The Basics of Ordering Bloodwork

I don't mean to butter you up or anything lol ,but I have seen alot of posts from you, and everyone of them is very benificail
Apparently thanks to wonderful NY state law getting bloods done is illegal, so the labs can't provide service to residents of NY :(. Any suggestions to get around this other than driving 4 hours away to another state and paying a bunch of tolls?
not sure Dblock but the site I use has a seperate way for ppl in NY,NJ and RI set up in their ordering. So there must be a difficulty there.

In most states they sell you the lab requisition for I think it was 24.00 plus the test fee
you take it to the lab and they do everything easy peasy

The way they get around it on the site is... They sell you the lab requisition for 24.00 then they email the order to you. You go to the lab and pay for the test there plus the 10.00 draw fee

they post your results online that you access through your login with the company

So about the only difference is one place (most states) you pay all fees up front, and NY,NJ, and RI they separate the fees. part goes to the website and the rest is paid at the lav
ok so I'm going to have bloods done next Tuesday precycle, so I know what my baselines are, per your notes in the beginning thread pasted below when doing tren it shows up as E2, is this actually estrogen, or a mimic of estrogen? and for purposes of keeping it in line how would I calculate using my adex, I'm intending to use .5mg every other day unless I get sides, so I'm assuming, since I don't know, that I would wait for sides and adjust, I have hcg that I will be running M W F on cycle, and clomid, nolva post 1 week after last pin of cyp, not sure of how much yet till I know how much tren I'm going to be able to do every week, I'm going to pin 500mg of cyp split Mon & thur I have plenty of all of it, this stuff puzzles me cause its the right way and I've never done it the right way, but learning quickly and I love learning meso is the place!! any help would be fantastic thanks

If your cycle does not include deca, tren, or similar 19-nors you can use a few different tests from privateMD. PrivateMD will often give false readings from blood containing tren or deca. The tren shows up as E2 and the deca shows up as grossly exagortated test level.
@Burrr The way you worded it, are you saying that the labsmd test does NOT result in exaggerated total test if you are running deca, unlike the privatemd?
That is correct. From everything I've read using the LC/MS method will not result in the deca being seen as test. All testosterone tests from labsmd are done LC/MS, with privatemd you have to upgrade to LC/MS

When using privatemd's basic female hormone most users would see on cycle results just come in at >1500 and not see the actual number. In a few southern states the labs will give an actual number, and if it's a deca cycle crazy high numbers like 15,000.

I have seen a tendency for blood work done on DEca/ test cycles to show great test numbers. I think that this is often not a case of highly dosed test, but of deca being actually test, or a blend of deca and test.
can't you just get free bloodwork done at your doctors if you have free health insurance cause you got rated to get the free medical care?

also what tests would you ask your (pre, during, post) doctor for if you were going to go this route? can you do it this way also?
That is correct. From everything I've read using the LC/MS method will not result in the deca being seen as test. All testosterone tests from labsmd are done LC/MS, with privatemd you have to upgrade to LC/MS

When using privatemd's basic female hormone most users would see on cycle results just come in at >1500 and not see the actual number. In a few southern states the labs will give an actual number, and if it's a deca cycle crazy high numbers like 15,000.

I have seen a tendency for blood work done on DEca/ test cycles to show great test numbers. I think that this is often not a case of highly dosed test, but of deca being actually test, or a blend of deca and test.

All right cool, I just wanted to be 100% on what I was reading. This is my first turn on deca, so I had never heard that it PMD might give 'false positives', and Im due for mid-cycle bloods.
It might be an interesting experiment if somebody (not me but somebody with actual disposable income!) got one from each and compared the results. I wonder if it could be used as a data-point to somehow help determine the potency of the deca?
Thanks for clearing it up.
What tests do you guys recommend for getting lipids? Also I read that you should get free and total test taken. The female hormone panel doesn't include free test. Is it really necessary to get free test done?