Thoughts on Dropsets


I recently just started throwing drop sets randomly into my workout and I like it, I get an awsome pump. Usually I work 3 sets to failure with a weight I can do 6reps of but no more then 10. All I've done is train fast twitch muscle fibers and I believe by throwing in these dropsets I'll get into breaking muscle fibers down that I dont usually deal with. Im hoping that by doing this I'll see some nice strength gains.
Example: one set of hammer curls 10reps with 60lbs. next set was 10reps with 65lbs. Then I said fuck it did 10 on 60lbs and then worked my way down the rack to 35lbs doing 5reps each weight pausing maybe 5-10secs between. The pump was insane
Drop sets were a gateway to size gains early on in my training, still one of my favorite techniques 5 years later. Especially for bi's ;) work the rack baby!
Drop sets are a great way to mix things up. I usually do at least one drop set per workout.
Also like super setting at least 2 lifts per workout as well.
Drop sets. Tear and recruit as many muscle fibres as possible. Don't skip your meals or your rest if you do lots of them, as it's easier to over train. I was doin drop sets for my back today with almost every exercise.
Yeap.. I pyramid up ( giving 1-2minutes break between set) using TUT- going up to 90% of my 1RM-then I pyramid down (15-30 second break between set) going until failure on each set.. love it!
Bumping this cause I ducking love drop sets.

So I love them so much I started doing 10 sets of ten drop sets to finish my workouts.

Decided I loved those so much this week I just started doing drops sets of 10 until fatigue untill I can lift it anymore and then I drop the weight. I keep doing that untill I run out of weight and I'm just incline benching the bar.

I have to admit twords the end I feel like I look like a little bitch giving everything I got just to incline bench the fucking bar. But I ain't here to show, I'm here to grow muthafuckers!

Give it a try next time guys, crazy pump.
I think they're great.

But as with all high intensity techniques, use them sparingly.

Use them too much and a few things can happen.

1 you hurt your ability to recover the muscles you're using for the drop set
2 it's easier to over-train you're entire body
3 don't use for the same body part every workout or the drop set technique won't work as effectively due to your muscles adapting

Remember. Even if we're growing, we might still be doing too much volume. I'm a firm believer of doing as little as possible to stimulate growth. The less we can do to stimulate growth, the faster we'll recover and .... grow. Drop sets add a lot of volume.
Bumping this cause I ducking love drop sets.

So I love them so much I started doing 10 sets of ten drop sets to finish my workouts.

Decided I loved those so much this week I just started doing drops sets of 10 until fatigue untill I can lift it anymore and then I drop the weight. I keep doing that untill I run out of weight and I'm just incline benching the bar.

I've actually been doing this myself but I start on incline for 3 sets, then 3sets flat, and then 3 sets decline.
Seth set. From Seth feroce. Drop the weight in half from prior working set but do at least double the reps of prior working set.