Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Never heard of good coming from winstrol and heavy lifting either. Hate to hear that man. Hope you are bouncing back well. I’m just worried the var will not benefit me as well strength wise as the drol. But if I’m able to eat better that may level it all out. I will give it a go and see. Always another meet prep after this if it doesn’t work well.
Why not Dbol? If you don't have an issue with weight like it seems you should be able to eat Dbol leading into the meet and just do a slight water cut the night before if needed.

Also thanks for the kind words bud. All is good, knee is 120% and my lifts are back to where they were before the injury.
Orals scared me more than oils. The only 2 I messed with is car and dbols loves the dbols but var is by far my favorite oral
t4 doesn't actually raise your metabolism tho? Honestly I think you should just try out DNP

As far as t4 dosages, I am not sure of
Why would you recommend DNP to this guy. Can you stop talking like you have all the answers please. The sheer fact that you’ve been reading this kids post and think it’s a good idea to recommend that shows how little you actually know about PEDs and specificly this. WHAT MESO IS ALL ABOUT.
Thanks man, still see good strength from var?
I did this about 6 weeks ago. I only did 300 test e a week with 2 orals for 5 weeks. Loved it. Good lean gains and my liver check was done last week and it came back normal. Pretty impressed.
No book here... i’ve been playing for probably 25 years and somethings I’m still learning ..I was just curious about T-4 and all my cycles are mass gains minus dball and anadrol but occasionally ..I stay cut and look like Mighty mouse..I’m not the biggest just eye candy for the ladies is my only goal
You’ve been doing this shit for 25 years. Didn’t you ask the other day what NPP was.
Why not Dbol? If you don't have an issue with weight like it seems you should be able to eat Dbol leading into the meet and just do a slight water cut the night before if needed.

Also thanks for the kind words bud. All is good, knee is 120% and my lifts are back to where they were before the injury.

That’s awesome brother. Glad to hear it’s going well. And I haven’t ran dbol in a long time. Don’t remember the strength from dbol being that great. Looking for halo, if I can get that. Run it the last three weeks with dbol I’d opt for that.
That’s awesome brother. Glad to hear it’s going well. And I haven’t ran dbol in a long time. Don’t remember the strength from dbol being that great. Looking for halo, if I can get that. Run it the last three weeks with dbol I’d opt for that.
I dropped the DBol I was running after 12 days so can't speak much on the strength from it, and I was coming back from an injury. Halo is a fucking monster though. I take 20mg 2x a week on my heavy days.
After 16,000 post of being behind I’m finally caught up! This thread never fails to make me read every post and it never disappoints lol. ;)

Ok so first I didn’t see what the pitter patter means and I’ve also been wondering wtf?? @ONDRUN clear this shit up! Lol o_O

Second, the acne “problem” is the customers problem not TGIs! If he has any doubts about the gear then send it in for testing, we’ll be waiting for the results :rolleyes:. BS all around!
It takes a lot to start sourcing here, then when ‘established’ you gotta put up with dumbasses and stupidity? Idky anyone would wanna do it lol! You have got to have love for this shit @TitaniumGear (TGI) !! My hat is off to you in that regard! :)

Lastly, weekends are way too short! Been enjoying these March Madness games though! My team is in the sweet 16! Woohoo! :D
I dropped the DBol I was running after 12 days so can't speak much on the strength from it, and I was coming back from an injury. Halo is a fucking monster though. I take 20mg 2x a week on my heavy days.

I’d definitely like to run it my last three weeks and then take 10mg before each flight day of meet.
You’ve been doing this shit for 25 years. Didn’t you ask the other day what NPP was.
AND????????? Do you have a question you’d like to ask ...There are a thousand wonderful ways to come across using words....
why are you choosing the ones you are
Never ran winstrol, how does it do for strength. And run it on top of the drol or alternate?
I got strong quick with inj winstrol. The pip was terrible and joints hurt bad after just a few weeks. I had to cut the winny at week 5 to let the lumps dissipate
I did this about 6 weeks ago. I only did 300 test e a week with 2 orals for 5 weeks. Loved it. Good lean gains and my liver check was done last week and it came back normal. Pretty impressed.
sounds like the orals didn’t hurt you at all
You’ve been doing this shit for 25 years. Didn’t you ask the other day what NPP was.
don’t take him for anything more than comedy relief or it’ll make your head hurt
AND????????? Do you have a question you’d like to ask ...There are a thousand wonderful ways to come across using words....
why are you choosing the ones you are
Are you mentally handicapped is a pretty universal question we are all dying to ask. Serious question, no troll. No disrespect.
Why would you recommend DNP to this guy. Can you stop talking like you have all the answers please. The sheer fact that you’ve been reading this kids post and think it’s a good idea to recommend that shows how little you actually know about PEDs and specificly this. WHAT MESO IS ALL ABOUT.

Please go back and read the following 10 post by me after that one before you quote me