Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Man i don't know. Just trying to help the guy out. My first thought was his other brand was bunk or under dosed. Said he was gonna "take it to the thread" since I'm an asshole (i told him i wasn't opening the pic attached because i thought it was a pic of his acne).
Let’s see him bring it to the thread. It’s on!
Same way, it gives me a sort of placebo effect for my day. Just boosts my mood all-around. Switching to pinning ED tomorrow for this exact reason. Let's see if I feel the same way in 6 weeks lol
I do mine before bed and I get up feeling powerful and meaner then normal :) I loved pinning the Tren ED.
Digging this TPP/NPP combo right now and sadly my cycle is over soon.
I do mine before bed and I get up feeling powerful and meaner then normal :) I loved pinning the Tren ED.
Digging this TPP/NPP combo right now and sadly my cycle is over soon.
Don't start Tren until tomorrow. However, thursday of last week I had to piss superrrr bad and walked into a dothead store. I was being polite so i grabbed a drink and asked if they had a bathroom. He said "yes sir the key is over there." I was trying to finish paying as he said it, and this douchewad behind me waiting in line hears him and walks over, grabs the key and goes to the bathroom. I had the strongest urge to peg him in the back of the head with the bottle and just walk out. Little fucker had me sooooooooooo mad for no reason lmfao.
Don't start Tren until tomorrow. However, thursday of last week I had to piss superrrr bad and walked into a dothead store. I was being polite so i grabbed a drink and asked if they had a bathroom. He said "yes sir the key is over there." I was trying to finish paying as he said it, and this douchewad behind me waiting in line hears him and walks over, grabs the key and goes to the bathroom. I had the strongest urge to peg him in the back of the head with the bottle and just walk out. Little fucker had me sooooooooooo mad for no reason lmfao.
Careful man Tren is Hate in a bottle. Part of the reason I cut my run short.
What’s up doggie. I need to let you know, I bought 10 bottles test e batch 7 back in January. I’ve been using it for my trt dose not cycling. After a week and a half to 2 weeks, my wife noticed my back was broken out. I went back on a different brand for a few weeks and the acne cleared up. To keep it scientific, I went back on tgi and the acne came back. I will not be using your stuff anymore. I can only imagine what would happen if I blasted with it. What could causing this problem?

You guys have any idea for this customer?
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Tren Court is in session. All Rise!
Careful man Tren is Hate in a bottle. Part of the reason I cut my run short.
Thanks man, I'm usually a very easy-going guy as long as you don't fuck with me or my family, so I'm hoping it is something I can keep in my cycles.

Although I did have to deal with some fucks on a plane I took home for spring break. My gf was sitting on the edge (i had the window seat), and when we were all getting off like 5 people just walked right past her without letting her up. So I said very loudly to the general public "I know somebody is gonna fucking stop and let us out", "dont get me hot on this motherfucker", gf immediately got red faced and rushed off the plane hahaha. I died laughing, because i wasn't angry at all just letting them know they weren't just going to make us wait for everyone to get off.
Surprisingly I had no bad outbursts on tren I got kicked off a job site 2 years ago on a test only cycle for telling the safety guy o was going to break every bone in his face and make a necklace out of his teeth. Came to work the next day 2 detectives were there waiting for me lol
Thanks man, I'm usually a very easy-going guy as long as you don't fuck with me or my family, so I'm hoping it is something I can keep in my cycles.

Although I did have to deal with some fucks on a plane I took home for spring break. My gf was sitting on the edge (i had the window seat), and when we were all getting off like 5 people just walked right past her without letting her up. So I said very loudly to the general public "I know somebody is gonna fucking stop and let us out", "dont get me hot on this motherfucker", gf immediately got red faced and rushed off the plane hahaha. I died laughing, because i wasn't angry at all just letting them know they weren't just going to make us wait for everyone to get off.
I hear you, I’m very polite and courteous until someone is rude to me. One of my pet peeves is if I’m holding the door open for someone and they don’t say thank you, I’ll come unglued lol.
Surprisingly I had no bad outbursts on tren I got kicked off a job site 2 years ago on a test only cycle for telling the safety guy o was going to break every bone in his face and make a necklace out of his teeth. Came to work the next day 2 detectives were there waiting for me lol
HAHAHAH, I love it. Law enforcement and government is just there to protect those who left to their own devices would not make it in the real world.
What's the overall consensus on this source? I'm new here and looking but there's A LOT to read through here. ...
I give him 8/10 also. He talks about himself a lot at dinner. Sometimes I just wanna talk about me. You know the kind.
I hear you, I’m very polite and courteous until someone is rude to me. One of my pet peeves is if I’m holding the door open for someone and they don’t say thank you, I’ll come unglued lol.
That or if someone looks at you when you are right behind them and they just let the door slam in your face. Makes me want to grab them by the collar, walk them back to the door and force them to hold that bitch open.