Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So he ran your test E for almost 2 weeks and broke out. Then decided to switch for another 2 weeks and they magically disappeared? That’s funny because after 2 weeks of yours then on 2 of the other. yours is still in his system along with the other one now. Idiot
I have a better one. On blast almost zero acne at all. 125 a week trt fucking breaking out on my chest and shoulders. Wtf?
I never break out in acne and I sure af hope this cycle doesn’t prove to be the exception. I get oily skin and get some pimples on my nose, but that’s the extent.
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This is the other gear that causes him no acne. I don't know what brand it is.

As others have stated it’s way out of date. How could a person on TRT for at least five years (assuming they purchased new) not know that acne is a standard side of test and actually a sign that the product is viable? Probably had two more years on it to account for shelf life.

Also, when I first started TRT the first side I noticed was acne...on pharma Test.

Red warning lights on this one.
Well he stopped communicating with me so i guess he got his acne problem solved.

TGI, another #satisfiedcustomer
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Gents, I just finished a mild 4 week npp/test blast. I am getting back on a test/deca cycle in June. I have a bunch of Var and was thinking about bridging between now and then with my trt dose of cyp.
I have not used Var before so just looking for some thoughts. If I use 50mg/day will it be of benefit or should I just hold off till June?
Thanks fuckers. Fuck balco, hi Amber.
Gents, I just finished a mild 4 week npp/test blast. I am getting back on a test/deca cycle in June. I have a bunch of Var and was thinking about bridging between now and then with my trt dose of cyp.
I have not used Var before so just looking for some thoughts. If I use 50mg/day will it be of benefit or should I just hold off till June?
Thanks fuckers. Fuck balco, hi Amber.
If you're going to blast and cruise then blast and cruise. Otherwise, just pct and come off completely.