SYN Pharma 2018 - Canadian Domestic only.

To be clear, you're knocking my brand because the Oxandrolone came back as Oxandrolone, and the Exemestane came back as Exemestane?

Please, young child, go away.
No If you can read it was Anavar tested and it came back as anadrol. and the armo came back as a pheromone my lord you blind and I find it really funny you can’t provide one single report of a HPLC testing when legit brands do that every single batch. What are you a rebrand of Pareto like oxygen?
A whole 6 messages you must be a fake account of his. Everyone in Canada knows these brands aren’t legit. Google syn pharma and you have at least 6 website of apparent real syn products. You think real labs are going to sell via a website? Did you not see what’s been happening with Pareto and being re labelled as oxygen? There’s reasons for this.
I know that during character creation you opted to max out mental illness but if you look at the FTIR results for the Syn Anavar you submitted you’ll see the detection of “Oxandrolone”. Oxandrolone is Anavar. Anadrol is oxymetholone.

Did you really just show up here hoping to assert FTIR results as king and fail to read them at all to begin with?
If you look up the one I got tested those aren’t the results. Can’t fix stupid I guess. I sent a link but here I’ll post the actual results since some of you can’t search properly
Post #21 on the linked thread you say don't use getyourdrugstested

You are saying to not use getyourdrugstested becuase HPLC tests elsewhere say that the products tested as a different compound and another as male sweat. But you're in my thread claiming that getyourdrugstested showed that one product came back as another compound and the other as male sweat.

So what is it? Where are these HPLC tests you claim to have? Where is this link that is backing up your lies? Why have you still not come forward showing proof of purchase?
A whole 6 messages you must be a fake account of his. Everyone in Canada knows these brands aren’t legit. Google syn pharma and you have at least 6 website of apparent real syn products. You think real labs are going to sell via a website? Did you not see what’s been happening with Pareto and being re labelled as oxygen? There’s reasons for this.
Can you give me some examples of real labs in Canada?
Dear valued clientele,

Please be advised that our last shipping day in the month of December will be on Monday, December 19th. We will resume shipping on Wednesday, January 4th.

To be clear, this means shipping will be non-existent for about 2 weeks after December 19th. There are no means of having anything shipping during this time. Please ensure your ducks are in a row prior to this hiatus as there are zero exceptions which can be accommodated.

Please feel free to toss us an email if you have any questions, concerns or inquiries pertaining to this time away.

Kind regards,
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Yep BC is also known as Midnight Kid the owner of SYN/Newport. Midnight left the board when he got threats towards his kid he said, turns out the guy doesn't have children, he's just a sociopath leading a band of idiots like oil mutant, pacman and Wod. He's got many enemies that's for sure. I'd have to disagree with you on him bashing Innovagen though, he will bash ANY lab that gets in his way, first chance he gets, just ask medistar after they bought it from him.
I knew something was up about CJM. So does this mean syn isn’t good to go? You think asking so many times they’d gladly post a HPLC testing result but still nothing. Seems they’re just going to be the next Pareto.
FTIR testing of tren e. Read the email, sent in 1ml, couldn’t find any amount of tren or any other aas in it. Again syn please provide Janoshik results or anything. If not you’re a fake and scammed not just me but everyone else.


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