The Basics of Ordering Bloodwork

Where I am from you can get a lot of that stuff free from family doc if you know how to talk politely and be friendly with your doc. Most docs want to be respected and to be thanked. Some tests I have to pay out of my pocket, but I still save a lot.
why avoid getting labs done with your primary? Am I missing something?
I would assume that most people prefer to remain anonymous. They might even lie to their Primary Doctor about steroid use. I told mine, and he gave me a stern verbal lashing. With my Primary Doctor, I only go in once or twice a year to get blood work. On a cycle, it's probably nice to go more frequently than that.

If you get an anonymous lab report online, your Health Care Provider is less likely to see the charges on your insurance. That would probably be the only one you would want to avoid. Health Insurance gets rich by denying claims, not by paying out. So they might look into why there are so many blood labs.
Very good information, now I need to research what all of the tests do and what’s important with each one regarding my health. The more I read here, the more questions I have and find that someone has asked it.
about to start my first cycle and looking to do my blood work through Jason‘s health as it seems to be the cheapest option I’ve found.


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If anyone is chasing blood work in Australia you can get a referral online at it's cost $20 just make sure you pick the correct type of test. Then you take that in to the pathologist and get blood taken done. Results get emailed to you. There's other online sites that do the same thing. You don't have to see a dr and pay a consult fee etc and it's cheap to do so no reason you shouldn't be doing it.
Did you end up using these guys? The prices seem pretty good.
Hey sorry forgot to get back to you. I did bloodwork through Jason’s health. There good. They had caps on testosterone. But other than that it’s great. You don’t even need to make an appointment to see them. You pay for your test on line then go to nearest quest diagnostics for the blood draw. It takes 5-10minuges then your out the door. It took about 2 days to receive my results
I got my bloods done 2 weeks ago and everything has came back except my testosterone levels. Estrogen took a little longer too but has anyone else had this experience with quest?
Ultra sensitive and LC/MS test take a while to process.
i just had an e2 lc/ms ultra sensitive test through discounted labs with quest as lab and in record time 4 day results, i was surprised as it usually takes quest 7+ days for that particular test result,,
Which blood panel is recommended now? I was unsuccessful in finding the ones in the first post, and I didn't see any replies here about the updated websites.