supported Machine Row
3 sets of 6-12
200x8 — 200x8 — 212.5x7

Hammer Curls
Standing DB Curls
3 rounds of 8-12
40’s x10/30’s x8
35’s x8/25’s x8
30’s x8/20’s x9

Rope Hammer Curls
Cable Curls
2 rounds 12-20
(Don’t remember weights just focused on slow controlled reps with a 3 second ecc squeeze)
Legs #2

Seated Hamstring Curls
3 sets of 12-15
130x15 — 140x12 — 110x12

Leg Press
Work up in sets of 6 to failure
360x6 — 450x6 — 540x6
630x6 — 680x6

Hack Squats
3 sets of 6-12
270x12 — 320x8

Smith Machine SLDL
3 sets of 10-15
135x12 — 185x12 — 225x10

Leg Extensions
3 sets of 12-15

Standing Hamstring Curls
3 sets of 10-12 (no rest)
40x15/15 — 40x12/12 — 40x10/10

Rope Crunches
4 sets to failure
Thanks man I appreciate it. It’s been a struggling to really pack on some size. Been eating like a horse. Definitely made some decent changes. But it has been a lot harder than I suspected it would be.
Something Ive told myself and friends over the years. That limit, that wall of uneasy feelings, that threshold of discomfort, the mental physical barrier of self preservation, the improvements are just on the other side.
Something Ive told myself and friends over the years. That limit, that wall of uneasy feelings, that threshold of discomfort, the mental physical barrier of self preservation, the improvements are just on the other side.
It’s frustrating sometimes. I’ve put on a decent amount of weight but have had some close friends and even family say I’ve “skimmed down”. Which. I guess is good ? Converting bad weight to lean tissue I guess.
If your weight/strength is up and your getting comments like that Im sure youre going the right direction. Your face/neck probably looks leaner with additional muscle tisse, Your shoulders wider, waist smaller. Even without a significant decrease in bf I've got these comments on a cycle in the past. "Hey man, you loose weight?" Me "No, up 10 lbs" Friend " No way" Me, in my head " wtf? I'm on test w/o an AI? how the hell do I look smaller?"
Pull #1

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
4 sets 6-8
167.5x8 — 175x8 — 187.5x5 — 162.5x8

Chest Supported T Bar Row
4 sets of 6-10
~Neutral grip~
90x9 — 100x7
~Pronated grip~
100x8 — 105x7

HS High Row
3 sets of 6-10

Seated Row
3 sets of 6-10
162.5x7 — 150x8 — 137.5x7

Reverse Pec Deck
4 sets of 12-15

Rope Hammer Curls
4 sets of 12-15 reps
Standing DB Curls
4 sets of 8-12
30’s x12/20’s x8 — 25’s x10/15’s x8
20’s x12/20’s x8 — 20’s x12/15’s x 8
Legs #1

Standing Hamstring Curls
Pyramid up in sets of 10 until failure
30,40,50,60,50x10 each leg

Pyramid up in sets of 6 to failure
270, 360, 450, 540, 630x6

Wide Stance Hack Squats
4 sets of 6-10
320x10 — 360x6-6-6

Leg Extensions
(No rest back and forth with training partner )
4 sets of 12-15

Seated Calf Raises
3 sets of 10-12

Standing Calf Raises
4 sets of 12-15
Push #2

Seated Smith Press
4 sets of 6-8
185x6 — 155x7 — 145x8, 7

Weighted Dips
4 sets of 6-8
+90lbs x5
+70lbs x6, 6
+55lbs x7

Incline Machine Press
3 sets of 12-15

Flat Machine Press
3 sets of 12-15


Pec Deck
3 sets of 12-15

OH Rope Extensions
4 sets of 6-10
100x9 — 110x7, 6 — 100x7

DB Side Laterals
4 sets of 6-10
25’s x10 — 30’s x9 — 35’s x6 — 25’s x10

Today was a shoulder and tricep focused push day. Chest exercises were purely to get a good pump and focus on hard contractions so weight wasn’t tracked. Just used what felt good.

Next week is going to be a nice much needed deload week. Keeping weight at 65-70% and will probably not do a push pull legs split. Going to just go in and focus on a muscle group at a time and get an extra rest day in also.
Legs #2

Donkey Calf Raises
4 sets of 10-15
80x15 — 100x15 — 120x15 — 140x15

Seated Calf Raises
3 sets of 8-10
70x10 — 90x10 — 100x10

Seated Hamstring Curls
4 sets of 8-12
110x12 — 120x12 — 130x8-8

4 sets of 8
80’s x8 — 95’s x8-8-8

Leg extensions
3 sets of 20
100x20 — 112.5x20-20

Pendulum Squats
3 sets of 8-12
This week is a deload for me guys. May take next week as well as a deload. I’ve always done nothing but hypertrophy focused programs for the duration of my time lifting. I think during this long cruise I’m going to look into running a strength program. Still be able to pack on some size but ultimately I want to get strong. I believe strength and size go hand in hand and I also believe it will create some foreign stress for me during the cruise and come blast time 6 months from now I’ll be in a good position.
This week is a deload for me guys. May take next week as well as a deload. I’ve always done nothing but hypertrophy focused programs for the duration of my time lifting. I think during this long cruise I’m going to look into running a strength program. Still be able to pack on some size but ultimately I want to get strong. I believe strength and size go hand in hand and I also believe it will create some foreign stress for me during the cruise and come blast time 6 months from now I’ll be in a good position.
Great plan brother