Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Did we decide a breed yet? Partial to Dobermans and Rotties and mastiffs
I have a French bulldog that went with ex. There were two actually. One died that my son loved more than anything. One of the saddest days. To see him not being able to breathe... He was poisoned by a toad and died in my son’s arms on the way to the emergency vet clinic. I wear a dog tag daily that is a symbol of my love for him.
Did we decide a breed yet? Partial to Dobermans and Rotties and mastiffs
Iceman I had a doberman that literally had champ in every slot of his pedigree .. it was a female and great for breeding but
every time somebody came to the door she pissed everywhere .. I couldn’t take it she was gone!!!
so I found a Doberman breed that came from Middleburg Virginia and that Breed came from Germany .. and I named her Heidi that was the most awesome dog I’ve ever had in my life
I had 10 acres and when I came home that dog would scout the whole property and come stand strong in front of me let me know everything is fine
I have a French bulldog that went with ex. There were two actually. One died that my son loved more than anything. One of the saddest days. To see him not being able to breathe... He was poisoned by a toad and died in my son’s arms on the way to the emergency vet clinic. I wear a dog tag daily that is a symbol of my love for him.

Sad as hell. Dogs are family Very sorry for you and your son.
I have a French bulldog that went with ex. There were two actually. One died that my son loved more than anything. One of the saddest days. To see him not being able to breathe... He was poisoned by a toad and died in my son’s arms on the way to the emergency vet clinic. I wear a dog tag daily that is a symbol of my love for him.

Fuck, I just thought you didnt want me choking you.... My bad boo
Iceman I had a doberman that literally had champ in every slot of his pedigree .. it was a female and great for breeding but
every time somebody came to the door she pissed everywhere .. I couldn’t take it she was gone!!!
so I found a Doberman breed that came from Middleburg Virginia and that Breed came from Germany .. and I named her Heidi that was the most awesome dog I’ve ever had in my life
I had 10 acres and when I came home that dog would scout the whole property and come stand strong in front of me let me know everything is fine

Yeah my doberman is pretty good. Shes a shrimp tho. My next Dobbie will be a german giant, I want the all black with very very little brown.
Don't start Tren until tomorrow. However, thursday of last week I had to piss superrrr bad and walked into a dothead store. I was being polite so i grabbed a drink and asked if they had a bathroom. He said "yes sir the key is over there." I was trying to finish paying as he said it, and this douchewad behind me waiting in line hears him and walks over, grabs the key and goes to the bathroom. I had the strongest urge to peg him in the back of the head with the bottle and just walk out. Little fucker had me sooooooooooo mad for no reason lmfao.
Im like that on a couple hundred mg of test. Maybe tren isn’t safe for worf
Amber’s here to take care of the retard with expired test!
She’s baaaack!!!
Surprisingly I had no bad outbursts on tren I got kicked off a job site 2 years ago on a test only cycle for telling the safety guy o was going to break every bone in his face and make a necklace out of his teeth. Came to work the next day 2 detectives were there waiting for me lol
freedom of speech is dead
Hey I’ve got an idea. Let’s inject something into our body from the place that has the number 1 and number 2 most pulleted river in the world

Sounds great lol
they have rivers there? I thought that was the above ground sewage system
According to Bill Roberts: Anavar is quite effective at only 75 mg/day, or even 50.
i get decent pumps and a bit of strength even at 25 a day
If you got her pregnant I'm gonna laugh my ass off dude.
Wait I thought you were kim? Im confused
Look I WILL settle it !!! Your gear is as fresh as it gets. (Point blank) the RAWS are tested pretty fucking close to pure .. if he doesn’t get acne and he is obviously acne prone from another product it’s because it’s weak or it’s bunk bullshit .. either he wants the real deal or he doesn’t
dont believe everything you see on the Internet
nothing ships till tomorrow but you can order anytime. I'm serious. If you don't name that cooter turd after my label i will ignore you.

My team of legal associates (Dewey, Cheetum, & Howe) will be in contact until a resolution is agreed upon.
cooter turd, lol. Stealing that
Best way to battle the appetite suppressant side from anadrol. Love them and running in upcoming meet prep cycle but they kill my appetite.
What did Odie do?

I think the question is more of what he didn’t do. Behind the scenes sales, multiple handles where he actually held convos with himself. One was even a woman that was supposedly infatuated with him. And then began a fake thread about @GearGodess to try and discredit her
Man i don't know. Just trying to help the guy out. My first thought was his other brand was bunk or under dosed. Said he was gonna "take it to the thread" since I'm an asshole (i told him i wasn't opening the pic attached because i thought it was a pic of his acne).
Been on your cyp since November. Blast and cruise. No acne. Pip though, but only last 2 days because of the accidental harpoon injection incident.