Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Gents, I just finished a mild 4 week npp/test blast. I am getting back on a test/deca cycle in June. I have a bunch of Var and was thinking about bridging between now and then with my trt dose of cyp.
I have not used Var before so just looking for some thoughts. If I use 50mg/day will it be of benefit or should I just hold off till June?
Thanks fuckers. Fuck balco, hi Amber.
According to Bill Roberts: Anavar is quite effective at only 75 mg/day, or even 50.
Gents, I just finished a mild 4 week npp/test blast. I am getting back on a test/deca cycle in June. I have a bunch of Var and was thinking about bridging between now and then with my trt dose of cyp.
I have not used Var before so just looking for some thoughts. If I use 50mg/day will it be of benefit or should I just hold off till June?
Thanks fuckers. Fuck balco, hi Amber.
There has been a vast amount of support for running orals at the ass end of a cycle to outrun myostatin (spelling?). Just a tip i picked up from @Roger rabbit
Well he stopped communicating with me so i guess he got his acne problem solved.

TGI, another #satisfiedcustomer

When he said TRT I figured US pharma which is always my reference for bloods. Easy conclusion is fluctuating hormone levels due to SOMEONE's product not being dosed right. Since that looks like old untested shit and yours is tested (self and independent) it is highly likely to be his old expired supply was misdosed from the beginning. Dude needs to get bloods and see what levels he has on each.

Got an email. Apparently my test caused somebody to get acne. At trt dose. User noted his other gear did not cause this.

I’m needing a refund because I’ve been keeping up with your thread and that lead me to @Kim and now I have to deal with spontaneous erections from all of the selfies I’ve gotten. Then I’ve used up all of my cellular data sending dick pics so now I don’t know if she’s trying to text me back to let me know if she liked them or not. So I’m thinking I deserve a refund for sexual frustrations...
I’m needing a refund because I’ve been keeping up with your thread and that lead me to @Kim and now I have to deal with spintaneous erections from all of the selfies I’ve gotten. Then I’ve used up all of my cellular data sending dick pics so now I don’t know if she’s trying to text me back to let me know if she liked them or not. So I’m thinking I deserve a refund for sexual frustrations...
Weird I have the same problem :eek:
I’m needing a refund because I’ve been keeping up with your thread and that lead me to @Kim and now I have to deal with spintaneous erections from all of the selfies I’ve gotten. Then I’ve used up all of my cellular data sending dick pics so now I don’t know if she’s trying to text me back to let me know if she liked them or not. So I’m thinking I deserve a refund for sexual frustrations...
I did double btc refunds already. You missed the signup sheet? I posted it in the lobby by the elevator.