Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Because at even 200mg you see fantastic results. Much more than t3. If you see results at a low dosage, you are much more likely to keep it low

I was generally nervous with t3 that people will start stacking the dosage higher to get a quicker result
I was almost thinking of having a conversation about this with you but this reply says enough. You have completely missed the point I was trying to make. You’re making a mistake.
But the issue is, you can shoot 5g if Test in your ass and be fine. Take 2g if DNP after seeing progress on 500mg and you die.

First issue, I dont even know why he wanted either. He said he wanted t3, so I thought he was after fat loss.

Most people cant handle the sides of DNP for that long or even at 500. And the progress is amazing. I assumed if someone is having good results as a certain dosage, no need to bump it up. IMO people are more likey to increase dosage if they are not seeing results
I was almost thinking of having a conversation about this with you but this reply says enough. You have completely missed the point I was trying to make. You’re making a mistake.

Trust me, I understand where you guys are coming from. After he said he did not need to lose weight, t-bag told him he does not need anything, and he said ok.

I felt like it was good to leave it at that
T3 and T4 are both thyroid hormones. T3 is much more potent than T4. T4 actually converts to T3. So basically, simply put, for every 400mcg of T4, is 100mcg T3. The ratio is actually something along the 1:4.221When using T3, given your natural levels are typically between 15-30mcg naturally, you're able to use T3 up to 100mcg, and yes it's recommended to taper up and gradually taper down to adjust back to your own. T4 converts to T3. Yes, it raises your metabolism, body temperature, it helps with fat loss. Speeds up your thyroid function.

DNP is a totally different beast. Not sure how or why you're comparing the two. T3/T4 are hormones, DNP is an accidental discovery of chemicals that allowed people working around it, increase their body temperatures in dangerous levels. It's being used for quick fat loss but with many risks. DNP isn't something to play with if you're not willing to respect and educate yourself about the drug and its effects or even long term risks. You both sound as if you need to research more about it and are not ready to dabble in it without hurting yourself as the end result.
It sucks for me because I can’t squat or deadlift due to my injuries. I get pissed watching the powerlifters at my gym.
I can imagine. I’m still young so I’ve always taken pride in squatting deep and deadlifting without straps. However I have always used sleeves and wrist wraps on squats. Time to get rid of them lmao
I can imagine. I’m still young so I’ve always taken pride in squatting deep and deadlifting without straps. However I have always used sleeves and wrist wraps on squats. Time to get rid of them lmao
I’d keep using them, not worth the risk of injury and being down for months just to look even more badass.
My back goes out all the time and it’s always a week out at least.
I’d keep using them, not worth the risk of injury and being down for months just to look even more badass.
My back goes out all the time and it’s always a week out at least.
Oh don’t worry I won’t pretend to be as badass as that man. I like my comfort while being in discomfort.
this blast I’m going to be hitting legs twice a week. I’ve got a guy who said he can “train” me around the discomfort I have with squats and dead lifts
this blast I’m going to be hitting legs twice a week. I’ve got a guy who said he can “train” me around the discomfort I have with squats and dead lifts
You don’t normally hit each body part twice a week ?

I do “heavy” days monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. With Thursday and Sunday off. Friday and Saturday are rep days.
You don’t normally hit each body part twice a week ?

I do “heavy” days monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. With Thursday and Sunday off. Friday and Saturday are rep days.

Not really. I am doing 5x5 during my cruise right now, and I don’t like having to substitute squats lol
Not really. I am doing 5x5 during my cruise right now, and I don’t like having to substitute squats lol
Should switch it up every now and then. I try a new exercise every week depending what I’m working. I have chest tomorrow and got a new cable finisher I want to try.
Heavy chest, light Triceps.
Oh lord ....straighten him out....I get his point ,in an away ,he is absolutely correct
but he is coming across
like I’m a Darilek and that when you’re dealing with A Darilek it’s best not to engage .. well to me I have my opinion but I’ll leave that to myself
Your thoughts are appreciated
because you’re correct people are going to do it anyway
T3 and T4 are both thyroid hormones. T3 is much more potent than T4. T4 actually converts to T3. So basically, simply put, for every 400mcg of T4, is 100mcg T3. The ratio is actually something along the 1:4.221When using T3, given your natural levels are typically between 15-30mcg naturally, you're able to use T3 up to 100mcg, and yes it's recommended to taper up and gradually taper down to adjust back to your own. T4 converts to T3. Yes, it raises your metabolism, body temperature, it helps with fat loss. Speeds up your thyroid function.

DNP is a totally different beast. Not sure how or why you're comparing the two. T3/T4 are hormones, DNP is an accidental discovery of chemicals that allowed people working around it, increase their body temperatures in dangerous levels. It's being used for quick fat loss but with many risks. DNP isn't something to play with if you're not willing to respect and educate yourself about the drug and its effects or even long term risks. You both sound as if you need to research more about it and are not ready to dabble in it without hurting yourself as the end result.

So many knowledgeable people on meso really appreciate it thank you
Squats are beyond golden...

I don't think you'll regret hitting legs twice a week
Deadlifts either
Prioritizing lower body over upper body has the potential to yield more gainzzzz
I really toned down my leg exercise I used to power lift and do competitions in high school also squat and dead lift and it really killed my knees and in my line of work it’s hard for me to go hard on my legs and get up and work the next day walking in steel. So I’m currently only using machines right now mainly for knee reasons. It sucks because I know how much legs really shape your entire body as a hell. I hit chest always twice a week though because that’s my weakest point I been experimenting as well with doing one day heavy weight one day light weight lot of reps. Also I’ll somestimes do a second work out before I go out on weekends to get a quick pump anyone else do that lol
Squats are beyond golden...

I don't think you'll regret hitting legs twice a week
Deadlifts either
Prioritizing lower body over upper body has the potential to yield more gainzzzz

My bench always feels at least 20% stronger when my squat and deadlift are being hit nicely. When I avoid squatting (like when I was injured) there is just something lacking. Albeit I use a ton of leg drive in my bench, but still.
Should switch it up every now and then. I try a new exercise every week depending what I’m working. I have chest tomorrow and got a new cable finisher I want to try.
Heavy chest, light Triceps.

Well I will usually do like
Flat bb
Incline dB For 2 weeks, then I switch it.

My gym is limited lol