Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

He’s alright by me ...I have to be on my toes here can’t joke around so I get a little serious and texts/words can come across harsh....killem with kindness
Can really tell you are alert and ready for anything. Only a real badass can text and check apps on their phone while preparing to tear someone’s ass up.
It’s all good bro. @MisterSuperGod is all good. I’ve been rolling with him for a while. Sometimes ttext are hard to interpret.
Look you Bunch of dummies .. I like Mr. God (like a whole lot )
and everybody else
and I just trying to survive through the night without a beer bottle over my head or some crazy shit .. i’m not the best I’m just willing to go to the front of the line
Look you Bunch of dummies .. I like Mr. God (like a whole lot )
and everybody else
and I just trying to survive through the night without a beer bottle over my head or some crazy shit .. i’m not the best I’m just willing to go to the front of the line
Look I’m about 5 drinks deep. WTF are you talking about. Elementary style please
Ok here is one that I’m not embarrassed about at all. Matter of fact it’s part of my legacy now. I used to blare this song before every mission.

If that song doesn’t move you to tears you have no warrior blood.

People like you are the kind of people I love to just sit and listen to stories while sipping on some alcohol. So much fucking wisdom. Not calling you old but it reminds me of chilling on a rocking chair with my grandpa.
People like you are the kind of people I love to just sit and listen to stories while sipping on some alcohol. So much fucking wisdom. Not calling you old but it reminds me of chilling on a rocking chair with my grandpa.
I’m getting up there and I take no offense, Father Time catches us all.
In an organization that demands you follow the rules I did things differently as much as I could. We weren’t allowed to fly American flags because we weren’t supposed to be “invaders”. So I flew Gadsend(Don’t tread on me)from the antenna of my radio. If I had a dollar for everytime I got told to take it down:D
I’m getting up there and I take no offense, Father Time catches us all.
In an organization that demands you follow the rules I did things differently as much as I could. We weren’t allowed to fly American flags because we weren’t supposed to be “invaders”. So I flew Gadsend(Don’t tread on me)from the antenna of my radio. If I had a dollar for everytime I got told to take it down:D
Please tell us more. Fucking love it.
Please tell us more. Fucking love it.
This one might get the animal lovers pissed off but fuck them right where they shit :eek:

During the invasion of Iraq we commandeered a donkey to carry our assault packs, Six man infantry scout team. This donkey was a champ, we even named him Donkey. We painted him tan and green :p Carried the load for a few weeks until some raghead shot him. The dude that shot him was in an apartment building and I called in close air support(Apache) they fired two rockets, Donkey went out in style.
He sucks at fighting but is willing to go get his ass kicked as a bouncer by being the first to react.
As runon would say
“gotycha, word up
I see why u mean
I try to as well
Never know what is might going to happen”
and there you go !!! A bad fight just broke out and every female and bartender started my way ..HELP HELP I say “ladies easy does it ;let me RUNON and help ..
then lots of love and girls coming up on me like I’m a fucking hero ... when really you guys are the hero’s ..
With all the free therapy I get : ))
This one might get the animal lovers pissed off but fuck them right where they shit :eek:

During the invasion of Iraq we commandeered a donkey to carry our assault packs, Six man infantry scout team. This donkey was a champ, we even named him Donkey. We painted him tan and green :p Carried the load for a few weeks until some raghead shot him. The dude that shot him was in an apartment building and I called in close air support(Apache) they fired two rockets, Donkey went out in style.
The donkey on his way out was heard quoting Kurt Russel - “you tell them i’m coming....AND HELL’S COMING WITH ME.”

And fuck those animal loving tree huggers.
and there you go !!! A bad fight just broke out and every female and bartender started my way ..HELP HELP I say “ladies easy does it ;let me RUNON and help ..
then lots of love and girls coming up on me like I’m a fucking hero ... when really you guys are the hero’s ..
With all the free therapy I get : ))
That trensomnia got you buggin’ tf out. You better start pinning that tren blend ED and not E4D.

