The transformation thread

Alot of great transformation on here,good job guys.
Here is my transformation.
Started at 311lbs in 2011 now im at 220lbs today and feeling awesome. Still not where i want to be but still going strong.
Awesome job man! Just keep killing it and you'll get to where you want
Alot of great transformation on here,good job guys.
Here is my transformation.
Started at 311lbs in 2011 now im at 220lbs today and feeling awesome. Still not where i want to be but still going strong.
Wow!!! That is an impressive long term commitment. That's inspirational brother. You definitely made some major lifestyle changes. Gold star for you.
Looking brother. When you making another log

Thanks Rob. Idk man I've been running EQ and its gonna be a long one...24 weeks, this next week will be week 11. Getting blood draw and starting a tren run Tuesday, hopefully for the rest of the cycle :D, and gonna order some TB-500 for my elbow and shoulder. Maybe when I get the TB-500 I'll start a log about it.
Thanks Rob. Idk man I've been running EQ and its gonna be a long one...24 weeks, this next week will be week 11. Getting blood draw and starting a tren run Tuesday, hopefully for the rest of the cycle :D, and gonna order some TB-500 for my elbow and shoulder. Maybe when I get the TB-500 I'll start a log about it.
I'd follow along man. Your last log was awesome brother
Thank you Ogh. Still having problems with that damn coffee filter brewing my Tren.
What issues are you having? You can PM me if you like. As you can see by my temporary avi I have been busy today and am right there with ya. Its about that time of year. By the way, looking monster brother!
Thanks seven and Mcfc. Recomp played a big role and still is. My weight has stayed mostly the same for the past month but I can see and feel (measure) differences.