Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I think the question is more of what he didn’t do. Behind the scenes sales, multiple handles where he actually held convos with himself. One was even a woman that was supposedly infatuated with him. And then began a fake thread about @GearGodess to try and discredit her
That was a world wide web shit show across several boards... he was/is a world's biggest psycho! I don't think anyone will forget that or ever top it! Lol
Question for those who have had the dreaded Tren cough: are you pinning the Tren by itself or in the barrel with something else?

For those who get PIP from Test P - same question.
Test and npp. Gonna add tren and drol last 4 weeks. So be a while until I run the drol. Just want to be prepared. Allegedly.
Can do like @iceman440 said and run some EQ but the NPP should make you hungry too. I’m using it right now and I’m starving. I used Anadrol wayyyyy back in the day once so I don’t remember how or if it even suppressed my appetite.
Can do like @iceman440 said and run some EQ but the NPP should make you hungry too. I’m using it right now and I’m starving. I used Anadrol wayyyyy back in the day once so I don’t remember how or if it even suppressed my appetite.

I’m hoping the npp does the trick. I love anadrol man, but last time I ran it, it killed my appetite. That’s the last thing I want or need especially peaking for a meet.
Question for those who have had the dreaded Tren cough: are you pinning the Tren by itself or in the barrel with something else?

For those who get PIP from Test P - same question.

Luckily never had tren cough.

With prop I usually heat the oil well, mix it with whatever else I’m running. PIP is reduceda bit but I’ve always had a little no matter what. Also laying in a heating pad after if you are able helps some.
I’m hoping the npp does the trick. I love anadrol man, but last time I ran it, it killed my appetite. That’s the last thing I want or need especially peaking for a meet.

What dosage is your NPP at. You might just be able to increase it a little

Try heating your oil up before you inject. I usually just run hot water from the faucet and place the vial into it (not cover the top)

Also, how fast are you injecting?
Question for those who have had the dreaded Tren cough: are you pinning the Tren by itself or in the barrel with something else?

For those who get PIP from Test P - same question.

I was pinning it by its self at first then I mixed with the test and it didn’t go away but it was better with the test i think it slowed it down for me
What dosage is your NPP at. You might just be able to increase it a little

525/wk the highest I’ve ran. Just started this week. I’m gonna throw the drol in at 50 a day then 100 a day the last two weeks and run tren at 225-300 the last 4 weeks just to get that extra push for the meet. I’m hoping this being the highest I’ve ran npp it’ll save my appetite like y’all are saying. Previously the highest I ran was around 400-450 a week.
525/wk the highest I’ve ran. Just started this week. I’m gonna throw the drol in at 50 a day then 100 a day the last two weeks and run tren at 225-300 the last 4 weeks just to get that extra push for the meet. I’m hoping this being the highest I’ve ran npp it’ll save my appetite like y’all are saying. Previously the highest I ran was around 400-450 a week.
just curious why you need an appetite to eat?
just curious why you need an appetite to eat?

I don’t typically, just for some reason the way drol does me is I physically do not feel hungry. So trying to force feed through that is worse than trying to force feed while full to me. Any other time 30-45 mins after a meal I’m ready to eat again. I guess I will just have to smoke more herb before meals to help if it becomes an issue.