Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I don’t typically, just for some reason the way drol does me is I physically do not feel hungry. So trying to force feed through that is worse than trying to force feed while full to me. Any other time 30-45 mins after a meal I’m ready to eat again. I guess I will just have to smoke more herb before meals to help if it becomes an issue.
Is it that you feel toxic, or just don't feel hungry?
I guess being a bigger boy I was blessed with the ability to binge eat constantly with no prob lol. As in eat even when I wasn't hungry just because

I wish I had that problem. Even with eating surplus it had for me to gain. I stay lean naturally. But bulking is hard for me. And I’m powerlifting that is a huge curse. Makes me just want to go back and focus on classic physique or something lol.
Some people get “toxic” from too much or certain types of AAS and they will get physically sick from food.

I don’t get sick when I do it but just imagine the hardest force feed you have to do and that’s how I feel all day. I won’t add the drol in for a while but I will keep you updated. Hoping the npp and a little herb do the trick

Try heating your oil up before you inject. I usually just run hot water from the faucet and place the vial into it (not cover the top)

Also, how fast are you injecting?
Actually, I have yet to get PIP or TC from any compound and had wondered if heating the oils and mixing them with others if that reduced the chances of the PIP or TC.

I inject it relatively slow actually.
I would say at 400 a week NPP, you’ll be hungry. I don’t have a huge personal experience with anadrol

Pick up some winstrol and do 3 days off 3 days on. Maybe it’ll help keep your Appetite up
I would say at 400 a week NPP, you’ll be hungry. I don’t have a huge personal experience with anadrol

Pick up some winstrol and do 3 days off 3 days on. Maybe it’ll help keep your Appetite up
Would stay away from winny as a powerlifter. Maybe anavar or something?
GG was active before you were around. She has a ton of experience and knowledge about AAS use by women.

She is a good sport and a friend but she isn't putting up with what @Kim does.
Every once in awhile I get perturbed, but for the most part I enjoy this drama more than any other drama. I enjoy the people here on the tgi thread.
GG was active before you were around. She has a ton of experience and knowledge about AAS use by women.

She is a good sport and a friend but she isn't putting up with what @Kim does.
Plus she is famous...so there is that

Every once in awhile I get perturbed, but for the most part enjoy this drama than any other drama. I enjoy the people here on the tgi thread.
missed Jake in the quote. There goes my joke. Fml.
Actually, I have yet to get PIP or TC from any compound and had wondered if heating the oils and mixing them with others if that reduced the chances of the PIP or TC.

I inject it relatively slow actually.
Warming up the oils has basically removed any and all PIP for me. I used to get the little lump build ups that would hurt a little a day or two after. Now I feel like the oil spreads out much better and doesnt clump up so to speak once it is inside the muscle.
I would say at 400 a week NPP, you’ll be hungry. I don’t have a huge personal experience with anadrol

Pick up some winstrol and do 3 days off 3 days on. Maybe it’ll help keep your Appetite up

Never ran winstrol, how does it do for strength. And run it on top of the drol or alternate?
What I was thinking never touched winstrol but heard it’ll make your joints hate everything. How high a dose of var? And run on top of drol or alternate?
Will let someone more experience speak up about the var dosages but can speak personally about steering away from the winny. I didn't listen to the people saying to stay away from it last cycle I ran. I'm not saying it was the sole factor, but I tore the fuck out of my MCL during my 3rd week of winny lol. So whether it actually was the cause, idc, I won't ever reccommend it to anyone who lifts heavy.
Will let someone more experience speak up about the var dosages but can speak personally about steering away from the winny. I didn't listen to the people saying to stay away from it last cycle I ran. I'm not saying it was the sole factor, but I tore the fuck out of my MCL during my 3rd week of winny lol. So whether it actually was the cause, idc, I won't ever reccommend it to anyone who lifts heavy.

Never heard of good coming from winstrol and heavy lifting either. Hate to hear that man. Hope you are bouncing back well. I’m just worried the var will not benefit me as well strength wise as the drol. But if I’m able to eat better that may level it all out. I will give it a go and see. Always another meet prep after this if it doesn’t work well.